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Showing 17 results for Ardabil

Dr Fariba Esfandyari, Mr Ehsan Ghale, Ms Maryam Mohamadzadeh Shishegaran,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

One of the dangers that has occurred in many areas in recent years is the dangers of subsidence. Iran's geographical location has put many of its regions at risk. High precision radar interferometry technique is one of the most suitable methods for detecting and measuring subsidence. In this study, in order to identify and measure subsidence in Ardabil plain, the Sentinel 1 radar image interference technique of 2015 and 2020 has been used. In order to verify, the data of piezometric wells and land use maps in the area were used. According to the results, the maximum subsidence rate in 5 years in the region is estimated at 17 cm. The results also showed that the highest subsidence rates in the period 2015 to 2020 are in the next categories of rangeland uses with a value of 17 cm, soil value of 14 cm and rainfed agricultural and residential areas with a value of 13 and 12 cm. respectively, 12 cm subsidence for residential use can be due to demolition and construction of large buildings. Also, the relationship between subsidence and changes in groundwater level showed that in a period of 5 years, the groundwater level has decreased by 4 meters. This drop in groundwater level has led to land subsidence in the study area.
, Dariush Sattarzadeh, Lida Balilan, Akbar Abdollahzadeh Tarf, Mahsa Faramarzi Main,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Providing suitable urban spaces, especially open and natural spaces, has an undeniable effect on achieving health-oriented cities and especially ensuring the mental health of citizens. The aim of this study was to investigate and explain the effect of social indicators of public spaces on the mental health of citizens. This research is applied in terms of purpose type and descriptive-analytical method. A survey method (questionnaire) was used to collect research data. The statistical population of the study was the residents of Ardabil. The sample size was estimated to be 384 using the Cochran's formula. The research hypotheses were tested through structural equations using Amos software. The results showed that social factors have a positive and significant effect on the mental health of citizens in public spaces of the city. The value of the path coefficient obtained for the effect of the social factor on the mental health of citizens is equal to 0.52 so that this factor is able to predict 0.27 of the variance of the dependent variable, ie the mental health of citizens. The results also showed that social indicators, namely security, social relations and sociability of urban public spaces have a positive and significant effect on the mental health of citizens. Among social indicators, security index has the highest coefficient of path.

Mohammad Hasan Yazdani, Samira Saeidi Zaranji, Kamran Dolatyariyan,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Urban development strategy is a new approach in urban planning and management, which can provide the basis for achieving sustainable urban development by reducing poverty, citizen participation and increasing investment. The purpose of this article is to measure the indicators of urban development strategy in Ardabil city. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on field investigations. The sample size was estimated to be 230 people using Sample Power software. For final evaluation and data analysis, one-sample T-tests and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used in AMOS Graphics software. The results of the single-sample T-test of the research showed that the status of urban development strategy indicators including livability, favorable governance, bankability and competitiveness in the studied territory with averages of 2.21, 2.6, 2.62, 2.15, in the state They are not acceptable. The results of the second-order factor model of the research showed that among the dimensions of the urban development strategy, the competitiveness dimension with a factor weight of 0.93 has the most effect and the banking dimension with a factor weight of 0.62 has the least effect in Ardabil city. Also, the findings of the research showed that with the increase of good urban governance index, the dimension of bankability increases by 0.55, the dimension of livability increases by 0.76, and the dimension of competitiveness increases by 0.86. Finally, it was determined that the attraction of investment in the city, satisfaction with the security of the banking system, the use of new technologies in banks, the expertise and skill of city managers and the accountability of city laws will have the greatest impact on the process of urban development strategy in Ardabil city.
Behroz Sobhani, Ata Gafarigilandeh, Akbar Goldost,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

