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Mrs. Atefeh Shahmohammadi, Dr. Ali Bayat, Mr. Saeed Mashhadizadeh Maleki,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Air pollution is one of the major problems in large cities, which can be harmful to human health and the environment. Isfahan is one of the most polluted cities in Iran.
 Its geographic location and low wind speed, industrial activities, transportation, agriculture, and other human activities have created critical air pollution conditions for the city. Nitrogen dioxide is an important pollutant of air pollution, which is monitored using ground stations and satellite measurements. In this paper, daily data of nitrogen dioxide from Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) satellite sensor, wind and surface temperature of Isfahan Meteorological Station data were used between October 2004 and May 2016. The average amount of nitrogen dioxide in the measured range is .The highest amount of nitrogen dioxide ( ) was observed in December and the lowest ( ) was observed in July. The standard deviation of the winter season ( ) is higher than the summer season ( ). The correlation coefficient of nitrogen dioxide with wind and temperature was -0.41 and -0.54, respectively, which indicates the higher importance of temperature in nitrogen dioxide changes. After the formation of the time series, the average monthly nitrogen dioxide content was determined using spectral analysis of least squares of statistically meaningful peaks corresponding periods. These statistically meaningful peaks corresponding periods have been eliminated from the mean monthly nitrogen dioxide time series, and with the linear fit on the residual time series, the trend has been calculated. The nitrogen dioxide trend for Isfahan is per year with 95% confidence.
Musa Abedin, Ehsan Ghale, Nazfar Aghazadeh, Maryam Mohamadzadeh Sheshegaran,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Studies have shown that the role of thermal temperature measurement in studying and estimating surface temperature is very important. Earth surface temperature is an important indicator in the study of equilibrium energy models on the ground at the regional and global scale. Due to the limitation of meteorological stations, remote sensing can be a good alternative to earth surface temperature estimation. The main objective of this study is to monitor the surface temperature of the Earth using satellite imagery and a relationship that can have a surface temperature with land use. For this purpose, the relevant images were first obtained and the necessary pre-processes were applied to each one. Then it was compared to modeling and classification of images. Firstly, in order to study land use change, land use classification map was extracted for each two years using a controlled classification method. Then, to study the land use change, the land use change map was extracted for a period of 28 years (1987-2015). Became finally, in order to monitor the surface temperature, the surface temperature map of Meshginshahr was extracted. The results showed that there is a strong relationship between land use and surface temperature. High-vegetation areas and low-temperature blue areas. Also, rainfed farming has the highest average temperature relative to adjacent areas, which indicates the dryness of agricultural products in the Meshginshahr city.

Khadijeh Mikaeli Hajikandi, Behrooz Sobhani, Saeid Varamesh,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Study of land use/cover changes is widely used in environmental planning. During the last decade, growing increase of aridity in Uromiyah Basin has become a major regional and even national problem. The purpose of this study is to reveal the changes in land use/cover in the southern and southeastern parts of the basin with using 2 images for month of July of 2000 to 2017. Landsat TM and OLI data and NDVI were used for classification this study. Land use/cover maps in the two studied years were provided using Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) algorithm applied on two series data including spectral bands (data series 1) also spectral bands and filter texture layer (data series 2) and six categories of land use/cover containing Irrigated Farmland, Dry Farmland, garden, rangeland, bare land and water bodies were distinguished.. The accuracy of the produced maps were assessed and compared with the training samples derived from Google Earth images and Kappa Index, overral accuracy, producer accuracy and user accuracy. The results demonstrated that the maps produced using the data series 1 have higher accuracy and the overall accuracy of the maps of 2000 and 2017 using the data series 2 are 98.93 and 98.29 and these values for data series 1 were gained 99.28 and 91.45, respectively. In additional, texture filtering decreased amount of mixing between classes of rangeland, Irrigated Farmland and garden. The results of change detection showed considerable increase in the area of Irrigated Farmland (13.44) and garden 1.85 (27.24) an also at the studied period, the area of the water bodies and rangeland were decreased to 1.58 and 22.94%.
Dr. Ruhallah Moradhaseli, Dr. Ali Bayat, Mrs. Fateme Radmehri,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

