Showing 66 results for Iran
Dr. Mahmoud Dehghan, Dr. Ataalah Abdi, Dr. Afshin Mottaghi, Dr. Mirhadi Hosseini,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
In geopolitics literature, small and low-endowment states that compound lesser geopolitical potentiality and weight are considered as the trivial scale agents in comparison with the first and second level powers. These agents, in spite of the local geopolitical codes but sometimes can effect on the regional and even global events of geopolitics. The Caucasian region, historically, have had a field for appearance and exposition of sub-khans that their overall actions and agencies effected the events of the region and due to its cultural proximities to Iran, have effected in Iran’s geopolitical functions in national scale. The present paper with descriptive-analytical method, have studied historical role of the local agencies in geopolitical events of the Caucasia and their impression on the great scale events. Secondly, the paper has studied the quality of the chosen countries of the region in current circumstances of the global system. Results indicate that the Caucasian countries act according to their historical legacy as a small-scale agents among the great scale actors.
Fardin Kooshki, Hamidreza Varesi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
از مسائل مهم حاکم بر مدیریت و برنامهریزی شهرهای ما، نگرش فرم محور است؛ یعنی می خواهند مسائل شهرها را عمدتاً از طریق تغییرات کالبدی حل کنند و در مطالعات خود بر ویژگی های فیزیکی تاکید دارند. در مقابل این نگرش، دیدگاه فرایند محور قرار دارد که سعی می کند فرایندها را بیشتر مورد تحلیل قرار دهد زیرا این فرایندها هستند که فرم ها را به وجود می آورند. هدف پژوهش این است که بر روی فرایندها و علل در محلات تاریخی شهر اصفهان تاکید شود و نگرش فرایند محور به عنوان حلقه مفقوده برنامهریزی شهرهای ما مورد توجه ویژه خواهد بود. پژوهش حاضر به روش ترکیبی انجام شده است تا از این طریق از مزایای هر دو روش کیفی و کمی بهره گیریم. در روش تحقیق کیفی، داده ها از روشهای مصاحبه، مشاهده و مطالعات کتابخانه ای جمعآوری شده است و در روش تحقیق کمی از آزمون تی تک نمونهای استفاده شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد فرایندهای جغرافیایی موثر در شکل گیری فرمها در محلات تاریخی شهر اصفهان عبارتند از: «وجود حیاط مرکزی در مساکن»، «امکان ارتباط با عناصر طبیعی مانند درخت، آب و نور طبیعی»، «امکان تماشای آیات الهی مانند آسمان، خورشید، ماه و ستارگان»، «اهمیت منابع آبی مانند زاینده رود، قنات و مادی ها در آفرینش فضاها»، «هماهنگی با اقلیم گرم و خشک»، «اهمیت باغ های خصوصی و خانگی» و «رعایت حریم عناصر طبیعی مانند حریم چاه، قنات، مادی و غیره». از میان فرایندهای مورد مطالعه نیز «اهمیت منابع آبی مانند زاینده رود، قنات و مادی ها در آفرینش فضاها» با میانگین 4 بیشترین میانگین را به خود اختصاص داده و مهم ترین فرایند موثر در شکل گیری فرم ها در محلات تاریخی شهر اصفهان می باشد.
Salman Kazemian Souraki , Fereshteh Nasrollahi, Amin Deilami Moazzi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
Shia political Islam, centered around Iran, is a complex and dynamic phenomenon that has undergone numerous transformations in recent decades. Understanding the future trends of this intellectual and political movement is of great importance to analysts, politicians, and the general public. This article employs a futures studies approach to examine the trends of Shia political Islam within Iran's political geography. This foresight approach allows us to look beyond the current situation and outline various scenarios for the future of politics and society in Iran. The methodology of this research is descriptive-analytical, utilizing library and documentary sources, including qualitative and quantitative analysis of historical data, expert interviews, and content analysis of media and religious texts. The research findings indicate that Shia political Islam in Iran's geography is undergoing a period of transformation, influenced by various factors such as demographic changes, social and economic developments, and geopolitical shifts. Several potential scenarios for the future of Shia political Islam in Iran's political geography are presented, including: the Continuity Scenario, the Reform Scenario, the Radicalism Scenario, and the Secularism Scenario. Considering these scenarios, the analysis of probable trends and events in the scenarios, and political and security developments with a view to challenges and opportunities in the Middle East region, the Islamic Republic of Iran, adhering to the Continuity Scenario along with the Reform Scenario, aims to strengthen republicanism (religious democracy) while emphasizing the preservation of independence and indigenous Islamic identity in the region, and to have a more prominent presence in the Middle East.
