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Showing 22 results for Neighborhood

Behroz Ghadar, Sadegh Besharatifar, Zarin Forougi Forougi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

 Evaluation of indicators of sustainable development, as the axis of human excellence, is the dominant basis of urban planning and land management and has a decisive role in spatial dispersion and the formation of environmental behavior of human societies. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and its main tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. Data were collected using library and survey methods (questionnaire tool). The statistical population is 35 neighborhoods of Bandar Mahshahr that the sample size through Cochran's formula with 95% confidence level using the number of households in Mahshahr 382 people who through simple random sampling in the neighborhood has distributed a questionnaire.  Based on the research criteria, the results show that the neighborhoods of Bandar Mahshahr are in a state of instability and the severity of instability is different between them.  So that in the selected indicators from the 35 neighborhoods, only neighborhoods 1, 2, 6, 15, 16, 17, 19 are at a stable level and other neighborhoods (28) are in an unstable situation, this situation is affected by their position in  It is the spatial structure of the city, which has led to the formation of neighborhood inequalities in terms of indicators of social stability and segregation.  The results of route analysis have shown that all economic, social, physical, environmental and spatial justice indicators have a positive and significant effect on sustainable development of Mahshahr city, among which the economic index has the greatest effect on sustainable development of urban areas.
 Keywords: evaluation, sustainable development, neighborhoods, planning, Mahshahr
Mrs Arezoo Momenian, Dr Morteza Mirgholami, Dr Azita Balali Oskoyi, Dr Aida Maleki,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Considering that more than one third of energy consumption is related to residential areas, proper planning and design of neighborhoods according to the climatic conditions of each region can be an effective step towards reducing energy consumption. It aims to optimize energy consumption in the residential blocks of Rushdieh neighborhood in Tabriz. Investigating and understanding the energy consumption situation in Rushdieh neighborhood of Tabriz, its capabilities and bottlenecks in planning is very important, if they are not paid attention to and there are no efficient strategic plans, it will lead to an increase in social, economic and environmental instability. According to its nature, the research method is descriptive-analytical and practical in terms of purpose. It is related to the intended goals of the research, the statistical population of the research is the professors, experts and elites of urban planning, which has been used to examine the indicators and strategies. The method of selecting people was targeted and snowball. Finally, the results showed that the formulation of policies, practical measures to improve the design of main roads and local accesses in the direction of neighborhood air conditioning should be emphasized as the most important strategy. In order to reduce energy consumption, the development of neighborhood design policies and residential blocks with the goals of using wind energy to reduce energy consumption have been placed in the second and third ranks of this prioritization, respectively.

Elham Nojoomi, Dr Esmaeil Aghaeizadeh, Dr Taher Parizadi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

“Today, in many developing countries, Simultaneously with the rapid growth of urban areas beside of the population growth, countless issues and problems has been created, which sometimes led to the structural and functional deterioration of urban fabrics, and sustainable urban development has been proposed as a solution to such problems in cities. Transportation-oriented development, as an approaches of smart urban development focusing on transportation systems and the centrality of pedestrians in stations, can be an appropriate solutions in the urban system to deal with the issues and problems that are bothering most of the deteriorated areas of big cities, including Tehran. In this research, Safa neighborhood as one of the neighborhoods of Tehran metropolis, which is located in deteriorated fabrics of this city has been studied in order to its shortcomings and strengths to achieve a favorable approach to organizing the fabricdue to its place near public transportation stations. Transportation-oriented development, as an approaches of smart urban development focusing on transportation systems and the centrality of pedestrians in stations, can be an appropriate solutions in the urban system to deal with the issues and problems that are bothering most of the deteriorated areas of big cities, including Tehran. In this research, Safa neighborhood as one of the neighborhoods of Tehran metropolis, which is located in deteriorated fabrics of this city has been studied in order to its shortcomings and strengths to achieve a favorable approach to organizing the fabricdue to its place near public transportation stations. in order to investigate its shortcomings and strengths. Also with a practical purpose and a descriptive-analytical nature, through field investigations and quantitative findings obtained from the statistical blocks of 2016 Iranian statistics, the findings were analyzed by GIS software and spatial statistics analysis models. The results show that this area has good potential for the implementation of the plan base on TOD and in the meantime, the 17 Shahrivar station has the most compliance with this approach according to the five investigated indicators.