Aerosol optical depth in 550 nm and angstrom exponent measurements with MODIS have been studied with 1-degree resolution for the period 2006-2017 in the middle east. Moreover, tropospheric aerosol optical depth and depolarization ratios measured at 532 nm with CALIOP have been studied for same area and same period of time too. These parameters have been classified seasonally. Optical depth results show high values for the region especially in spring and summer seasons. During the cold seasons, optical depth values are much less compared with their values at warm seasons. At spring, dust sources located in northern Iraq and those located in central and northern parts of Arabian Peninsula are much more active. Sources located in southern parts of Arabian Peninsula get more active by summer. Angstrom exponent results show that in arid and semi-arid parts of middle east, aerosol sizes are mainly in coarse mode. In arid parts of Iraq and Arabian Peninsula coarse mode particles are dominant during 4 seasons, but for arid parts inside Iran coarse mode is dominant during warm seasons and a modification in suspended particle sizes can be seen during cold seasons. Depolarization measurements of CALIOP show that almost in all seasons, non-spherical particles are ready in middle east atmosphere which is usual for an area inside the dust belt.

Akbar Mirahmadi, Hojjatollah Yazdan Panah, Mehdi Momeni,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

In recent years, the technology of crop production has been greatly expanded using satellite data. Today, Landsat 8 and OLI sensor data, with a spatial resolution of 30 meters, allow the discovery of factors that control phenology on a local scale. In this study, the remote sensing indices - NDVI, EVI, Greenness, and Brightness - obtained from the OLI sensor and the GCC index obtained from digital camera images were used to estimate the phenological stages of the rapeseed plant. The Savitzky-Goli filter was used to remove outlier data and to produce smooth curves of time series of plant indices. The results showed that the curves obtained from the indices of NDVI, EVI, GCC show all four stages of remote sensing phenology – green-up, dormancy, maturity, and senescence - well, but the Greenness index did not show the dormancy stage well. The Brightness index curve shows the inverse behavior to other curves. According to Pearsonchr('39')s correlation test, GCC index data are correlated with NDVI and Brightness index data .we used the ratio threshold, rate of change and first derivative methods, to estimate "start of season" and "end of season" and the results showed that the first derivative and ratio threshold methods with an average difference of 18 and 19 days in the "start of the season"  and the rate of change method, with an average difference of 8 days, has the best performance in estimating the “end of the season”. Also, the Brightness index with an average difference of 16 days and the EVI index with an average difference of 7 days have the best performance in estimating "start of season" and "end of season", respectively.

Sara Kaviani Ahangar, Rasool Mahdavi, Gholamreza Zehtabian, Hamid Gholami, Ashok K Chapagain,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

Desertification is a serious environmental and socio-economic threat to the planet. The aim of this study is to use a scientific, reasonable and repeatable method to evaluate the process of vegetation and land use as two important factors in the process of desertification on different scales (local-regional and global). In this study, Sarvestan plain in Fars province was selected as the study area. For this purpose, Landsat images were used for TM (1993), ETM + (2001 and 2006) and OLI / TIRS (2016). Image monitoring was performed using image differentiation, NDVI index difference and land use maps. In 1993, 2001, and 1993, and 2016 difference maps, the decrease in the amount of water in the mouth of Lake Maharloo can be clearly seen as increasing changes in the infrared band. The results of the difference between the vegetation index and the increase in vegetation in the form of agricultural lands in 2016 compared to 2006 and 1993. According to the results of the monitoring classification, from 1993 to 2016, irrigated areas decreased from 7.11 hectares to 0.7575 hectares, on the other hand, the level of saline lands increased from 143.99 hectares to 223.83 hectares and the level of cultivated lands increased. (Agricultural and horticultural) has increased from 113.28 hectares to 14/2014 hectares, which due to the importance of saline lands and land use change indicators in the studies of the desertification assessment process, it can be concluded that the desertification process in the study area is growing.
Sayed Hedayat Sheikh Ghaderi, Abdulsalam ‪aminpour, Parviz Ziaeian Firoozabadi,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