 Drought defined as a climatic phenomenon with the humidity and rainfall shortage as compared with normal conditions. This phenomenon affects on all of aspects of human activities‌, severely. while, studies associated with this phenomenon on the basis of appropriate methods are very low. In the  present study, effort  has been made to analyze the drought state in Ardabil province by means of software system capabilities in MATLAB and SEPI index in two temporal scales of 6 and 12 months. The climatic data of synoptically stations of Ardabil were used, Parsabad and khalkhal countian in Ardabil province. Results of study show that SEPI index reflects the features of two SPI and SEI indices well. And also enters temperature in the studying of drought conditions as one of the effective parameters in changing of drought intensity. There‌fore, the investigation into drought with SEPI index is better than SPI index. Studies associated to drought on the basis of SEPI index shows that drought process is increasing in Ardabil province. Temperature also has an increasing flow with higher intensity. Longest temporal continuation of drought in province, has occurred in Parsabad station in temporal scale of 12 months, from June‌, 1998 to November, 1999 in 18 month period. The greatest percentage of drought occurrence is in Parsabad station and the minimum of that is observed in Khalkhal station.


[1] - Akbar Goldust: PhD student's of climatology in environmental planning Mohaggeg  Ardabil University
, ,
Volume 16, Issue 42 (9-2016)

  Temperature alteration plays special role as one of the most basic climate elements. So inspection of temperature alteration and anticipation has scientific- applied magnitude. In this study inspection of several cases of statistical characteristics of monthly­ average, maximum and minimum temperature and illumination of their alteration method­, temperatures predictability by ANFIS is evaluated­. Applied data is over 288 months during 24 years of statistical period since January of 1987 until December of 2010 through synoptic stations of Pars Abad, Ardebil and Khalkhal. According to equations of data lineal process­, lineal process of temperatures through all of the stations is positive and­ additive­. Lineal process gradient in minimum temperature is more than other­ maximum and average temperature. Less amplitude more variance and standard aviation and­­ data ­predictability is more. According to present article adaptive Neuro – fuzzy inference system mostly has acceptable function through anticipation of monthly minimum, maximum and average temperature in the stations of Ardebil province.

Mohammad Hasan Yazdani, Afshar Saidain ,
Volume 17, Issue 44 (3-2017)

At the moment with regard to geopolitical and geostrategic situation of Iran, the existence of countless underground resources and the formation of ideological state, unfortunately, in urban areas of the country, especially in Ardabil ,because of its proximity to the border of northern and northwestern borders with knowledge of this particular situation, economic and infrastructural projects, Infrastructures and installations have been made without observing and interference of considerations and defense and security arrangements and have become a bare and significant available target for enemy and invading countries. This research aimed to study the vulnerability of Infrastructures Ardabil in terms of passive defense and application - development approach in a descriptive and analytical way using 18 effective indicators in form of 5 components of "Lifeline", "crisis management Centers", "military and police centers", "Urban equipment" and "support centers" in three priorities of strategic, psychological and support destruction. Information gathered in the Super Decision software (network analysis) are weighted, then mapped in GIS environment. The results of the studies show that there are six major hazardous zones under crisis conditions and are prone to injury in the Ardabil that the most important of them are the northeast output of Ardabil (Jahad field leading to Astara gate), the southwest of Ardabil (Sarein station leading to the Basij field toward the Sham Asbi village) and finally the north and northwestern parts of Ardabil (Vahdat square), with the sum of (17% of the total land area of the city) have included the highest vulnerability, due to the poor conditions of the physical characteristics and focus on management, corporate, military and state entities in this regions of the Ardabil city.

Dr Bahram Imani, Mrc Roghayyeh Farshi, Mr Reza Hashemi Masoomabad,
Volume 17, Issue 46 (9-2017)

In this study, to show the inequality between different cities in Ardebil province, 60 developmental indicators in different sections including health care, social, educational, cultural and infrastructural sections have been analyzed through VIKOR model. Moreover, for data analysis and graph and table representation of data Excel, SPSS, and ARC Map 10.1 software was used. For determining validity of the research indicators, questionnaires were completed by experts (16 experts and professionals in the related area) through AHP model. A survey in 2011 showed that from among 10 cities in Ardabil province, Ardebil city; Serein Germy and Khalkhal; Parsabad, Bilesavar and Namin; Meshginshahr, Nir and Kosar were developed, developing, less developed, and undeveloped areas, respectively. This inequality is the result of environmental, economic and political factors and it also reflects inadequacy of spatial planning, which places Ardabil in its high priority for development. Furthermore, according to the conducted analyses it is concluded that there is an imbalanced regional inequality on city scale in Ardabil province; there is a meaningful and positive relationship between the population of a city and the degree of its development; finally there is a meaningful and positive relationship between the distance from the provincial capital and the degree of its development. 

