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Showing 8 results for Cluster Analysis

Hakimeh Behboudi, Mohammad Saligheh, Ali Bayat, Akram Zakeri, Fatemeh Jamali,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

Understanding weather zoning and knowing homogeneous climate regions are essential for land use and regional planning. The aim of this study was to compare three different geographical climate of Iran, the Caspian coastal, mountainous and arid interior of the provinces of Mazandaran, Semnan, Tehran, Qazvin, Qom, and Markazi. In order to do this study, climatic data of 56 synoptic and climatology stations and 19 climatic elements were used by using cluster analysis and factor analysis models. For this purpose, a matrix with dimensions of 56 x 19 and the R configuration and as a database was used for segmentation. By applying factor analysis based on principal components analysis with Varimax orthogonal rotation it was determined that in the climate of these three regions, four factors of humidity, temperature, dust and thunderstorms are affecting more than 85% of the total variance of the climate of this region. The hierarchical cluster analysis method and integration into the matrix of factor scores, four main and several sub-region areas were identified.The main areas are hot, dry desert area, ​​low rainfall mountain slopes, the mountainous and cold and semi-rainy regions and high rainfall and finally the moderate high rainfall. The study of four areas and their local and regional conditions shows that the neighborhood with humidity source such as the Caspian Sea and rough configurations such Alborz Mountains play a decisive role in the formation of north sub-areas.
Ali Reza Karbalaee Doree, Sayyed Mohammad Hosseini, ,
Volume 17, Issue 47 (12-2017)

Air pollution is one of the most important natural hazards in cities that is one of the priorities of climate research.  In this research, synoptic situation of days polluted by ozone in Tehran have been studied and by environmental to circulation approach and cluster analysis. At first, was formed a matrix in 2417*41. Rows are indicated days and columns represent the number of stations. by cluster analysis and Ward method eight different clusters were identified. The results showed that the frequency of the ozone days have a seasonal trend and more can be seen in the first half of year in these cases the establishment subtropical high pressure in Iran. Therefore, cause the persistency of pollution in Tehran.

Seyed Hossein Mir Mousavi, Masoud Jalali, Enayet Asadolahi,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

In this research, coding the rainfalls, prepares daily 45 stations with the statistical period of 20 years to zero and one codes to realize the daily dry periods in west and north west of the country and then, by establishing the main condition of occurrence of code one for 30 stations, we extracted the dry 4 to 10-day frequencies. And the results gained of considering the atmospheric weathering, shows that the most clear rotational pattern in sea level is related to Siberia-Europe high-pressure panels and sometimes both of them that increase the rotation on the region and also, the local high-pressure reinforcement and there is a high altitude in atmospheric middle level which is derived from sample patterns and is placed on the studied region and these sample patterns are from omega, bi-polar and rex models that they are on Russia and Scandinavian countries with some changes. The 500 level TAVA and omega shows well that in most regions, the air course, has decreasing case and so, we can result that placement of a high altitude in atmospheric middle and upper level on the high-pressures of the earth, causes the weather stability and lack of rainfall and as a result, the stability and durability of these conditions for several days, is related to sample patterns.         

Dr. Vahab Amiri,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

In this study, the hydrogeochemical status of groundwater resources is evaluated using chemical analysis of 346 samples supplied from 10 springs. Based on Gibbs and van Wirdum diagrams, interaction with rock and sedimentary formations is the dominant process of controlling water chemistry. Based on the Chadha diagram and output of AquaChem program, the amount of alkali earth elements (Ca and Mg) is more than alkali ones (Na and K) and the value of weak acidic anions (CO3 and HCO3) is more than strong acidic anions (Cl and SO4). Therefore, the dominant hydrochemical facies in water samples are Ca-Mg-HCO3 and Mg-Ca-HCO3. In this plain, carbonate and probably halite dissolution are the causes of Ca, HCO3 and Cl abundance in water samples. All samples showed the HCO3+SO4 of less than 5 meq/l and demonstrate that the dominant process affecting water chemistry is the calcite and dolomite dissolution. Ion exchange between fine-grained materials of the aquifer and water solution has occurred very vastly. Based on chloroalkalin (I, II) indices, about 5.49% of samples exhibited the reverse ion exchange. Calculation of the saturation index showed that all samples are undersaturated with respect to anhydrite, aragonite, calcite, dolomite, gypsum, and CO2. Besides, the saturation index of water samples for calcite and aragonite is greater than anhydrite, dolomite, and gypsum. Analysis of principal components affecting water chemistry showed that about 82% of changes in water chemistry is controlled by 4 factors which factor 1 including Ca and HCO3, factor 2 including Na and Cl, factor 3 including Mg and SO4 and finally factor 4 including pH.
Mahnaz Aziz Ebrahim, Mohammad Saligheh, Mohammad Hossein Nassrzadeh, Bohlol Alijani,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

