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Showing 2 results for Ardabil Province.

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Volume 16, Issue 42 (9-2016)

  Temperature alteration plays special role as one of the most basic climate elements. So inspection of temperature alteration and anticipation has scientific- applied magnitude. In this study inspection of several cases of statistical characteristics of monthly­ average, maximum and minimum temperature and illumination of their alteration method­, temperatures predictability by ANFIS is evaluated­. Applied data is over 288 months during 24 years of statistical period since January of 1987 until December of 2010 through synoptic stations of Pars Abad, Ardebil and Khalkhal. According to equations of data lineal process­, lineal process of temperatures through all of the stations is positive and­ additive­. Lineal process gradient in minimum temperature is more than other­ maximum and average temperature. Less amplitude more variance and standard aviation and­­ data ­predictability is more. According to present article adaptive Neuro – fuzzy inference system mostly has acceptable function through anticipation of monthly minimum, maximum and average temperature in the stations of Ardebil province.

Dr Bahram Imani, Mrc Roghayyeh Farshi, Mr Reza Hashemi Masoomabad,
Volume 17, Issue 46 (9-2017)

In this study, to show the inequality between different cities in Ardebil province, 60 developmental indicators in different sections including health care, social, educational, cultural and infrastructural sections have been analyzed through VIKOR model. Moreover, for data analysis and graph and table representation of data Excel, SPSS, and ARC Map 10.1 software was used. For determining validity of the research indicators, questionnaires were completed by experts (16 experts and professionals in the related area) through AHP model. A survey in 2011 showed that from among 10 cities in Ardabil province, Ardebil city; Serein Germy and Khalkhal; Parsabad, Bilesavar and Namin; Meshginshahr, Nir and Kosar were developed, developing, less developed, and undeveloped areas, respectively. This inequality is the result of environmental, economic and political factors and it also reflects inadequacy of spatial planning, which places Ardabil in its high priority for development. Furthermore, according to the conducted analyses it is concluded that there is an imbalanced regional inequality on city scale in Ardabil province; there is a meaningful and positive relationship between the population of a city and the degree of its development; finally there is a meaningful and positive relationship between the distance from the provincial capital and the degree of its development. 

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