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Showing 1 results for City of Farouj

Mohammad Motamedi, Seyedhassan Rasouli, Mohammad Nasiri,
Volume 19, Issue 55 (12-2019)

In public organizations such as municipalities, the design and deployment of a performance and control assessment system can lead to the proper management of urban managers on the road to achieving goals, tasks, strategies and development plans and urban development, in accordance with the quality, cost and time desired. Therefore, this article attempts to study the satisfaction of urban performance in urban services by using the views of citizens of the city of Farouj. For this assessment, using theoretical studies, 21 types of urban services were selected in three sections: Technical, Public and Cultural Services. At the next stage, the questionnaire was designed based on these services. Then, 400 questionnaires were distributed among the citizens of the case study city. In the next step, 380 questionnaires were completely and correctly collected and entered into SPSS software. Finally, the results of the study were analyzed by statistical tests. The results of the research indicate that the average satisfaction rate of public services in the city of Farouj is 3.53, which can be said that the level of citizens' compliance with this service is in the middle level. The average satisfaction rate of technical services in the city of Farouj has been calculated to be 3.31, and the average satisfaction rate of cultural services in city of Farouj has been calculated to be equal to 3.5. The results of statistical analysis indicate that the level of significance is more than 0.05 in relation to four of the urban services. This means that in terms of the services of sports spaces, the collection and disposal of surface water, the quality of leisure travelers and the respect of the clients, the level of satisfaction of citizens is equal to the average. In relation to two indicators of pedestrian quality and public participation, the mean difference with the statistical test was calculated to be 0.16 and -0.19 respectively, which indicates that the satisfaction of these services is lower than the limit on average. In other indicators, citizens' satisfaction is above average

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