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Showing 2 results for zakeri

Hakimeh Behboudi, Mohammad Saligheh, Ali Bayat, Akram Zakeri, Fatemeh Jamali,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

Understanding weather zoning and knowing homogeneous climate regions are essential for land use and regional planning. The aim of this study was to compare three different geographical climate of Iran, the Caspian coastal, mountainous and arid interior of the provinces of Mazandaran, Semnan, Tehran, Qazvin, Qom, and Markazi. In order to do this study, climatic data of 56 synoptic and climatology stations and 19 climatic elements were used by using cluster analysis and factor analysis models. For this purpose, a matrix with dimensions of 56 x 19 and the R configuration and as a database was used for segmentation. By applying factor analysis based on principal components analysis with Varimax orthogonal rotation it was determined that in the climate of these three regions, four factors of humidity, temperature, dust and thunderstorms are affecting more than 85% of the total variance of the climate of this region. The hierarchical cluster analysis method and integration into the matrix of factor scores, four main and several sub-region areas were identified.The main areas are hot, dry desert area, ​​low rainfall mountain slopes, the mountainous and cold and semi-rainy regions and high rainfall and finally the moderate high rainfall. The study of four areas and their local and regional conditions shows that the neighborhood with humidity source such as the Caspian Sea and rough configurations such Alborz Mountains play a decisive role in the formation of north sub-areas.
Hasan Kabouri, Seyed Ali Almodaresi, Mohammad Hossin Ramesht, Mohammad Mehdi Karim Nejad, Malihe Zakerian,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

The aim of the present study was to model a community-  based development approach in neighborhood development planning using structural equation methods. The analytical-descriptive research method is applied with a practical purpose and the approach governing the research space with a methodological focus is a quantitative approach. Two library and survey methods have been used to gather information on the subject of study. The statistical population studied in this study is all people over 18 years of age in the study neighborhood of Abarkouh city (Golkaran). Using a questionnaire tool that was adjusted according to the Likert spectrum, it was collected and its reliability was determined by Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which includes both the total coefficient and the coefficient of different sections in the dimensions of the questionnaire and also to determine the validity of the questionnaire. Experts in the field of urban planning benefited. In the data analysis section, two levels of descriptive statistics, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics were used to measure and evaluate the amount of components affecting the community-based development approach and also to formulate an operational model in the study neighborhood using structural equation model in Amos software environment. Was. This model examines the interrelationships and interactions of variables and the degree of effectiveness and effectiveness of each other.The results of data analysis using the model of structural equations show that having a community-based approach to neighborhood development has a direct and significant effect on promoting neighborhood development.

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