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Showing 2 results for Makran

Zahra Hedjazizadeh, Aras Khosravi, Seyed Asaad Hosseini, Alireza Rahimi, Ali Reza Karbalaee Doree,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

One of the most important energy sources in the world is solar energy, which is a renewable resource and does not cause any damage to the environment. Which all of these features justify using it as a clean energy source and economically viable cost.. Due to the relatively large area of the Iran in low latitudes and relatively dry climatic conditions, in terms of solar energy utilization it uses excellent conditions. Solar power plants are considered as power generation and transmission networks whose is important that the location features of their construction sites are effective in reducing the risk of investing in solar energy. In this study, using geographic information system and fuzzy valuation method for the criteria and method of weighing (AHP), was considered the potential of the Kavir & desert region and Makran coast for the purpose of obtaining energy from the sun. For this purpose, were used the 14 criteria related to the climatic, infrastructural, and technical and physical conditions of the area. In order to overlap the fuzzy layers were used the usual operators, Gamma, Product and also the Sum Weighted Overlay operator to compare and present the appropriate result. Each of the operators has a different sensitivity to the fuzzy overlap of the layers. For this reason, was considered the Gamma 0.9 operator, due to the high sensitivity for building power plants with high electrical power generation and the Sum Weighted Overlay operator, for the construction of smaller capacity plants. In the overlay map, using the Gamma 0.9 operator, about 2%, and in the overlay map with the weighted operator, about 33% of the study areas were found to be very suitable for the construction of solar power plants.

D.r Badil Sancholi, Maryam Karimian Bostani, D.r Masoumeh Hafez Rezazadeh,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

 The establishment of new cities and settlements and the development of economic and industrial activities on the shores of Makran, is inevitable, and since the creation and development of new cities has been one of the policies in land management in recent decades, planning and designing a new city in Regional development orientation of this region is essential. Therefore, in this regard, the purpose of the present study is the analysis of planning approaches and design of the new city of Tis in order to develop the region of Makran beaches. The present study is applied in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. Theoretical studies were collected using documentary method, and research data and information were collected using interviews and questionnaires. The statistical population of the study includes specialists, administrators, university professors and experts. Using purposive sampling method, 183 experts were determined as the sample size. To analyze the variables and approaches of the research, first using the method of interviews and interactive discussions with experts and specialists as a statistical sample of the research, each of the planning approaches of new cities was examined. Also, descriptive tests, Spearman correlation test and hierarchical analysis model were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the exit of the region from deprivation and vulnerability, creating a scientific and educational hub in the region, and designing a new and smart city to create a sustainable city have been the most important approaches explaining the planning and design of the new city. Also, there is a significant and positive relationship between planning approaches and design of the new city of Tis and the development of Makran beaches, and among these, the investment variable in Makran beaches has the highest relationship with regional development in the study area

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