Corona and Hexagon satellite photographs with a spatial resolution of 1.8 to 9 meters are a good source for monitoring and evaluating changes in surface phenomena. The purpose of this study is to monitor the changes in Zaribar Lake in the period 1969-2019 using the data of Corona, Hexagon and Aster satellites and their ability to monitor and extract the coastline, lake boundary and water surface. In this study, to geometric correction the corona and hexagon data from Google Earth images, linear extraction algorithms, binary mask and mean shift segmentation were used to extract the coastline and lake boundary, detect lake changes and extract and monitor the water area of ​​Zaribar Lake. The results showed that in the first step: geometric correction of corona and hexagon images was obtained using Google Earth images with RMSE of 0.3 and 0.4 pixels. In the second stage, the linear extraction algorithm for extracting the lake boundary and coastline using corona and hexagon photographs has high accuracy and has a high correlation with the topographic map of 1.50000. In the third step, the unsupervised classification of binary mask method, in order to detect lake changes using corona and hexagon photographs, acceptablely identified the altered and unchanged pixels, so that 11 hectares of lake surface had the most changes. Finally, in the fourth step, it was found that the mean shift segmentation algorithm and threshold worked better by applying the corona, hexagon, and Aster events to extract the water surface, and in the meantime, the corona image performed better due to its higher resolution. The above results showed that Zaribar Lake decreased by 6.5% from 1969 to 2019 and the findings have a high correlation with the product of the ester aquifer. In general, the findings of this study show the potential of using digital image processing methods for corona and hexagon data to monitor and detect changes in lakes. 

Mohammad Kazemi Garajeh, Behnam Salmani, Mohammad Hossein Rezaei Moghaddam,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

The purpose of the present study is to assess the land surface temperature in relation to landuse for the city of Tabriz using remote sensing technology and GIS. Landsat 8 satellite image was used to map the land surface temperature for the study area. Atmospheric correction was applied to the desired image using the FLAASH method and the land surface temperature was estimated using the split-window algorithm for the study area with an accuracy of 1.51 degrees. Landuse map of Tabriz city in 6 classes was obtained using the object-based approach in eCognition software with an accuracy of 90/03. The results of studying the relationship between land surface temperature and landuse indicate that agricultural lands with a temperature of 18.22 °C have the highest land surface temperature. Also, water areas (rivers) have the lowest (10.30 °C) land surface temperature, because of their radiant power close to one. The research results also indicate that the split-window algorithm provides reliable results for land surface temperature estimation that can be used in environmental studies and earth sciences.

Mr Shokrollah Kiani, Mr Ahmad Mazidi, Mr Seyed Zein Al-Abedin Hosseini,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

Subsidence is an environmental phenomenon caused by the gradual subsidence or sudden subsidence of the earthchr('39')s surface. The phenomenon of subsidence in residential, industrial and agricultural areas can cause catastrophic damage. In most parts of Iran, there is a high correlation between land subsidence and the decrease of groundwater level and consequently the density of soil layers. In this study, using two time series of radar images with artificial apertures from Sentinel sensors belonging to 2014 and 2019, the amount of subsidence in Damaneh plain (Frieden city) was calculated. Wells were studied in the period 2014 to 2019, the results of the study of the correlation between land subsidence with changes in groundwater level at the level of 95% was significant. In the continuation of the research, using the logistic regression model, the subsidence trend in the study area was predicted and a subsidence probability map was prepared and created as a dependent variable for the logistic regression model. The independent variables used included altitude, slope, slope direction, geology, distance from the road, distance from the river, land use, distance from the village, groundwater level, piezometric wells. The output of the model is subsidence risk zoning map which was created in five classes. The accuracy and validation of the logistic regression model was evaluated using the system performance characteristic curve and the accuracy (0.89) was obtained. The good accuracy of the logistic regression model in producing the probability map Subsidence is in the study area. In the output of the model, it was found that the area of ​​1980 hectares, equivalent to 7.9%, has a very severe subsidence that has put the situation in a dangerous situation and the need for control and management to reduce this destructive effect.
Hamid Bagheri, Rahime Rostami,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