Hassan Kamran Dastjerdi, Ali Akbar Razavi Hosseinabad, Kyomarth Yazdanpanah,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
The country of Iran, with its geopolitical foundations, which is influenced by its geography, has always been the focus of the countries of the world, especially the world powers, throughout history. The use of this capacity and conditions for the economic prosperity of the country depended on the ability of the statesmen and the type and structure of the government systems in formulating foreign policy, and how effective they were in changing the social environment and the way of economic livelihood of the people. In a fundamental and theoretical way, this thesis has analyzed the formulation and presentation of the national strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on its geopolitical characteristics.
The results of this research show that the spirit that governs it according to the structure it entails (statehood), is economic regardless of geographical and geopolitical infrastructure, and this field of foreign policy has not only failed to achieve success, but is also passive. And it has become introspective and stopped from being effective and dynamic. While looking at Iran's geopolitical and geographical foundations, we find that its geopolitical position does not have a global effect and is not below the regional level.
Firooz Mojarad, Razieh Kheiri, Zahra Noorisameleh,
Volume 14, Issue 35 (3-2015)
Iran's Potential for the occurrence of drought at various severities illuminates the need to examine this phenomenon with new indexes. The major deficiency of the current indexes is that they cannot monitor the droughts in daily scale. Effective Drought Index (EDI) overcomes this defect. The goal of this study is to analyze the frequency of daily droughts by EDI in 43 synoptic stations in a 30-year period. Accordingly, the frequency of daily droughts in the stations was calculated by EDI during the seasons and the year. Then the stations were divided into five groups using cluster analysis based on total frequency of mild to most severe droughts (categories 1 to 4), and frequency patterns in each group were examined. The results showed that the most severe droughts have not happened in the stations except for Gorgan, Zanjan and Torbat-Heydariyeh. In contrast, the frequencies of mild, moderate and severe droughts, all being equal, are much more than most severe droughts, and their frequencies are almost equal. In 56 percent of the days, a variety of droughts (mild to most severe) has occurred in the whole country. Based on the output maps, frequency distribution of droughts in the country does not follow a certain geographical pattern, so it could be cocluded that all types of droughts have happened in all regions of the country. However, maximum total frequency of daily droughts (mild to most severe) is observed in the east and center parts. The decrease in the EDI values over time shows the tendency of the most stations towards drought.
Arash Malekian, Mahro Dehbozorgi, Amir Hoshang Ehsani,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)
Drought is one of the most destructive natural disasters in human societies that cause irreparable impacts on agriculture, environment, society and economics. So, awareness of occurrence of droughts can be effective in reducing losses. In this study, in order to modeling and forecasting drought severity in a 37 year time period (1971-2007) in 21 meteorological stations, located in the cold semi-arid region of north-west Iran, artificial neural networks was used. The input data was annual rainfall data and annual drought precipitation index for all stations that 80% of the data (1971-2000) used for training the network and other 20% (2001-2007) used for testing it and in the next step drought severity predicted for the years 2008 to 2012 by the trained algorithm without using actual and existed data in this period. The appropriate structure for the network, based on Multi Layer Perceptron with three hidden layer, Back Propagation algorithm, Sigmoid transfer function and 10 neurons in middle layer. The results show that the artificial neural networks are well able to predict the non-linear relationship between rainfall and drought as it can simulate drought precipitation index values largely consistent with the real values with more than 97% regression and less than 5% error. So, drought can be predicted by this method in future and also it is useful in water resources management, drought management and climate change.
