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Showing 20 results for Housing

Dr Hafez Mahdnejad, Dr Hamid Bargi, Dr Alireza Gholami,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Today, the cities of the country are faced with a kind of duality and inequality. As urban inequality has become one of their spatial characteristics. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to Zoning of spatial inequality neighborhoods of Isfahan metropolis based on economic indicators for better planning for organizing, empowering and enhancing their quality of life. This study is an applied one and its method is descriptive-analytical. The research data were obtained from Statistical Blocks of Iran Statistical Center (2016). The statistical method used to analyze the data, compile the indices and extract the final urban poverty indices with AHP, Topsis and Hotspot. The findings show that the coefficients of influence on the components of the main occupational, occupational, housing and vehicle components respectively are: 0.266, 0.317, 0.223 and 0.184. According to the final index of poverty status in terms of economic indicators, 23 neighborhoods (11.98%) have good quality, 37 neighborhoods (19.27%) have relatively good quality, 52 neighborhoods (27.08%) are in moderate condition, 64 Neighborhoods (33.33%) are in poor condition and finally 16 neighborhoods equivalent to 8.33% of all metropolitan areas of Isfahan are in poor condition. In total, about 42% of all metropolitan areas of Isfahan are in poor condition. The results of the Hotspot model show that neighborhoods with higher than average values in the south and partly in the center of the city and neighborhoods with lower than average values are located in the east and partly west of Isfahan. In fact, the city can be divided into northern and southern parts.
Mrs Azam Abbaspour, Dr Iraj Ietessam, Dr Hamid Majedi, Dr Azade Shahcheragi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

In todaychr('39')s world, housing and shelter have overshadowed many aspects of human life. Providing adequate housing, especially for low-income urban groups, is one of the most important issues and challenges facing all countries. The desirability of the environment of residential complexes built for low-income groups has always been a challenging issue. In the programs and plans prepared for these groups, due to the huge flood of applicants and also the limited resources and credits, quantitative goals have often been pursued and qualitative goals have been abandoned. A study of the housing pattern of this group in cities shows that attention and application of effective indicators of housing sustainability is one of the categories that should be considered in the process of housing planning. This article, with the aim of analyzing the factors affecting the housing survival of low-income groups, has reviewed the theoretical literature and tested research hypotheses. The statistical population of the study is the residents of Mehr dwelling in Sirjan. After distributing the questionnaire, data analysis was used at two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics. The validity of the structure was confirmed by factor analysis. The reliability of the instrument was also calculated using Cronbachchr('39')s alpha coefficient test of o.7. Data analysis was performed from Sstructural Equation Modeling using Smart PLS software. Findings indicate the relationship between quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing on durability. Quality index with cultural and social criteria and components such as security, privacy, sense of place, user participation has the greatest impact on Durability of low-income housing in Sirjan.

Ali Ahmadi, Majid Vali Shariat Panahi, Reza Borna, Rahmatollah Farhoodi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Due to the many complexities, housing planning, especially for vulnerable groups, in a city as large as Tehran, requires a model to simplify the process and speed up calculations, which does not currently exist. With the aim of solving this problem, the present study proposes a model with the following steps: 1) Explaining the objectives 2) Estimating the housing needs of the target community 3) Identifying expandable areas 4) Proposing construction patterns 5) Proposing dispersion patterns 6) Calculations and patterns Financial and 7) suggest operating patterns. The information required to implement the model was collected from two questionnaires and data from the Statistics Center. In this model, three housing models with minimum, optimal and average areas and three types of existing housing construction, 100% infrastructure and freeing up the yard space were used as public urban space. The proposed zoning was adapted to the 22 districts of Tehran Municipality due to compliance with the available data. Sales price and financial calculations were calculated based on the internal rate of return of 20% and contract subsidies, and finally 4 free transfer models, lifelong lease, lease on condition of ownership in the program areas were proposed. The results show that one of the problems in this sector is the lack of appropriate decision-making structure and planning tools that can provide a comprehensive and complete review of the current situation, comprehensive and comprehensive solutions. Therefore, according to the model and using the indicators used, regions 2, 6 and 13 have the lowest and regions 19 and 22 have the highest potential for housing development of low-income and vulnerable groups, and finally, the model has suggested the most housing in regions 22, 4, 19 and 11.
M Saeed Maleki, M Mahsa Delfannasab, J Javad Yousefvand,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Correct analysis of the housing market situation and correct knowledge of the factors affecting housing, especially in terms of its price and the extent of the impact of each of them, can help planners and officials in the correct analysis and forecast of the future situation and appropriate Provide appropriate solutions. The aim of this study was to identify the drivers of housing price in Khorramabad. Theoretical data were prepared by documentary method and experimental data by survey method based on Delphi method. The statistical population of the study is 30 experts and specialists in the field of housing in Khorramabad city were selected by purposive sampling. Delphi methods, cross-sectional analysis and MicMac software were used to analyze the data. For this purpose, first 23 factors were identified by Delphi method and using descriptive questionnaires by experts. In the next step, the matrix of cross-effects was designed to measure the impact of factors on each other and provided to experts. Finally, out of a total of 23 initial factors affecting housing prices in Khorramabad, 12 factors were identified as key factors of the system. Size: Household income, land price, building density, number of units and floors, access to urban facilities and services, population density, geographical location of lands, uninhabited future uses, number of rooms, security status, size of property plots, demand status.
Malihe Izadi, Hamid Reza Varesi, Mahmod Mahmodzadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 37 (9-2015)