Wetland cover classification is of special importance in order to identify the type of plant species inside the wetland and also to distinguish it from the wetland margin vegetation and to study their ecosystem changes.  Due to the spectral similarity between different plant species of wetlands and plants along the wetlands and agricultural lands, this is faced with problems using multispectral data and hyperspectral data can be very useful in this regard. in this study power of hyperspectral and multispectral sensors in identifying the characteristics of the wetland and the ability of ETM + (2011), Hyperion (2011) and ALI (2011) sensors to study the characteristics of Shadegan wetland during 1390 and different spectral indices with a suitable combination of The satellite imagery bands of these sensors were compared as input to a variety of classification methods including maximum likelihood, minimum distance, neural network and support vector machine. The results showed that the support vector machine and neural network methods with closer classification accuracy of 85% in all three images show closer results to reality. The classification accuracy for all three images was at its highest for the backup vector machine method, with a total accuracy of 95.73 for the Hyperion image, 88.03 for the ALI and 89.34 for the ETM +. Therefore, the characteristics considered for the wetland, in the three images obtained from the SVM algorithm showed that showing the differentiation of wetland vegetation use from irrigated agricultural land use is more ambiguous than other wetland features. Studies have shown that this part is less recognizable in ALI and ETM + images than Hyperion images, or in some areas these parts are not separable from aquaculture land at all, while Hyperion due to having 220 bands and having a higher level of Spectral details have the ability to distinguish between the two classes.

Hossein Sharifi, Mehrdad Ramezanipour, Leila Ebrahimi,
Volume 24, Issue 75 (12-2024)

Today, human settlements around the world are exposed to natural hazards for a variety of reasons. These risks, which bring with them a lot of human and financial losses, require preventive measures. The purpose of this study is to investigate the development of urban space in order to deal with environmental hazards in Noor city. The method of this research is also descriptive. Data collection is using library and documentary studies and questionnaires. In order to analyze the questionnaires using ANP method and fuzzy logic method, evaluate each of the criteria and determine their importance coefficients. Based on the results, spatial assessment was performed using ArcGis software and hazard zones were identified. According to the results of risk potential zoning, the northern and southern areas of the city have the highest risk potential. To predict the development of residential areas, the combined Markov chain model and cellular automation were used. The results showed that the continuous expansion of built areas in recent decades has caused rapid changes in land use and the built areas of the city has increased from 2.43% of the total area in 2010 to 3.68% in 2019. The results also showed that regardless of the natural hazards, the built-up areas will increase and as a result of urbanization, the built-up areas will be more prone to high-risk lands. However, if sustainable development policies are fully implemented, cities and built-up areas will be able to maintain their development spaces from high-risk areas for the benefit of the city and its residents.
Mr Masihollah Mohammadi, Prof Behrooz Sobhani,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

Relative humidity is considered to be one of the most important climatic parameters and atmospheric phenomena. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the regional algorithms for estimating relative humidity using remote sensing data in Hormozgan province. To this end, MOD05 and MOD07 products were employed to estimate total perceptible water, air temperature, and sea-level pressure Additionally, MOD35 was used for cloud verification, , resulting in the identification of 2190 cloudless images with 95% confidence level for analysis. radiosound data of Bandar Abbas ststion and synoptic stations Covering entire Hormozgan Province. were used to evaluate the results. The findings demonstrated high accuracy of the algorithms and experimental model, with acceptable R² and RMSE values between Modis product and ground data. These results align well with ground station measurements. The province's climate was determined to be semi-desert with a long warm season and a short cool period. Further analysis revealed a strong correlation between sea-level pressure and total perceptible water (TPW) with the region's topography. Maximum TPW and sea-level pressure values were recorded in coastal lowlands, while minimum values occurred in the highlands. Based on zoning maps, Hormozgan province can be divided into four regions based on relative humidity: from very dry conditions with less than 20% relative humidity in the highlands to humid areas with over 65% relative humidity along the coast.

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