Amin Shahsavar, Mousa Kamanroodi, Taher Parizadi, Mahlagha Abolghasempor,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

Urban neighborhoods play a major role in urban life and decline. The transformation of the relationship between mass and space and the changing in population and construction densities due to changes in lifestyle, population growth and ... has caused a major transformation in the spatial structure of the neighborhoods and, finally, amount of social communication and interaction at the local level. These inevitable changes in the neighborhood and the city have caused major problems in which according to the relationship between the spatial and social structure of urban neighborhoods, it is necessary to improve the situation on the other side by interfering and changing in each of the fields. In the present research, neighborhood-centered spatial development strategy and plan in Ferdowsi neighborhood have been investigated. This research in terms of purposing is applied; in terms of nature and method is prescriptive; according to type of data is quantitative and qualitative; and in terms of time, is cross-sectional. In this research, by using the AIDA technique and based on strategies and decision areas, a strategic project has been presented in order to empowerment of Ferdowsi's neighborhood.

Mohammad Ajza Shokouhi, Shirin Sabaghi Abkooh, Forough Kazaei Nejad,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

A new urbanism theory has emerged in recent decades in response to numerous urban problems of the twentieth century, with the goal of creating vibrant, compact, diverse and desirable cities in terms of work, walking, life, and transportation options. In view of the widespread acceptance of this theory among the Iranian researchers, the aim of this study is to assess the sustainability of organic and planned neighborhoods in Mashhad based on the spatial-physical indexes of new urbanism. In this regard, two neighborhoods, Rah­Ahan (organic neighborhood) and the second phase of Rezashahr (planned neighborhood) were selected. This research method is descriptive- analytical and the mixed model of AHP and GIS has been used to assess the stability of two neighborhoods. Accordingly, the Sustainability Measurement Model was used as a hierarchy in the form of 7 physical-space indicators (type of road, pedestrian width, land use, area of lots, access to the center of the neighborhood, number of floors and access to public transport) . Tthe research results show that in Rezashhar, 68.43% of neighborhood area has moderate to high stability and 31.57%  of the total of the neighborhood area is the lack of stability, and in Rah­Ahan, 70.84%  of the total of the neighborhood has moderate to high stability and 29.16% of the total of the neighborhood is lack of stability. Therefore, according to the spatial indicators of the new urbanism, the neighborhood of Reza Shahr is more unsustainable than the old neighborhood of Rah Ahan. Therefore, this study shows the richness of traditional Iranian urbanization and the superiority of old neighborhoods. So, it can be said that traditional and organic urbanization is a more appropriate basis for applying the new urbanism approach and this approach can be used in the form of urban regeneration.

Arash Sadri, Mahmod Heidari, Arezo Bangiyan Tabrizi,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

The city health, social and physical environment with all facilities that perform life activities with ease and efficiency makes possible. Urbanization, followed by its specific problems such as environmental degradation, water pollution, air, soil, increase mental illnesses and civil society more than ever threatened. This has led to today's urban design and urban management many challenges in the field of population, housing shortage, pollution and environmental degradation, social conflicts and provision of services and facilities infrastructure is facing. In this regard, the plan to create a healthy city public participation plays an important role in cities. In fact, a healthy city, city to realize a healthy person. The urban design approach and engage in healthy people. This cross-sectional study and data collection instruments and survey was conducted in two ways. According to the results, the neighborhood Shiite index of the five health (social, economic, environmental, health and culture) desirable standards Healthy City away in some areas also need to redesign and greater participation authorities and people in the neighborhood felt. The paper solutions to create healthy city with the participation of the people through the realization of indicators and metrics have reached a healthy city.