Attention to housing and planning in line with sustainable development in the framework for planning national and regional is to our use of the knowledge and techniques of programming, existing situation and issues related to it is made clear that. To the main goal this research study and the analysis of the most tiresome effective in planning housing classification level and province of the country based on.This is a descriptive method of research-analysis. collecting data with the use of the results of the census and public housing in 1390 and resources library and documents and evidence have been done. The index of the study, 27 indicators inclusive of housing is a little bit you returned home Models based on regional planning(Multi-criteria decision analysis Vikor) Has beenanalyzed. Using a factor analysis technique, These four factors were  total 91/18 % of the variance explained Calculation of productivity. The provinces have indices using vikor. Based on this classification level, Esfahan(Zero coefficient),Golestan(Zero), Tehran(zero), East Azerbaijan(0/079 coefficient) in first to fourth levels are very Brkhordar And Semnan provinces(0/87),­­Ardabil(0/88), Sistan and Baluchistan(0/90)          ,Bushehr(0/90), Lorestan(0/91), Hormozgan(0/91),Mahal­­   Bakhtiari (0/92), Kohkiluyeh &Bourahmd(0/94),Qom(0/94),North Khorasan (0/96) and Elam(1), Respectively, and thelastlevelsvery brkhordar havetheleast.
Mohammad Hajipour, Vahid Riahi, Hadi Gharagozloo,
Volume 15, Issue 37 (9-2015)

Housing enjoys a multilateral functioning in the rural system. One of the aspects highlighted by planning system is the renewal and rehabilitation of housing. In our country, Iran, development of rural housing has experienced a growing trend, especially in the physical and structural aspects. However, a large part of the rural population in different areas of the country is living in non-resistant and less durable housing. This article attempts to analyze the spatial distribution and quality of rural housing in the country. In this article it is tried to address and analyze the spatial distribution of quality and construction of rural housing in various provinces in the country. The data was derived from document studies. The quality of rural housing in 9 indices has been measured for each province of the country. Data has been analyzed using VIKOR method for the multi-criteria decision analysis. Finally, the classification of provinces based on the construction and quality of rural housing was conducted using K cluster analysis in SPSS and output was drawn in GIS as a map. The results showed that there is a significant difference and distinction in the types of materials used in the rural settlements. Such that a significant percentage of the houses are made out of bricks, iron and stone that somehow confirms the durability and normal quality. In terms of spatial and local distribution it can also be said that the quality of rural housing in most of the provinces (i.e. 24 provinces) are in low-quality, medium and/or appropriate levels. Meanwhile, only three provinces of Mazandaran, Azerbaijan Sharghi and Kerman enjoy the excellent quality in rural housing construction.
Yousouf Bahrami, Ghaderymotlagh Iraj, Behroz Oftadeh, Sid Ali Hosieni,
Volume 16, Issue 41 (6-2016)