Vakil Heidari Sarban, Alireza Abdpour,
Volume 19, Issue 54 (9-2019)

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors improvement of sustainable livelihoods from the perspective of local people of Ardabil County. First, factors affecting effectiveness improvement of sustainable livelihoods in the study area were identified from the perspective of local elites using semi-structured interviews. To achieve this goal, 35 residents of studied region were interviewed individually with college education and at least a bachelor's degree. In the second step of study, in order to understand and analyze rural communities' perspective of and their theoretical agreement degree with the results of the first step, 39 identified causes were the questionnaire design basis by Likert method. It can be said that studied population in this study consists of all villagers living in rural areas of Ardabil County in 2016 (N= 85053), among which 383 persons were selected as statistical sample using Cochran formula. In order to analyze the data, factor analysis model was used and the results of this model showed the most important factor improvement of sustainable livelihoods from the perspective of local people in studied region includes four components (entrepreneurship and fortification of economical infrastructures, support of demand- side and governmental interventional action, fortification of social capital and social empowerment and environmental management and fortification of physical infrastructures) that explained variance and the cumulative variance by the five factors 60.66. And finally, practical suggestions have been presented according to the results of the study.

Mehdi Asadi, Khalil Valizadeh Khamran, Mohammad Baaghdeh, Hamed Adab,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)

Using Landsat satellite images taken in 2015/08/10 and also SEBAL and metric methods, surface albedo amounts for various land uses in the northern half of the Ardabil province was estimated. ENVI4.8 and ArcGIS10.3 softwares were also used. To determine the type of usage of different levels, the maximum likelihood algorithm classification method was used with Kappa coefficient of 86.14% and overall accuracy of 92.63%. The results indicated that the water levels with the mean value of 0.93 and 0.414, respectively, had the least amount of albedo in SEBAL and METRIC methods. Also, based on the results obtained from SEBAL and METRIC methods the city albedo is about 0.313 and 0.278 respectively.  These values are the highest levels of albedo among Land use levels. In this study, the amount of albedo in rangelands was determined to be between 0.183 to 0.266 in the SEBAL method and between 0.237 and 0.265 in METRIC method. The amount of albedo was also examined in agricultural (0.240 based on SEBAL method and 0.247 based on METRIC method) and forest lands (0.149 based on SEBAL method and 0.225 based on METRIC method). Finally, according to the results of Albedo values based on SEBAL and METRIC methods, it was concluded that due to the difference in net energy received at different levels, it is possible to estimate the level of albedo levels, which is very effective in estimating evapotranspiration by remote sensing methods.

Elmira Azimi, Dariush Sattarzadeh, Lida Bolillan, Akbar Abdollahzadeh Tarf, Mahsa Faramarzi Asli,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)

The prevalence of chronic health problems is increasing, both in terms of physical health and mental health in modern societies. Meanwhile, the health of individuals in society as human capital is important in advancing the goals of thematic communities. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of physical-environmental factors on the mental health of citizens. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population of citizens living in Ardabil was estimated to be 384 using the Cochranchr('39')s formula. The field data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by formal validity and reliability using Cronbachchr('39')s alpha test and combined reliability. The results of this study showed that legibility and visual quality, access to urban green space, security of urban space, quality of urban furniture, mixing and variety of uses have a positive and significant effect on the mental health of citizens. Considering the value of the path coefficient obtained for the independent research variables, among the identified variables, the quality of urban green space with the path coefficient value of 0.44 had the highest path coefficient and had the greatest effect on the dependent variable, ie mental health of citizens. Also, the mixing variable and the variety of uses with a path coefficient value of 0.21 had the least effect on mental health.
Dr Hossein Nazmfar, Miss Ameneh Alibakhshi,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