Samaneh Dousti, Zohreh Davoudpour, Leila Zare,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

Urban neighborhoods are one of the vital elements of each city and the culture of urban residents is concealed in the texture and sinew of that .The advent of new technologies in urban life and percipitance of designers for construction of buildings led to reduce of fixation sense about their living environment and decrease social interaction. once the historical districts are regarded as symbols of security, comfort and authenticity of the residents, due to inefficiency and interruption of their structures, suffer instability and displacement of their residents.According to this, instability and displacement of inhabitants to districts of historical value are known as the main problem in these neighborhoods. The purpose of this study is to identify the effective factors of authenticity in historical textures of “Ferdowsi” neighborhood located in distrct 12 of Tehran by phenomenological approach.method. For this purpose, eight persons of  this neighborhood were selected by purposive sampling method were collected through questionnairs and profound individual interviews.After recording the interviews, they were implemented in Maxqda qualitative data analysis softwarethe data and analyzed by seven-based Colaizzi methods.Authenticity as one of the individual characteristics will have an effective factor in educating people to live as citizens in the external society and will have a controlling role on human behavior and performance in society. Therefore, preserving and protecting valuable historical monuments, buildings and places. In a neighborhood that is subject to the behavioral and functional characteristics of human beings, in addition to the permanence and sensory richness of the permanence and sensory richness of the space, it will be necessary to transfer originality from one generation to another.
Mr Mahmood Arvin, Ms Mahsa Ghaneh, Doctor Ahmad Pourahmad,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

Considering that today many cities of the country face problems such as problems of distressed urban fabric, in order to solve these problems, various solutions have been presented by experts and theorists, among which one can refer to regeneration. Regeneration has different approaches that have been studied in this research of the re-establishment of the cultural-led. The main objective of this research is to assess the utilization of the capabilities and abilities of public art in two permanent and temporary dimensions and the extent of the impact of public art on socio-cultural, physical and economic aesthetics in order to regeneration the distressed urban fabric of the Oudlajan neighborhood in Tehran. The present research is descriptive-analytical in terms of objective, applied. By studying the related studies of public art indices in two permanent dimensions (furniture, green space and moving plants, mural painting, restoration of the monument, cafes and restaurants, library, statue, element, entrance and bridge design) and temporary (street display, competitions, Exhibitions and festivals, artists' residences, workshops, sound, light and sound, video broadcasting). The statistical population of the questionnaire is the residents of the Oudlajan neighborhood. According to the population of the neighborhood, 16,943 people were selected using the Cochran formula, 384 as the sample size. To analyze the response of citizens, the analysis of structural equations in soft AMOS graphics has been used. The results show that permanent and temporary public art promotes economic development, the development of physical aesthetics and socio-cultural development in the Oudlajan neighborhood, among which permanent and most popular exhibitions are the highest in the cafes and restaurants, and the bridge has the least impact. In the interim animated film, the video playback index has the most impact and the least impact is the soundtrack.

Mehran Mohammadi, Naser Eghbali, Mahmood Rezaii,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

This study examines the principles and criteria that lead to the adoption of a city - a case study: Sahebgharraniyeh Tehran district - is underway. The NLAS method has been used as the main research method and indicator in this research. In this research, we tried to evaluate the methodology of the NLAS method in Sahebgharriyeh neighborhood using the method of analysis of the hierarchical method of analysis of the NLAS method and to analyze the status of living in Sahebgharrani neighborhood based on the received responses and their analysis. Detailed analyzes based on factor analysis and hierarchical analysis method show that Sahebqaranieh's habitat status is based on three indicators of facilities and services, local economy dynamics and visual landscape situation and environmental pollution and its related components. After summing up Related items and calculation of general indices indicate that the local economy's dynamics indices with a mean of 0.96 and T-value of 968 / resulted in decreasing the viability of Sahebqaraniye neighborhood. But with 95 percent confidence, Sahebgharriyeh neighborhood can be considered as individual and social security indexes, identity and sense of place belonging, facilities and services needed, and the status of the visual landscape and the environmental pollution of the habitat.
Mohsen Ilaghi, Nima , Jahanbin, Iraj Ghasemi,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

The purpose of this study is to redefine the concept of neighborhood in newly developed urban contexts. Therefore, this research is a qualitative research in terms of purpose and is a qualitative one with Grounded Theory approach. A cross-sectional approach was used to analyze the documentary studies. The statistical population of this study includes experts and university professors in urban planning and sociology. The method of data collection is documentary study, views, definitions and in-depth and open interviews. In this study, 22 people were interviewed. NVivo software was used to analyze the qualitative data and coding and to evaluate the frequency of codes extracted from the interviews. The findings of this study indicated that redefining the concept of neighborhood in developed contexts can be explored through conceptual modeling. In this conceptual model the four most important dimensions are objective (physical-functional), subjective (perceptual), economic, and socio-institutional dimensions to redefine the concept of neighborhood in new urban contexts. It also interconnects the seven core codes of “diversity and quality of urban services”, “neighborhood edge and boundary”, “safety and security”, “livelihood and economic position of the neighborhood”, “social status”, “social solidarity”, and “sense of belonging and the correlation with the location” with three selective codes “continuity and functional-spatial cohesion”, “socio-economic mobility”, and “socio-institutional cohesion, and dependency”, a new definition of the neighborhood can be found which is presented at the end of this article with the conceptual model.
Nabi Moradpoor, Keramatolah Zayyari,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