The present study aimed to assess the conformity of Mehr housing projects by Infill development pattern to answer this question: What is the relationship between Mehr housing project in the city of Mahabad with Infill development and with its spatial conditions of the city. The research method in present study in terms of nature is "descriptive – survey" and in terms of purpose "applied" and in terms of collecting data is " field." Statistical society is the whole members of Mahabad Mehr housing that were determined 361 persons as sample by Cochran formula. To data analysis was used the methods of descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (one-sample t-test). The results show that Mehr housing policies in the city of Mahabad not comply with its physical conditions. T-test results in this study showed that Infill development due to the use of the maximum of capacity available space of city, Can be considered as a suitable model and as the basis to guide Mehr housing policy in the city of Mahabad. The results of T-test about the physical factors (t-=1/48; p-value<0/05), socio-cultural factors (t=24/35; p-value 0/05), economic factors (t=13/27; p-value0/05) and environmental factors (t=27/29; p-value0/05) shows that Mehr housing policies in the city of Mahabad comply with socio-cultural factors, economic factors and environmental factors but not comply with its physical conditions.

Behrooz Mohammadi Yeganeh, Mehdi Cheraghi, Fovad Samadi,
Volume 16, Issue 43 (12-2016)

Research goall is survey in the situation of quality of housing and rural vitality and survey of relationship of housing quality and vitality of rural settlements. The population of research is Khawmirabad county (Kurdestan Province, Mariwan Township) with 2737 households. Research method is analytical –description based on questionnaire and it is applicable research . In order to gathering the data we used documentary and field method and interviews and questionnaire based on Likert scale(five – range opinion)has been used. In order to sampling we used random sampling and by using of Cochran formula that sample size is equal to 290 households. In order to analysis of data’s from questionnaire, we used both of Descriptive (mean and deviation) and Inferential(One sample T, Linear regression, Chi- square) Statistics. The results of this study indicate a low level of economic dimensions (2.34) and political (2.97), vitality and quality of housing than the average (2.74). This difference is statistically significant at the alpha level 0.01 numerical difference utility as evaluation and assessment is negative. The results also show that the greatest impact of the quality of housing is on the social dimension with a beta coefficient of 0/570 and the lowest on the economic dimension with 0/077 beta coefficient.

Dr Rostam Saberifar, Mr. Hosaein Jangi,
Volume 17, Issue 46 (9-2017)

Experiences acquired in the reorganization of the old structures and buildings of the countrysides and suburbs show that Iran and other countries in the world, have not been successful, because of the inability to build and define a perfect house. This research discusses about the proper indicators related to appropriate houses from the perspective of those who live in such areas. Descriptive and analytic methods have been used. North East outskirt of ​Mashhad was the study ​area because a large population live in this region. The question is: Why people prefer to live in a house with a yard instead of an apartment. In this study,  410 persons were questioned. The collected data through the years 1391 to 1393 were analyzed by SPSS software. The Study shows that age, the year of buying the house, the educational level and the type of house possession affects the suburbs population's views. Therefore, if the governments consider these housing preferences and divide those people into certain subgroups, providing accommodation for them would be more successful. 

Ali Shamai, Mahsa Delfannasab, Mohammad Porakrami,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting housing prices in the Laleh Park district of Tehran. In this study, the data of all real estate traded in the first six months of the year 2016 was used in the study area. Information about the physical properties of the residential units trained is collected from the Real Estate Market Information System of Iran and is used to obtain information on the accessibility features of residential units traded using ARC GIS software. Multivariate regression analysis has also been used to investigate the factors affecting housing prices. The results of this study showed that the physical factors of housing are more effective than the access factors in the housing prices in this district . Among the selected features, the variables of residential area, parking, and skeletal type had the most positive effect on the price of housing in the area under study. On the other hand, some of the features, such as the distance from the residential unit to the nearest main street, the residential unit to the nearest educational user, the residential unit distance to the nearest health care provider, and the residential unit's age, had a negative effect on the housing price in the Laleh Park district .

Dr Aeizh Azmi, Mrs Akram Razlansari, Mrs Leila Mataei,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