Yosouf Ghavidel Rahimi, Manochehr Farajzadeh, Mehdi Alijahan,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)
Global warming and the meaningful relationship between temperature and precipitation changes over different areas of the earth with temperature increment of the earth, are considered as the most important patterns of this century’s climate changes. Today, there is debate over climate change and global temperatures increasing. Damaging effects of this phenomenon on the planet is one of the most challenging issues in global scale. Because of this, the research ahead is done for the detection of global warming on maximum temperatures, monthly and periodic (hot and cold) as well. For this study, two groups of data, temperature data of 17 synoptic stations and corresponding amounts of data in global temperature anomalies were figured out over 60 years period of time (1951 to 2010). Goals, the Pearson correlation method for detecting relationships between data's, linear and polynomial regression for trend analysis time series data , To illustrate the correlation between the spatial distribution of temperature data with global warming stations nationwide Geostatistical model Finally, non-parametric test for detecting significant temperature change Man - Kendall were used. According to the results impact of global warming on the maximum temperature in the cold months like January, December and November should be much lower, and the highest in spring and summer season in the southern stations such as Abadan, Ahwaz and Shiraz seen. The above process is also evident in periods of hot and cold temperatures and the influence of the stations temperature of the warm period of global warming were higher than cold period and represent an increase in the temperature of the warm period of years. In between, the number of stations as well as Anzali, Urmia and Khorramabad stations in some months had the opposite influence of global warming and seen drop in the maximum temperatures of them. It is also observed in the results obtained from the analysis period. Station's maximum temperature trend change is represents significant in the summer month. Changes trend in the months of July, August and September, is significant that the process is more pronounced in the southern stations. Significant analysis trend changes have been taken in periods (cold and hot) in studied stations indicative of its significance in warm period.
Majid Vazifedoust, Nima Fayaz, Shahab Araghinejad,
Volume 15, Issue 37 (9-2015)
Variation of snow cover area (SCA) in small to large scale catchment can be studied using MODIS snow products on daily to montly time step since the year 2000. However, one of the major problems in applying the MODIS snow products is cloud obscuration which limits the utilization of these products. In the current study, variation of SCA was investigated in Karoun basin, western part of Iran, using MODIS 8-day snow cover product (MOD10A2). More over in order to overcome the cloud barrier in application of snow cover products, a simultaneous employment of the images from both MODIS optical sensor and AMSR-E microwave sensor was recommended. Meeting our target, the combination of MODIS and AMSR-E daily images was exercised to accomplish snow cover area in daily interval and afterwards, a comparison was made between the result and those which had been obtained by the sole utilization of either of them while the weather had been either cloudy and not been overcast. Validation of snow cover gained by combined images was additionally compared with the discharge of one of the catchments existing in Karoun basin. The results demonstrate that regardless of the fact that microwave data, featuring a coarse spatial resolution, can penetrate the cloud cover, on average, AMSR-E images approximately show 16% more snow cover in comparison to MODIS images. The results also illustrate that the correlation existing between snow cover rate of AMSR-E and MODIS images during cloudless days, the difference of average snow cover area decreases from 16% to 5%. Moreover, the upshot of validation by the exercise of daily discharge data indicates that by possessing a correlation coefficient of 0.66, the correlation of snow cover and discharge in combined images features a higher accuracy in comparison to MODIS images with a correlation coefficient of 0.55.
Faramarz Khoshakhlagh, Mohammad Amin Heydary,
Volume 15, Issue 37 (9-2015)
Climate control centers in each area are diverse and understanding how they relate to the atmospheric components of the Earth's surface contribute to prediction of climate fluctuations. In this study, by using Pearson's correlation and multivariate regression in a thirty-year period (1961-2010), the relationship between widespread rainfall anomalies in entire of Iran west with temperature and pressure of atmospheric centers in East and West of Mediterranean Sea in 5 atmospheric levels (SLP, 850, 500 and 300 Hpa) were analyzed and modeled. Based on the results, the correlation of atmospheric control centers in the East and West Mediterranean Sea with anomalies of rainfall in West of Iran is inverse and meaningful in 95% level. In this study, statistical indicators such as temperature differences and standardized pressure between West and East Mediterranean sea were identified as the most important indicators in relation to changes of rainfall in the study area. Based on the designed indicators, whenever indicators DT and DH is positive, this means higher temperature and higher atmospheric standardized pressure in the Western parts of Mediterranean sea in compare with its East and therefore the wet spells (Monthly) occur in the study area, and If the above mentioned index is negative, means that the occurrence of drought in West Iran. As for the indicators introduced for lower levels of the atmosphere, especially in the case of temperature, meaningful strong and direct correlation is seen with rainfall abnormalities in entire West of Iran. Modeling provided some indicator for Mediterranean region using multivariate regression that they showed a relatively strong correlation in this regard of the selected components that include the pressure difference in sea level, the temperature difference in 925 and 850 hPa level in the West (Compared to its East) Mediterranean sea. Also check the regression model using real data confirm the accuracy of the relative performance of the model.