Spatial Analysis of Crimes at Different Hours of the Day, the Days of the Week, Month, and Seasons is an Effective Way to Control and Prevent Urban Crime. These analyzes give city management and other city safety officials, including law enforcement officials, the possibility to take preventive measures to eliminate or mitigate the effects of these factors in the city. The purpose of this study was to investigate the spatial analysis of theft crimes on a daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal basis in the 12th metropolitan area of Tehran. The research method in this article is descriptive-analytic. The comprehensive statistical data included the statistical blocks of 1390 in the neighborhoods of the 12th district of Tehran and the crimes related to theft in 2010. The most important statistical tests used are the Center-Medium and Oval-standard deviation tests, and from among the clustering tests, the nearest neighbor index is used to identify massive cores. The results of this study indicate that 446 crimes related to theft, Ferdowsi and Lalehzar neighborhoods, and Sa'di Baharestani have the most crimes and minorities in Kosar and Mokhtari. The pattern of distribution of crimes in the 12th region is clustered and the most important crustal focal points are formed at the intervals of the Shemiran, Iran, Baharestan - Saadi, Ferdowsi -Laleh Zar, Arg Pamenar, Imamzadeh Yahya and the Cascade. The spatial analysis of stealing crimes also suggests that the direction and extent of theft is different at different times of the day, weekdays, and on a monthly basis.

Mohsen Shaterian, Yones Gholami, Azam Nazari,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

The most important problem of the worn- ut context in urban is that these textures can not meet the needs of contemporary life. This can be of tissue due to the specific characteristics of a rare opportunity to play an effective role in sustainable development, one of the main strategies in this area can be a new urbanism approach. The aim of this study is to evaluate the principles of new urbanism is in the neighborhood of the central city of Kashan. The research method is analytical and is the main tool for data collection was a questionnaire. The sample size of 382 was calculated by the formula. To analyze the results of the questionnaire T-test through SPSS software is used for modeling equations using Amos software. The results suggest that indicators of modernity in the city of Kashan in central areas is not desirable, but a significant difference in terms of modern urban indicators in both new and old tissue there. The principles of modernism in town, the stand by weight of the total facade nodal regression 0.98 has most effective and the index of participation due to lack of poll officials on matters related to the principles of new urbanism is a minimal role in the neighborhood.
Ali Shamai, Habib Fasihi, Mahsa Delfannasab,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Valuable textures play an important role in the development of tourism in various aspects of economic, social, cultural, etc. due to the presence of nostalgic attractions and architectural and cultural relics. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors driving the variables related to recreational plans for the urban tourism development of Tajrish. The collection method is based on library, documentary and field information. . Based on the results of variables such as subsurface development and the establishment of shelter and shelter development in Shohada-Tajrish Hospital, the establishment of a pond of tranquility and development of the Maghsud Beyk river and other variables are independent variables, that is, neither effective nor ineffective. However, creating a cultural and entertainment pole in northern Tehran, promoting eco-tourism, organizing the Emamzadeh Saleh, reviving the trees of Valiasr Street have been considered as variables that have both influencing and influencing the development of tourism in the Tajrish district. However, variables such as neighborhood management, the establishment of a shopping center, the creation of a cultural and entertainment pole in northern Tehran, the expansion of eco tourism surrounding areas of the Tajrish area such as Darband and Derek ... and the development of the Iranian Cinema Museum and ... have been significantly influenced by the strategic area. And determining and strategic in developing the tourism of Tajrish neighborhoods and are considered as key variables.
Hassan Haji Amiri, Arash Seghfi Asl, Mehdi Ashjaee,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Following developments in urban contexts of contemporary Iran, the creation of new urban contexts and cities has a direct impact on the ecosystem of its surrounding area. Urban neighborhoods on the path to achieving the goal of sustainable urban development require the integration of architecture and the principles of environmental sustainability. Using the Sustainable Architecture approach based on the principles of world standard is one of the most effective steps in this field. Progressive research, combined with the LEED World Standard Code of Conduct as a basis for evaluation, has revised the classification of the indicators of this Code based on biological and indigenous characteristics in the Qom city. To this end, urban texture and neighborhood assessment metrics are explained in the LEED and then with the aim of determining the importance category, baseline indices at the scale of the study area - renovated settlements (Pardisan City) - in a manner Qualitative analysis has been investigated. Finally, quantification in each section of context indices is done based on existing statistical documentary data for accreditation sub-indicators and, according to the final findings, a new classification of baseline assessment indexes for contemporary urban context designs. Based on the degree of effectiveness provided.
Mister Hossien Tahmasebimogaddam, Docter Isa Piri, Miss Zahra Rasolzadeh, Miss Mahnaz Vaezlivari,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