In this project government endow loam to villagers for improving their houses. This project help to villagers for improvement their life and it help to villagers for preparation for sudden hazards. Improvement rural houses project improve quality of life villagers. Therefore, this project presents for resolving problems and challenges that improvement rural houses project confront with them. Investigative method was descriptive-survey and we used from questionnaire for collecting data. Statistical society includes 50 people that we used from census method for sampling method. Statistical method was technical supervisors in Kermanshah County.  Reliability calculated by alpha Cronbach method that equal 0.72 and validity calculated by K.M.O and Bartlet method that equal (K.M. O=74/0) and Bartlet significant equal (0.0).  But technical supervisors have positive attitude about housing foundation of Islamic revolution performance. They were satisfaction from workshops and upstream supervisors in housing foundation of Islamic revolution of province of Kermanshah. Results shows that there is relationship between distance village from city and quality of building materials quality. Also, there is relationship between knowledge of people about project and time periods. It shows that knowledge people increase. Finally, by factor analysis we understand that there are 5 components that effect on improvement rural houses projects that include: dimension of individual people and technical supervisors, attitude of people to improvement rural houses projects, life quality and improvement in life style, challenge in law and discipline and time of project. They explain 65.85% of total of variance. Also, the findings show that there is a meaningful and reverse relationship between the beginning of the technical observer's period and the amount of his attention to the consciousness of the people at the level of 0/05. Meanwhile, people's awareness has increased over time.
Mina Farokhi Someh, Shahrivar Rostaei, Rasoul Ghorbani,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

Today, given the rapid growth of the world's population and its focus on cities, access to quality housing by urban dwellers is an essential component of influencing the long-term outlook of human communities. At the same time, considering the widespread impacts of housing on urban environments and on the economic, social and physical life of the city and its citizens, it is important to identify the factors that influence the choice of place of residence and housing. The residence has been emphasized on housing features. The type of research was applied and descriptive-analytical in nature; the method of data collection is library and field (questionnaire). The study population consisted of 384 households living in Tabriz metropolitan area. Then, tests (descriptive and inferential statistics) will be used and finally by diagnostic analysis using SPSS 22 and GIS software will analyze the relationships between variables. The results showed that demographic and lifestyle indices affect residence and housing choice and when demographic characteristics are combined with lifestyle, the choice of residence by the households is examined based on differences. Individual and lifestyle are important. Also, based on the results of the research, selection of residence and housing has a significant relationship with access to business centers, childcare centers, cultural centers, pedestrian access, parking and home warning cameras.

Phd Mohsen Ahadnejad, Asghar Teymouri, Mahnaz Vaez Livari, Hossein Tahmasebi Moghaddam,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

Housing as one of the basic human needs a significant impact on the health and improve the quality of life of individuals. The quality of housing as one of the main foundations of a comprehensive program and a necessary tool for expressing the various dimensions of economic, social, cultural, environmental and physical development of sustainable, has a special place in urban planning. The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial quality of housing quality in urban neighborhoods in central Zanjan city. The type of research is applied and descriptive-analytic in nature. The information gathering method was used by the library method (set of statistical blocks of 1395 and detailed plan of 1394). Combined methods of the Tedim model and the geographic information system are used to analyze the data. The results of the research show that inequalities are found among the middle areas of Zanjan city. In the residential areas, 18.91% of the low-quality housing, including the besim neighborhoods, ghabrestan balla, Vahdat, Khatam, Amadgah, Goljak Abad, 21.80% of the dwellings The relatively low quality of the ashaghi gabristan, the shahada, Meydan enghelab , alley waliasr, Niksazan, 22.71% of the average quality housing, including the district of the Forodgah, Rajaee Town, Amjadiyeh, Najaem, Qadas, Fateh, 17.43% of the relatively high quality housing Which includes eastern Ansariyah, Vahidieh, Shoghi, 17  Shahrivar, shahada masged, Goniyeh, Ja'fariyah and ultimately Lots of Azadi, Ansarieh, Etemadieh, Black Alley, North Saadi 19.15% of the houses are of high quality.

Mr Jamaleddin Honarvar, Dr Sara Jalalian,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

Housing, as the primary needs of mankind and providing his satisfaction, plays an essential role in improving the quality of life. In these conditions, the "home quarantine or social distance plan" is the only way to interrupt the transmission chain, this research seeks to examine the physical-social factors in the quality of today's homes (including a variety of species of housing) for long-term presence of humans in The conditions are quarantine. In this paper, we have tried to extract indices and components of the quality of different types of housing and the effect of each of the factors in the tolerance of quarantine conditions in different types of housing of Tehran. The method is based on applied purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical nature and comparative technique. The documentary and field method and a questionnaire were used to collect information. To analyze the data, single sample t-test and mean test and to study the normalization of data were used by colomogorov-smarinov test. The statistical population of the study includes residents of different types of housing in Tehran are 381 samples. Measurement of research indicators with Likert spectrum and with a assumed average of 3 and 3 indicators and 9 components and 49 measures. These indicators include physical, social, cultural indicators. According to the results, residential complexes have the highest level of satisfaction (mean 4.41) of physical-social factors in the quality of life of residents of different types of housing species in quarantine conditions. The level of social, physical and functional indicators in general for residential complexes show a better condition. By summing up these indices and the overall examination of physical-social factors in the quality of life of residents of different types of housing in terms of quarantine conditions; It was found that apartment housing has the lowest satisfaction (3.77) of social physical factors of their quality of life in quarantine conditions. At the end of research, suggestions for improving the quality of life of residents of different types of housing in quarantine conditions were presented with respect to physical-social dimensions.

