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Showing 1 results for Agroclimatic Cultivation. Ahp

Mrs Shahrbanoo Ghanbari Adivi, Dr Morteza Khodagholi, Dr Amir Gandomkar,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

The main purpose of this research is to test the agglium of Hormozgan province for the development and development of aloe vera plant cultivars in the base period and the period of change. In this regard, the influential data in the various stages of the aloe vera plant, including the minimum and maximum temperature and precipitation, as climatic agents and height variables, gradients, direction of gradient, soil, as stable elements in the evaluation of aloe vera cultivation areas were used. The multidimensional decision-making technique in the GIS environment was used using fuzzy gamma function for interruption and eventually identifying appropriate arenas for aloe vera plant. The role of climatic changes in two levels of alteration of B1 and A2 was investigated to evaluate changes in Aloe Vera cultivation agriculum in Hormozan province. The results of the implementation of the Fuzzy Gama integration function in Hormozgan province showed that in the base period, 0.35 of the area of ​​the province has good and excellent culture for this plant. These areas are generally consistent with the lowlands of the southern sections of the southern province and are consistent with the soils with tissue and depth and drainage, namely, the arid soils of Sevil and anti-Seville, while in the northern parts of the province, the supply factor, supply The need for an aloe vera plant, tolerance in the year and nightly, the product performance is very weak and the development of aloe vera farms in these areas is not recommended. In the simulated climatic conditions for 2070 under the 2ndretic scenarios, aloe vera arenas will have relatively significant changes compared to the climate of the base period, so that the most variations related to the A2 scenario, in which poorly functional floors are lacking. And moderate culture capabilities have been exposed to an area of ​​30 to 40 percent, while the two floors of the agricultiva capability and good culture capabilities, under the same system, will show an increase of 20 to 40 percent.

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