The endogenous growth pattern reflects the importance of the quality of human capital and even the social system and governance in which culture is considered as the source of ideas for economic sectors. A review of the policies and priorities for the development of the new economy highlights the importance of creative city indicators in managing the challenges and cultural and economic diversity of current cities. The research method in this study is descriptive-analytical and it is applied in terms of purpose. . The method of data collection is mainly library and documentary by means of catch-up, housing statistical blocks of 2016 and detailed plan map of 2015. Combined methods of  the factor analysis and spatial statistics in GIS are used for analysis. Most of Zanjan's neighborhoods lacked creative class attraction indices and spatial distribution of Zanjan's central and northern creative city indices was relatively favorable. Zanjan's neighborhood development policies have less attention to the interests and priorities of the creative class, and urban spaces other than the central and northern neighborhoods are not conducive to social interaction and creativity of residents, and urban residents, especially urban east and west, have become passive recipients of urban services and facilities.

Amir Alimmohamadi, Hassan Sattari Sarebangholi, Mahsa Faramarzi Asl, Mohammadreza Pakdel,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

Historical contexts have rich cultural and cultural resources and are not very important not only because of the existence of valuable historical buildings and spaces, but also because they are real narratives of the life and activities of human beings who have lived throughout life. They lived in them themselves. Today, due to urban development and the blockade of the technology of historical textures, the issue of restoration of cultural and historical textures and the implementation of urban design projects in them has faced a double challenge of the intervention and protectionist approach. According to these two approaches, new constructions and contemporary architecture do not have enough identity to be included in the valuable urban contexts, and the process of burnout has been manifested more rapidly in historical contexts. The need to pay attention to the reconstruction and protection of historical contexts with a comprehensive approach and taking into account the physical, legal, environmental, economic and social dimensions is one of the objectives of the present study. This research has been studied in terms of practical purpose and with a qualitative approach and using content analysis method and to collect the required information and data, documentary studies and field studies have been used. The findings show that the neighborhood is worn out and to recreate the historical core of Qazvin city, the approach of urban revitalization and urban and strategic regeneration strategies is essential in line with the principles of sustainable development.
Ms Shima Abedi, Dr Toktam Hanaee, Dr Zahra Bagherzade Golmakani,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

The importance of studying development in the field of child psychology is crystallized. On the other hand, cognitive development is a source of awareness in the field of children's development and has a double effect on the process of wayfinding children. Paying attention to this in urban spaces can make it easier for children to successfully wayfinding. The purpose of this study is to develop factors affecting the ease of wayfinding children in urban spaces with emphasis on cognitive abilities. The research method is applied in the present study. In this regard, in order to collect data, field observations, questionnaires and site visits have been used. The sampling method is random using Cochran's formula and the questionnaire was completed by 106 children in the age range of 10-12 years and 106 children in the age range of 12-14 years. Data analysis to analyze the routing pattern of children affected by cognitive development in Lashgar neighborhood has been calculated quantitatively by factor analysis using LISREL software. In data analysis to evaluate the relationship between wayfinding and cognitive development after data collection, the data were analyzed by statistical methods of Ti-dependent test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov hypothesis test. Based on the analysis of cognitive abilities in the navigation process of children, the results indicate that the elements of the guide and used in navigation are different in two age groups, and the age group of 12-14 years has an analytical mind, and in contrast to the group of 10-12 years, it is searching and Paying attention to secrecy determines the path. Children in the second age range mostly mentioned the color of the facades, the shape of the building and the buildings that have a distinctive form and function, also the children in the first age range pointed to the distinctive signs that have a distinct body compared to other buildings in the neighborhood.
Keywords: Cognitive development, child, wayfinding, Lashgar neighborhood.