In this research, we are trying to determine the “beginning time” as well as the “end” of the climatic seasons; and we will focus on identifying the displacement of these dates, which is influenced by the “climate changes” and “descriptionAbstract
The purpose of this study is to investigate possible changes and displacements in Iran's climatic seasons due to climate change. To do this, temperature, relative humidity, water vapor, wind and cloud data for 36 stations were received from the Meteorological Agency over 40 years. The data were divided into two 20-year series to allow comparison. Daily temperature data for each clustering time series were determined, then by considering 7-day sequences, the beginning and end of the seasons. The designated times were tested using the Rayman model. The results of comparing the seasons in the two time series indicated that in all stations, changes in climatic seasons occurred from Insignificant to significant. Climatic seasons in Iran do not correspond to calendar seasons, and climate change, especially temperature changes in recent decades, has caused the seasons to shift and shorten and lengthen. Although the beginning and end of the seasons do not generally correspond to their calendar dates, most of the days of these seasons occur in its calendar periods. The changes that have taken place have not only affected the length of the seasons, and these shifts have also changed the quality of the natural seasons.
Keywords: Climate change, natural seasons, cluster analysis, Rayman model of the qualitative conditions” created in them, compared to the past climatic periods. “Meteorological Organization” data has been used in this research. Forty years of received data, was divided into two groups of 20. Applying SPSS, each group was divided into four stages representing each seasons. From these stages, the beginning time and the end of seasons were determined and the accuracy of the obtained dates was controlled with the comfort indicators of the Rayman model. The results of the comparison of seasons in two time series indicated that, the changes occurred in natural seasons from an almost non-existent one in all stations. Climatic seasons in Iran are not compatible with the summer season and climate change, especially the change in temperature in recent decades, has caused changes and shortening of seasons. Most of the days in these seasons occur during its monthly periods, although the beginning and end of the seasons generally do not match their calendar dates. Changes have not only affected the duration of the season, and these changes have also led to a change in the natural quality of the season.

Mrs Zahra Hejazizadeh, Mr Farshad Pazhoh, Mr Fardin Ghadami, Mrs Haniyeh Shakiba,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

The aim of this study is to synoptic analyze of the number of frost days in a year of Khuzestan province. For this purpose, using the minimum daily temperature data of 12 stations during the statistical period of 1992 to 2017, the Meteorological Organization of the country, 54 days of frost was identified. Sea level pressure, Geopotential Height, Zonal and meridian wind and temperature of 500 hPa data with size of 2/5 * 2/5 degree arc from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric United States of America were extracted. On the matrix of the variance of sea level pressure data in 54 days, the analysis of the basic components was performed and 10 components which identified 83% variance of the sea level pressure. Then, by applying the hierarchical cluster analysis method, the integration method was applied to the scores of the 10 components and 5 patterns of sea level pressure were identified. The results showed that frost phenomenon in Khuzestan province occurs from November to march and its trend is decreasing during the statistical period. Also northern and western parts of the province have allocated the most frequency of frost. Also the synoptic condition analysis of troposphere showed that 5 sea level pressure pattern with different make ups lead to pervasive frosts of Khuzestan province. Weak and moderate frosts formed by the influence of Siberian and European cold high pressure systems. But severe frosts occur with spread of Iceland low pressure to Iran, along with strong cold pressures. Meanwhile, the powerful Siberian high pressure is present in most of the patterns, which its interaction with sub polar and Icelandic low pressure, plays the most role in the most severe frost in the province of Khuzestan. Also in the middle level of troposphere penetration of deep troughs from northern latitudes and east European huge blockings has the most role, which has advection of cold air from the side west of troughs on the country and during the intensity of the frost added to its continuity.

Mehrdad Mohamadpour Shatery, Hoshang Taghizadeh, Sahar Khoshfetrat,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

Poverty is a social, economic, cultural and political reality that has long been one of the greatest human problems. The diversity of problems, needs and problems of the deprived and low-income groups of the society and the multiplicity of poverty indicators on the one hand, and on the other hand the lack of financial resources and credits to solve the poverty indicators, organizations in charge of poor affairs, including Imam Khomeini Relief Committee Has faced serious challenges in the optimal allocation of resources. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to classify the clients of Tabriz Relief Committee from the perspective of livelihood poverty indicators, ranking these clusters in terms of cost and finally allocating productive and optimal resources for each cluster. In this way, with the least resources, a wide range of the needy benefit from these resources. To do this, with cluster analysis of data extracted from the system, 700 clients of Tabriz Relief Committee have been clustered from the perspective of livelihood poverty indicators and K-mean method. The results of this study were a cluster structure consisting of 10 clusters, which according to the characteristics of the clusters, titles for the clusters were considered. Finally, in order to rank the clusters, a multi-characteristic SAW decision-making method has been used. The research findings show the difference between the effectiveness of allocation in clustering method compared to other traditional methods.
Shahla Qasemi, Reza Borna, Faredeh Asadian,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

In the history of humanity, human always has suffered all difficulties with effort to reach to comfort and well-being until the human provides a way to achieve the comfort. In the viewpoint of climate four elements have significant role in formation of human comfort and discomfort conditions that according to the climatic conditions in different areas, the type and effect of these elements on individuals are also different. The aim of this research is to determine the areas of climatic comfort. For this purpose, temperature, precipitation and humidity data were derived from database of Esfazari for Khuzestan province during statistical period 1965 to 2014. In this process, at first discomfort climate has been defined using temperature, precipitation and humidity based on distribution probability conditional. This research is to determine the areas of climatic comfort in Khuzestan province using multivariate analysis (Cluster analysis and Discriminant analysis) and spatial autocorrelation pattern (Hot Spot index and Moran index) with emphasis on architecture. The results showed that the areas with climatic comfort are included in north and east parts of Khuzestan province. However, the areas of climatic comfort by spatial method have been limited somewhat. Results further indicated that the areas of climatic comfort have decreased significantly towards recent periods especially in cluster analysis and discriminant analysis that a trend of reduction has been remarkable in cluster analysis (from 23.60% in the first period to 17.60% in the fifth period) and discriminant analysis (from 26.97% in the first period to 14.98% in the fifth period).

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