Tourism is one of the most important means of development in the world. Many countries in the world pay special attention to tourism as an effective tool for their political, cultural and economic development in their country's policies and programs. The present study was carried out in order to plan tourism in Ardebil province based on a futuristic study method. The present research is applied in a practical way as a combination of documentary and survey methods based on a futuristic approach. The research area of Ardabil province and the statistical population is 45 tourism experts, urban and regional planning and executive agencies of the province. Delphi method, cross-effects matrix (Wizard scenario software) and Wizard scenario software were used to analyze the data. Based on the findings of the Delphi method and environmental scanning, 88 factors were identified as influential factors in the development of tourism in Ardebil. In the second step, using the Micmac method, 14 key Factors, including the comprehensive tourism plan, the media, stimulus policies, macro policies of the state, distribution of facilities, infrastructure, recreational centers, increased private incentive to invest in the region, the region's susceptibility to Investment in tourism, planning, security facilities, budget, the existence of hot and mineral water springs, improvement of information systems, such as site and blog, have been identified as key to the development of Ardebil province. In the third step, based on key factors, believable futures were explained using the Wizard scenario method, which ultimately resulted in three strong, weak and believable scenarios. In this scenario, believable scenarios are due to the intermediate between scenarios Strong and weak, have been based on analysis. Accordingly, there are three scenarios named "Golden scenario", " believable scenario" and "Disaster scenario" for the future of tourism in Ardebil province.

Dr Alireza Mohammadi, Mr Reza Hashemi Masoomabad, Mrs Chnour Mohammadi,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

One of the most important and urgent issues of urban planning is the equitable distribution of facilities, services and accessibility of citizens at the urban level. Economic and commercial centers, including banks and financial institutions, are one of the most important economic sectors of cities and can be sustained. Social, economic, physical, and environmental impacts of neighborhoods. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of citizenschr('39') access to commercial land use in Ardebil neighborhoods. Therefore, the present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. The statistical population of the study is 44 localities of Ardabil city. Spatial statistics models, Hot Spot Analysis, and GIS software were used for data analysis. Finally, regression function in Idrisi Selva software was used to analyze the correlation between commercial user and population as well as to determine the relationship and correlation of this user with other service users. The results show that in Ardabil neighborhoods there is inequality in terms of overall business use. As a result, the neighborhoods have high commercial use weights and high concentrations of hot spots in optimum condition, including areas 3 and 5 from zone 2, zone 7 from zone 1 and zone 6 from zone 3. Also, commercial low weight blocks and low concentrations of hot spots, which include areas 8 and 11 from zone 2, area 11 from zone 3, are lower in urban sustainability. Finally, based on the results of the research, some suggestions have been made.

Sahar Nasiri, Boroumand Salahi, Aliakbar Rasouli, Faramarz Khoshakhlagh,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

Atmospheric circulation is important to determine the surface climate and environment, and affect regional climate and surface features. In this study, to quantify its effect, the classification system, developed by Lamb is applied to obtain circulation information for Ardabil, North West Province in Iran, on a daily basis, and is a method to classify synoptic weather for study area. For that purpose, daily mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) for extreme precipitation days from 1971 to 2007 is used to derive six circulation indices and to provide a circulation catalogue with 27 circulation types. The frequency of circulation types over different periods is computed and described. Five circulation types are most recognised in this study: E, SE, A, C and CSE. The catalogue and the associated indices provide a tool to interpret the regional climate and precipitation, and deal with the linkage between the mean extreme regional precipitations in north western of Iran and the large-scale circulation. Five circulation types E, A, SE, C and CSE are associated with high precipitation and rainy seasons (spring and September) but the most precipitation rate is resulted of cyclone family. Low pressure of north latitudes and central area of Iran with low pressure of gang from Pakistan and India.  SE is almost dominant circulation type over the years. The cold season started from august to march is characterized by frequent directional flows, especially E, SE, A, C and CSE whereas in  warm period (Apr–Aug) SE, NE, AE have  smaller role, especially in July, August and September more frequent flows dominated by SE and E. 