Sara Behvandi, Abbas Arghan, Mohammad Reza Zand Moghadam, Zeynab Karke Abadi,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of dust on the economy of Ahvaz. The present study has used descriptive and analytical research methods. In addition, this research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the study includes specialists, managers, experts and professors in the field of environment and dust in the city of Ahvaz is 65 people. The sample size was selected based on the total census of 65 people. A questionnaire designed in urban economics in the city of Ahvaz, which has four main variables. Based on this, the questionnaire has 32 questions that will be researcher-made and each of the four main variables has eight questions. Experts and professors formalized the validity of the questionnaire and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbachchr('39')s alpha of 0.81. Data analysis was performed based on structural equation analysis in Smart PLS software. In general, dust has affected the economy of Ahvaz city and this has been in such a way that dust on urban housing with an impact factor of 0.63 and a value of 11.4 T, Dust mites on urban transport with an impact factor of 0.60 and a value of 9.94 T, dust mites on urban facilities and facilities with an impact factor of 0.54 and a value of 6.70 T and dust mites on urban finance with an impact factor of 0.68 and a value of T 16 / 12 has had an impact

Tara Heidari Orojloo, Dr Afshin Ghorbani Param, Dr Faramarz Hasanpour,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

rchitecture is always influenced by various indicators, the most important of which are climatic and physical-spatial indicators. These indicators are well observed in traditional homes and have played an important role in the use of clean energy. In this study, the aim is to study the climatic and spatial indicators of traditional architecture of Shiraz houses in order to provide a suitable model for housing design in order to use clean energy. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on data collection through a questionnaire. The validity of the instrument was confirmed by elite and the reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha above 0.70. The statistical population of the research consists of 27089 experts, specialists and people familiar with the architecture of the building and a member of the Engineering System Organization of Fars Province. The number of samples according to Morgan table is 384 people. The result of one-sample t-test showed that all studied climatic and spatial variables including green space, proportions and composition of architectural elements, materials, sustainable architectural design of spaces, building orientation, organizing spaces, water use, maximum use of wind , The use of light and providing coolness with shade at a level less than 0.05 were significant and in terms of the statistical population, were in a good condition. Among the spatial and climatic variables of architecture, the most impact was related to the orientation variable with a value of 4.03 and then green space with an average of 3.85. The regression result showed that the most effective variables in the design of modern houses are related to the variable of proportions and composition of architectural elements with a value of 0.151 units, ie 15%.

Mohammadreza Zamiri, Dr Mahin Nastaran, Dr Mahmud Galenoyi,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Considering important role of housing in contemporary urban areas, evaluating urban housing quality has become one of the most popular topics in recent researches. Housing has vast conceptual perspectives which include many aspects of urban life beside the dwelling purpose of it, such as recreation, primary schools, and play yards and so on. The most efficient tool for achieving such purposes is evaluation of qualitative and quantitative urban housing indicators. Using quantitative, objectivistic, positivistic methods and models frequently observes in Iranian scientific journals recently. This article aims to study and evaluate such researches, using scientific analytic methods which have accepted and published in domestic scientific journals. The emphasis of this article is to review papers which studied urban indicators in any area in Iranian urban areas which published between March 2011 and September 2019. To do so, the PRISMA method (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses) has introduced and applied and 39 papers have selected. These papers selected among all papers had indexed in Scientific Information Database ( and Comprehensive Iranian Humanities Portal ( which include one of these keywords: housing indicator, urban housing. Complete information of these papers has cited and method, data resources and conclusion of each paper discussed briefly. Some criteria introduced and measured to evaluate different aspects of selected papers considering PRISMA suggestions. The most cited sources (papers, books, dissertations and statistic reports) have identified and applied in conclusion.
 The results have shown that applying quantitative methods on urban indicators led to analogous assessments in various contexts and using novel methods and models, especially applying qualitative and mixed methods would resulted in novel and efficient perspectives to future urban housing programming and applying the PRISMA method would increase quality of survey reviews and strongly recommend to achieve comprehensive and qualified study of similar researches.
Dr Hamid Reza Mohammadi, Me Mohsen Pakparvar,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