Arash Shrbi, Soheyla Beygi,
Volume 16, Issue 40 (3-2016)
Morphotectonic is one of the new reconition methods of tectonic movements and earthquakes knowledge. Study and measurement of landscapes and forms which made by active tectonics are important objects in morphology science. Active tectonic movements have recorded in the morphology of rivers, drainages, alluvial fans and mountain fronts in a region. Research area is located between 55° 30' -57° 00' E and 32° 00' -33° 00' N in Central Iran structural zone. In this paper, we have studied geological map of Abdoughi and processed satellite images, digital elevation model (DEM), geomorphic and morphotectonic indices along the main faults. Also tectonic activities were measured in this area. The results of mountain- front sinuosity (Smf), ratio of valley-floor width to valley height (Vf) and ratio of valley width to valley height (V) indicate respectively: 1/15, 0/94 and 9/88 values. The displacement of the rivers, alluvial fans and triangular facets indicate tectonic activity during Quaternary along the faults. The morphotectonic evidences and seismicity data show which Abdoughi area is an active region.
Yousouf Ghavidel Rahimi, Manochehr Farajzadeh Asl, Solmaz Motalebizad,
Volume 16, Issue 40 (3-2016)
This study tries to identify, classify, and analyze synoptic cold wave in North West region of Iran. This study applies standardized (z scores) index of Minimum Temperature in the period of such cold waves were classified based on the intensity of occurance. Out of occured cold wave in North West of the coldest identified wave pertaingt each class for synoptic analyzes were selected. This study suggests that the prevailing pressure pattern during the relevant wave indicates high pressure over the earth surface as well as deep trough in upper layer. From the continuing cold standpoint, the role of changing position from pavallel wind in to meridional corresponel to blocking is very offective. Blocking in turn leads to reduction in speed of cold air masses which are originating from higher latitude. They were assouclated with cold waves. More precipitation as so ciated with higher latitude as well as low speed flows will lead to strong and continious waves.
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Volume 16, Issue 42 (9-2016)
An AO is an example of teleconnection pattern in the northern hemisphere’s winter. In this study, the effect of AO on the monthly minimum temperatures in the North-East region of Iran is investigated. The required statistics, including statistics monthly minimum temperatures for 17 synoptic stations of the under study area was provided from Iran Meteorological Organization’s (IRMO). Pearson correlation analysis as the main method used in this study Show an inverse relationship between minimum temperatures and most selected stations and AO index.The results of this study shows that there is a significant relationship between the AO teleconnection pattern and minimum temperatures of north-east of Iran during the cold season of the year. This shows decrease of temperature in positive phase of the AO and rise of temperature is negative phase. In terms of time correlation coefficients were calculated showed a significant negative correlation between the temperature of stations and the AO Among the studied stations, the relationship between the minimum and average monthly temperatures in Birjand and Bojnoord station more than other stations, affected by the AO pattern, has been fluctuated and significant correlation coefficients between the minimum and average temperature of Birjand and Bojnoord Stations with AO has been calculated. The effect of Arctic oscillation on mean temperature of the studied area, north-east of Iran, during the three months, January to march, and ,two months, January to February, is very distinctive against any other periods of time.
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Volume 16, Issue 42 (9-2016)
In Iran the issue of occurring natural disasters, particularly mesoscale convective systems. They are important on one hand, because of their increasing intimidations and causing damages and on the other hand, because of their increasing abundance, time of duration, and happening. Therefore life cycle, constituton condition and mesoscale convective systems features in west of Iran using satellite and extention area index and thresholds of brightness temperature 221 and 243 K have been studied. After their statistic analysis, based on mesoscale convective system importance, life and daily cycle, behavior parameters, and synoptic conditions of this system life cycle were analysed. Most of the systems have been formed in southeastern Iraq and in western Zagros hillsides. Wile puberty stages (the maturity) and their expandings were increased with the height increase; in turn, declining of the systems began by passing Zagros chain mountains. The system extention area at the system life cycle starting increases with a smooth process; whereas the reduction process of the system extention area at the declining stage was severe and sudden.