Faeghe Zirdabi Oskouei, Solmaz Babazadeh Oskouei,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

The decline of social and economic status and functional and physical disorders of these contexts along with the very severe decline in the quality of the urban environment are among the reasons that have persuaded urban policymakers and planners to provide new strategies and solutions in the face of its problems. Accordingly, the futures research approach can keep peoplechr('39')s eyes open for possible future events, opportunities, and risks; Reduces ambiguities, doubts and erosive concerns of people, increases the ability of society and people to make smart choices. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to investigate the key drivers affecting the promotion of dysfunctional urban contexts with a future research approach in the Sartpooleh neighborhood of Sanandaj. This research is applied in terms of purpose and according to the studied components, the approach is descriptive-analytical method and environmental and Delphi scanning technique has been used to identify variables and indicators. Then, a semi-structured questionnaire was distributed among 45 experts in the field of urban issues. The data were analyzed using MICMAC software. The results showed that the urban system, especially in the worn-out tissue section of Sartpooleh neighborhood (in Sanandaj) is going through unstable conditions. Also, according to the analysis, 19 factors as key drivers such as authoritative management methods to renovate worn-out tissue, centralism, timely injection of funds when renovating worn-out tissue directly and variables focusing on improvement and renovation in comprehensive and detailed plans. Citizenschr('39') right to intervene in construction, paving the way for the entry of the private sector and balancing and achieving social justice were indirectly introduced to improve the quality and performance of worn-out structures.
Mehdi Hemati, Sadegh Besharatifar, Mohsen Agaee,
Volume 24, Issue 75 (12-2024)

The standard of health is one of the fundamental human rights throughout the world. Today, the healthy city approach is considered as one of the dominant approaches in urban and rural studies and even on a national scale. The present study was descriptive-analytical with the aim of analyzing the stability of neighborhoods in the city of Bandar Mahshahr from the perspective of healthy city indicators, in the form of three components of economic, social and environmental and 22 sub-indicators based on 2016 statistics in different neighborhoods of Bandar Assess and evaluate Mahshahr. Using T.Test test in SPSS software to measure the overall stability of the studied indicators, then the weights obtained from the critical method and Idas technique in the GIS environment compared to the ranking and leveling of neighborhoods in the integrated index in terms of  The indicators of a healthy city were taken and in the last step, through the path analysis model in pls software, the most effective factor related to sustainability in Mahshahr city neighborhoods were measured and extracted. The analysis of the findings shows that out of 35 neighborhoods studied  Only 1, 2, 6, 11 neighborhoods are in a stable and developed condition in terms of having healthy city indicators,.
 Keywords: sustainable, sustainable neighborhoods, healthy city, Idas technique, Mahshahr port city
Narges Karimi, Farah Habib, ,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

A sense of belonging to an environment is an emotional connection that takes place between people and the external environment. Many studies have shown that the existence of this connection and its deepening between the person and the environment has a significant role in promoting the physical environment and the emergence of positive social behaviors. Therefore, recognizing the sense of belonging and the factors affecting it and ways to improve it is one of the issues that can lead to the improvement of living conditions and physical environment. Among the many factors that affect the sense of belonging, the time factor as one of these factors can be effective from two perspectives; Duration of residence and age of the environment. In this study, while researching the effect of each of these factors on the sense of belonging of residents, a comparison between these two factors and the intensity of the effect of each on the sense of belonging has been done. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In order to collect the required data and information, library and field methods and questionnaire tools were used. The statistical population of the study consists of citizens living in the six studied neighborhoods in Zanjan. The sample size was estimated to be 300 people using the Cochran's formula. SPSS software was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the sense of belonging in the study areas is moderate to low. The results also showed that the duration of residence and the age of the environment have a positive and significant effect on the sense of spatial belonging and its components. Among the variables, the effect of the environment variable on the sense of spatial belonging is greater than the length of stay, so that the age of the environment predicts 27.1% of the variance of the variable of spatial belonging.

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