Mr Alireza Mohammadi, Mrs Elahe Pishgar, Mrs Leila Hosseini,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

According to statistics, about 300,000 disabled people live in Iran. There are about 25,738 disabled people in Ardabil province. This calls for attention to macro-planning for the disabled. This planning involves cognitive and spatial analysis of the status of the disabled people in different parts of the country. The purpose of this study was to analyze more precisely the situation of the spatial dispersion of the disabled and their relationship with different regions of the cities of Ardabil to address further the problems of accessing urban services and creating better living conditions for people with disabilities. In the present study, indicators such as age, gender, the status of residence, type and severity of disability, marital status, education and employment were analyzed using spatial statistics analysis. Also, the geographically weighted regression (GWR) model has been used to measure the relationship between the extent of development and disability. Findings of the research show that there is no relationship between the extent of development and disability in Ardabil province. The number of disabled males is higher than that of the disabled females in all cities. Disabled people in Ardabil province are young and 91.55% of them are illiterate and close to 96.74% of them are facing unemployment problems. In almost all cities of Ardabil province (73.98), there are severe to very severe disabilities and there is no specific order among different cities in the province of Ardabil regarding the type of disability, and various disabilities have been dispersed in the province.

Abbas Minai, Rahim Heydari Chianeh, Shahrivar Rustai,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

the purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting the competitiveness of tourism destinations. The present study is of applied purpose and of descriptive-analytical method. The required data for the study were collected in two forms: library and field (questionnaire). The statistical population of the study consisted of incoming tourists to Ardebil city. Due to the lack of accurate statistics on the number of incoming tourists the Cochran formula was used to determine the sample size for an unlimited population. The sample size was 384 people. It was a simple accident. In order to check the validity of the questionnaire, the validity of the questionnaire was confirmed in two stages of face and face validity through the opinion of professors and experts, and divergent validity was confirmed by calculating the extracted mean variance index (AVE). The reliability of the questionnaire was measured by Cronbach's alpha and the combined reliability coefficient (cr). The results of Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability of the questionnaire confirmed the validity of the questionnaire. Spss and lisrel software were used for data analysis. The findings of this study showed that creativity and sustainability of tourism destinations have a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of urban tourism destinations. The results also showed that the impact of sustainability of tourism destinations on the competitiveness of tourism destinations is more than the creativity of tourism destinations
Mr Moharram Yousefi, Mr Alireza Estelaji, Mr Naser Fallah Tabar,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

The Earth and how it is used have always been the main things in city planning. The analysis and the special and local arrangement of urban use and urban functions are among the important and effective branches of permanent urban development. This paper attempts to analyze quantitatively and qualitatively the city structure of Ardabil with regard to its permanent development. Since it is descriptive and analytic in approach, the three features of capacity, suitability, and social justice in permanent development have been applied. In the first phase, the quantitative analysis of the existing urban use and the capacity analysis were done. The second phase dealt with the qualitative analysis of its suitability using suitability matrix and the analysis of social justice with the closest neighbor model and SWOT model. The quantitative and qualitative results show that most urban uses are deficient. Also, the highest unsuitability was in working use and then in official, residential, and educational use. This shows the imbalanced and discordant situation between urban uses that arise from carelessness of city planners.
Dr Behrouz Sobhani, Dr Mehdi Aalijahan,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

Today, fine dust and dust storms have become one of the important issues and problems of Iran and other regions of the world. This study is conducted to identify synoptic patterns of the dust storms in Ardabil Province (Iran) and monitor the origin and pathway of its places. The studied period is 34 years (1979-2013). The data used in this work are from synoptic stations of Ardabil province and the NASA’s upper atmosphere database. To achieve the goals of the study, the Environment to Circulation, Hierarchical Clustering Methods, and HYSPLIT model were used. According to the results, three patterns of geopotential height at 500 hPa levels were identified. Pattern No. 1 and 2 are almost similar to each other and represent the occurrence of a deep trough that formed from Central Europe and extended to the middle of the Red Sea. Based on these patterns, the study area is located in the East of this trough. The third pattern represents the occurrence of cut-of-low pressure blocking over the Black Sea and adjacent areas and placement of Ardabil province in the East trough of the formed blocking. The origin of dust in patterns 1 and 2 is the Eastern regions of Iraq and West of Iran while in pattern 3 is at 500 hPa level of the central areas of Iraq and at pressure levels of 850 and 1000 hPa of the central regions of Syria.
Keywords: Dust storm, Pattern extraction, synoptic analyses, HYSPLIT model, Ardabil province

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