Kamal Omidvar, Reza Ebrahimi, Mohammad Kykhsrvy Kayani, Ghasem Lkzashkoor,
Volume 16, Issue 43 (12-2016)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of global warming on where the slope changes when the monthly temperature in Iranian territory over the coming decades (2050-2015). The simulated temperature dynamic model EH5OM subset Hybrid Models atmospheric circulations (GCM) selection and data model of the Center for Theoretical Physics Salam (Italy) were derived from emission scenarios A1B scenario was chosen given the scenario of 2100 -2001 found that from 2050 to 2015 were used in this study data is then output the data in the fourth edition of the regional climate model (RegCM4) Linux environment was fine scale output data Downscaling model with dimensions of 27/0 * 27 / Degrees latitude is where the dimensions of 30 x 30 km area of approximately cover the average temperature of the matrix deals 13140 2140 * was extracted. Finally, the slope of the average monthly temperature during the period under study by Mann-Kendall slope age and matrix computation in MATLAB software 13140 * 12 respectively. Results show rising temperatures in March and April to June, more than 90% of the country, that it will be spring's warmer. Increasing the temperature in the winter months and spring mountainous parts of the western half of the country is warming the cold regions of Iran. Temperature negative trend in October and November in the northern part of the eastern half of the region's countries could be indicative of colder temperatures in the northern West.
Dr. Morad Kavianirad, Dr Yadollah Karimi Pour, Dr. Hedayat Fahmi, Mr. Sadegh Karami,
Volume 17, Issue 46 (9-2017)
Efforts to provide security have always been of great importance to human being. In recent decades, the security issues of climate change have attracted attentions due to its sustainable consequences on the lives and civilization of humans. Among all countries, the ones which are placed in draught belt, like our country Iran, have hurt a lot because of low precipitations and also mismanagements in water resources control. Climate change show itself by changes in precipitation patterns, reduction of precipitation and increasing of temperature. According to the present data, Iran's central drainage basin which consists of important geopolitical provinces, has been affected by the above mentioned factors. This descriptive-analytic research is carried out based on the effects of climate change on Iran's central basin which provides approximately 48 percent of Iran’s GDP. Continuity of climate changes in this region can make critical problems in social, environmental, economic and political scales and the lives of the citizens would be affected as well. To conclude, the persistence of the current conditions in climate change in the central drainage basin of Iran, would result in challenges through the national stability and security.
Dr Zahra Hejazizadeh, Mr Meysam Toulabi Nejad, Mr Alireza Rahimi, Mrs Nasrin Bazmi, Mrs Atefeh Bosak,
Volume 17, Issue 47 (12-2017)
The aim of this study is modeling spatiotemporal variations of albedo. This study was conducted using simultaneous effects of several components, such as wetness of surface layer of soil, cloudiness, topography and vegetation density (NDVI), using MEERA2 model with a resolution of 50 in 50 km during 2000-2010 in Iran. The results of spatial analysis of albedo values in Iran showed that the highest value is in 44 to 45 degrees of east longitude about 2.8 to 3.3 and the lowest value of albedo is also in 52 to 53 degrees of east longitude, that is, the eastern slopes of the Zagros Mountains, have been recorded at 1 to 1.5 units. In terms of provincial rank, the largest albedo is about 0.25 units in Ilam province and the Fars province is ranked next about 0.24 units. The lowest amount of albedo also in the Gilan provinces and in next Mazandaran province are about 0.19 and 0.18 respectively. In addition, the results of temporal analysis in seasonal scale showed that the highest albedo in Iran in winter was 0.26 and its lowest amount was recorded in spring with 0.23 units. In general, according to the factors used, it can be said that the western and central parts of the country have a highest albedo, and the north and northwest regions of the country have a lowest albedo.
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Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)
In the current disorderly world, securing benefits and achieving optimal security for countries alone is very difficult and unavoidable. Uniting with other countries and powers is a way to advance national goals and provide benefits, and bring more guarantees for countries to survive, advance, develop and peace. The factors and conditions that lead to the unification of the countries have been a lot of controversy and debate and have been analyzed from a variety of perspectives. Although geographic proximity and geographical similarity seem to be the prelude to creating unity between countries, the Iranian-Iraqi model in the Middle East is challenging this claim. Except for a few days in the early 20th century, the two countries were in conflict with the majority of the century, even an eight-year-old war between them. So the main question of this research is how geopolitical factors contribute to the unification of countries, and what are these factors and components in the strategic relationship between Iran and Iraq? This research is descriptive and based on library and document data. The results of the study show that the components of the internal environment (economic, socio-cultural components, geographic and political components, security and geopolitics), the regional external environment and, ultimately, the global environment have affected the quality and quantity of the strategic linkage of Baghdad-Tehran. The strategic link between the two countries is a function of the accompaniment and positive function of the triangle, which itself is based on more complex components.
