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Showing 2 results for Political Economy

Hassan Afrakhteh, Mohammad Hajipur, Farhad Javan,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

The oil has gradually obtained a predominant place in national economy since 1950 and nowadays, is the main important resource securing country financial needs. Two questions are the base of this research regarding contradiction of oil rent and traditional economic sectors including agriculture and livestock rearing which always have been intensified. These two questions are as follows: what are the impacts of oil wealth distribution among different regions on Iran's rural economic structure? What has been the locational-spatial consequences of this oil wealth distribution on agricultural sector as a main element of Iran's rural economic structure? Research required data have collected based on document study on the country during 2006- 2011. Collected data are analyzed based on Shift-Share Analysis and Gibbs- Martin methods. Result show that there have not been any incentive in the local, regional and national management for strengthening rural economic structure using oil wealth. In addition, absence of industrial sector in rural economic structure with emphasis on agricultural sector both from policy making view and credit securing show that there have not been any logical sight on the political economic system facing rural space economy for development. 

Mr. Mosayeb Gharehbeygi, Dr. Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, Dr. Marjan Badiee Azandahi, Dr. Yashar Zakki, Dr. Abbas Rajabifard,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Along with different states Economic policies in post-revolutionary Iran, have followed more or less the same path; in such a way that today, important parts of Iran's economy are trying to reproduce a non-competitive and non-preferential environment. Therefore, it is necessary to study the mechanisms governing the Iranian economy due to the decline in economic indicators. In this regard, the present study, using the method of discourse analysis and using semi-structured interviews, first explores and extracts the most important issues related to the current political economy of Iran and then, using the paradigm model has developed an appropriate strategy for the optimal management of the economy. The results show that the most important categories related to the current defective economy are the spatial distribution of power, the rentier state, and the underdevelopment of the social sector, the Dutch disease, sanctions, as well as epistemological ignorance and methods. Cognition of international political economy. Among these, the two factors of space nationality in Iran and the state's reliance on non-productive resources have caused states in Iran to become anti-geographic. In addition, the proposed strategy for the optimal management of Iran's political economy in the framework of the actor-network theory is to construct a central category of the social economy network, which by creating a balance and exchange between the concepts of society, economy and state, it leads Iran's political economy to spatial fluidity and a production-competitive economy.

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