In relation to the housing of the disadvantaged, the possibility of access to a suitable housing for every Iranian household in accordance with the household's needs in such a way that the housing concern does not exceed other areas of the household's life and stable and safe access to the household's housing is also guaranteed, showing the ideal vision of the housing sector in documentary studies, is related to disadvantaged groups. The purpose of this study is to achieve the set of strategies and the general form of realistic and effective programs in the field of housing support for the deprived and low-income groups, which, while determining the limits and type of government intervention in relation to housing and different economic groups, will make the target groups enjoy support programs faster. This study is based on the combined model of SWOT strategic analysis and QSPM strategic planning model and examines the findings of studies and the results of interviews with experts in the field of geography and urban planning. SWOT analysis showed that 1- Ignoring the lack of simultaneous use of the process of management and operation of low-income housing based on the participation of local social institutions and non-governmental organizations 2- Lack of necessary knowledge or disregard for the diversity of needs of the deprived and disregard for Special Characteristics of Target Groups 3. The imbalance between the benefits of different individuals in different groups in relation to support programs has led to the inefficiency of the policies of the deprived and the enjoyment of supportive housing for this group. "Empowerment programs" and "Attracting participation by exploiting local capacity and internal capacities by developing and diversifying empowerment", along with a general balancing policy to increase capacity in non-governmental sectors based on household participation. Faster households have support programs Provides housing and participation of all stakeholders in planning.
 Keywords: development programs, government policies, housing for the deprived, SWOT analysis, QSPM model.
Dr Rahimberdi Annamoradnejad, Mr Mohamad Soleymani, Mrs Fatemeh Akbari,
Volume 24, Issue 75 (12-2024)

Today, housing has found a concept beyond a shelter and plays an important role in how the physical quality of cities. In fact, one of the most important ways to know the status of housing in the housing planning process is to use housing indicators. These indicators, which indicate the quantitative and qualitative status of housing in any period of time, can be considered as a suitable guide to improve housing planning for the future. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of leveling the neighborhoods of Bojnourd city based on housing indicators. The research is descriptive-analytical in nature and applied according to its purpose. The method of collecting information in the form of documents is library. In this study, 11 indicators related to housing quality were used to rank neighborhoods, and the Waspas model was used to rank neighborhoods. The statistical population of the study includes 42 neighborhoods of Bojnourd. Based on the results, it was found that half of the neighborhoods (22 neighborhoods) of Bojnourd  are in a favorable and completely desirable housing condition, in contrast to 28% of the city neighborhoods are in a relatively favorable condition that the number of population at this level is equal to It is 31% of the total population of the city. Finally, there is the unfavorable housing situation, which includes 8 neighborhoods of the city. The total population of these neighborhoods is equal to 17% of the city's population, which is located in an area of ​​973 hectares.
Hossein Mobarra, Mahsa Faramarzi Asli,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

Housing is a crucial domain for testing human interactions and serves as a physical framework where social, cultural, and economic resources intertwine. In order to achieve social progress, the realm of housing encompasses not only the residential units themselves but also their surrounding environments. The focus on housing quality indicators is essential for attaining sustainable housing, which in turn lays the foundation for sustainable urban development. However, the increasing demand for housing and the prevailing quantitative approach have led to the neglect of the fundamental issue of housing quality in its true essence. Insufficient access to suitable housing can contribute to or worsen various psychological and social challenges. Hence, this research aims to identify the main indicators and components of housing quality and prioritize them, assuming equal weighting of their influence. The research methodology employed in this study is practical in its objective and descriptive-analytical in its approach. To achieve the intended objective, the Analytic Network Process (ANP) model is utilized to determine the weight and prioritize each indicator and component of housing quality. Subsequently, after evaluating the indicators using the ANP model, the results indicate that among the examined indicators, housing facilities and amenities with  0.318, housing security with 0.218, housing comfort with 0.145, compatibility with complementary uses with 0.142, housing durability with 0.109, and housing climate adaptation with 0.065 have been assigned the highest weights, respectively.

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