Fatemeh Ghiasabadi Farahani, Faramarz Khoshakhlagh, Aliakbar Shamsipour, Ghasem Azizi, Ebrahim Fattahi,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)
The present research about the spatial changes of precipitation is mainly focused on western areas of Iran. Precipitation data for three seasons of fall, winter, and spring have been obtained from Esafzari Database, with 15*15 km spatial resolution in the form of a Lambert Cone Image System for the period from 1986 to 2015. To examine the prevailing pattern of precipitation in west of Iran, we have used geostatistical methods of spatial autocorrelation. The changes in precipitation trends have been analyzed using parametric and non-parametric analyses of regression and Mann Kendal. We have used MATLAB for analysis of the data. We have also used ArcGIS and Surfer for drawing maps. The results of inter-decade changes of positive spatial autocorrelation of precipitation in west of Iran have indicated that there has been a decline in spatial extent of the positive spatial autocorrelation pattern in spring and fall, except for winter with a negligible increasing trend. Nevertheless, except for the second period, no considerable spatial changes were observed in the spatial pattern of precipitation in the region. However, there was a decreasing trend in the negative spatial autocorrelation of precipitation in annual and seasonal scales. The results of trend analysis have indicated that there was a decreasing trend in a vast area of the west parts of the country in annual scale and also in winter. Although there was an increasing trend in precipitation in fall and spring, but the trend was not significant in 95 % of confidence interval. The results of Man Kendal test have confirmed the results obtained from linear regression.
Fakhri Sadat Fateminia, Behrouz Sobhani, Seyed Abolfazl Masoodian,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)
This study was performed to evaluate the extent of leaf area in Iran from (2002) to (2016) using Remote sensing. For this purpose, we extracted data collection and leaf area index for the Iranian territory from MODIS website. The database was established with programming in MATLAB software to perform mathematical and Statistical calculations repeated. After the analysis of the data in this software a monthly average long-term map was developed. The maps show that the central, East and South-East are almost empty of leaf area or seen very sparse in some areas. In contrast areas of leaves in the northern and western parts of Iran, are good, which generally includes fields, except forest Arasbaran and Hirkany. Precipitation and the temperature, is the main factors for the growth and development of plants, that these two conditions are enumerated in the west due to being on the way of westerly winds. Lowest leaf area index is for January and February and the highest average of leaf area is for May and June. Next, study of 15 years of leaf area index data by cluster analysis based on the calculation of Euclidean distance and Ward method, showed that all 12 months fit in the two main groups and, in fact, divided for two periods of strong and weak vegetation. In this analysis, , April during the cold period and October in the warm period of the year as the transition months and they are located on a separate cluster
Hasan Zolfaghari, Jafar Masoompourv Samakosh, Shabnam Chahvari,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)
The purpose of this study is predicting climate changes and investigating the effect of probable climate change on the growing degree-days in the northwest of Iran. For this purpose the climatic data of seven synoptic stations during a 25 years period (1985-2009) was collected including Oroomieh, Tabriz, Zanjan, Sanandaj, Ghazvin, Kermanshah, and Hamedan were used as the base period and thus temperature variations periods (2030-2011 and 2065-2046) through HadCM3 model was simulated. For the little power of temporal and spatial distinction of this model, its outputs were downscaled using LARS-WG software and presented under Emission Scenarios including A1B (moderate scenario), A2 (maximum or pessimistic scenario), and B1 (minimum or optimistic scenario). Calibration, verification and Performance Model with the rate of the adaption of observed data and the simulated measures through statistics , RMSE and MAE were analyzed. Finally, using the simulated temperature growing degree-day was calculated and compared under 4 Base temperature including 0°,5°,10°, and 15° centigrade in the basic span (1985-2009) and future span (2011-2030 and 2046-2065). The results of simulation show that temperature change in north-west areas under all three A1B, A2, and B1 scenario are increasing in the future, but the differences among these three scenarios in each period is inconsiderable. In total the most temperature increasing was detected as 0/7 centigrade in A2 scenario for 2011-2030 period and 2/3 centigrade under A1B scenario for 2046-2065 period. Generally with the temperature increasing, the amounts of growing degree-day without exception increases in review periods and under the four Base temperature. Under studied scenarios, the Bases temperature of 0° centigrade had the most and 15° centigrade had the least impressibility from climate changes, so that the most increasing in calculated degree-day measures under 0° and 15° centigrade bases in the first period to the basic scenario (1985-2009) respectively was simulated as 207/4 and 120/6 degree-day under A2 scenario and for the second period to the 752/5 and 463/5 degree-day under A1B scenario.