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Showing 4 results for Bojnourd City

Mohammad Saghebi, Ezatollah Mafi, Mehdi Watanparast,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Nowadays, addressing approaches such as livability for today's cities as concepts that play an important role in reducing social, economic and environmental problems of cities is an inevitable necessity. In fact, livability is a concept with all angles and mental and objective dimensions Is concerned with human beings and seeks to create a healthier and more livable urban environment for current citizens of future generations; Therefore, livability is a new concept and approach in the paradigm of sustainable urban development, which some consider one of the greatest ideas of urban planning in modern times. In livable city, the goal is not only to meet the physical needs of urban society, but also to create a sense of citizen satisfaction According to this, the main purpose of this research is an analysis of urban livability in Bojnourd with emphasis on security index.
      The purpose of the present study is applied and in terms of method: descriptive-analytical. Using GIS software, maps related to the status of each of the objective sub-indicators based on Bojnourd city police stations have been drawn. For mental indicators that have 8 items, a questionnaire The sample size in the whole city of Bojnourd is 383 people. The results of this study show that police station area 13 of Bojnourd (in region one) is the best area in terms of security index. The worst area in terms of security is related to police station area 12 (area two) in terms of index. It is security.
Dr Foroogh Khazaee Nezhad, Sakine Beigi,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

Today, most of the world's population lives in cities, and urbanization, as the dominant phenomenon of human life, has continued to grow. But in recent years, the lives of city dwellers have faced many problems. In recent years, urban experts are looking for a solution for these problems, in which different theories, views, approaches, and models have been proposed. One of the most important approaches is the livability that is related to sustainable development. In this study, the relationship between different indicators of livability and its nature is explained. The central part of Bojnourd city has been selected as the case study. This research is a practical, desk and field study. Structural Equation Modeling with partial least squares approach and related software were used for data analysis. The results of the research showed that although there is a significant relationship between most of the indicators studied in this study and the viability, the local participation, educational facilities, and leisure facilities have had the greatest impact on livability. It was also found that there is a significant statistical relationship between residence time and identity (P = 0.01) and duration of residence and individual participation (P = 0.08) (90% confidence level).
Mohammad Saghebi, Ezatollah Mafi, Mehdi Watanparast,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Today, urban livability is the key concept in urban planning. At present, the concept of sustainable development and livability is one of the new concepts in developed countries. The city of Bojnourd has witnessed unequal urban spaces due to the increasing population growth, especially in the last three decades, so the necessity and importance of the issue of livability is quite evident in the city today. This study was developed with the aim of evaluating and measuring urban viability and the factors affecting it. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In order to collect the required data and information, library and field methods and questionnaire tools were used. The statistical population of the study consists of citizens living in Bojnourd, the sample size was estimated 384 people using Cochranchr('39')s formula. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, one-sample t-test and linear regression were used in SPSS software. The results of this study showed that the situation of urban livability in Bojnourd, according to the general average obtained, which was equal to 2.75, is in a situation below the average. Also, in terms of the studied dimensions, the social dimension with an average of 2.84 has the highest average and the environmental dimension with an average of 2.67 has the lowest average. Also, the results of this study show that the situation in Region 2 is better than in Region 1 of Bojnourd. Other findings of this study include the positive effect of citizenschr('39') sense of security and health on urban livability.
Dr Rahimberdi Annamoradnejad, Mr Mohamad Soleymani, Mrs Fatemeh Akbari,
Volume 24, Issue 75 (12-2024)

Today, housing has found a concept beyond a shelter and plays an important role in how the physical quality of cities. In fact, one of the most important ways to know the status of housing in the housing planning process is to use housing indicators. These indicators, which indicate the quantitative and qualitative status of housing in any period of time, can be considered as a suitable guide to improve housing planning for the future. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of leveling the neighborhoods of Bojnourd city based on housing indicators. The research is descriptive-analytical in nature and applied according to its purpose. The method of collecting information in the form of documents is library. In this study, 11 indicators related to housing quality were used to rank neighborhoods, and the Waspas model was used to rank neighborhoods. The statistical population of the study includes 42 neighborhoods of Bojnourd. Based on the results, it was found that half of the neighborhoods (22 neighborhoods) of Bojnourd  are in a favorable and completely desirable housing condition, in contrast to 28% of the city neighborhoods are in a relatively favorable condition that the number of population at this level is equal to It is 31% of the total population of the city. Finally, there is the unfavorable housing situation, which includes 8 neighborhoods of the city. The total population of these neighborhoods is equal to 17% of the city's population, which is located in an area of ​​973 hectares.

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