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Showing 2 results for qasemi

Dr Hossein Ghazanfarpuor, Mr Moslem Qasemi,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

Strategic management, program coordinator, which is comprehensive and continuous link with the environment and your organization's top talent, the goal of the organization is managed in a proper implementation.  Tuday One of the most important challenges facing large cities is transportation within the city. Lack of strategic planning for urban transport systems also joint ventures that replicate community infrastructure, causing disharmony and conflict with each other and the system, and may have problems connecting subsystems to encapsulation create. The aim of study was to evaluate the performance of systems based on the objectives of the trip and provide transportation Kerman trips and absorption of production / traffic area in planning. Research, analytical - descriptive using traffic assignment models, production, distribution and absorption and to help GIS software and topsis. The results show: Areas 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 42 within the central Kerman, attracting more travel than their neighboring areas.

Shahla Qasemi, Reza Borna, Faredeh Asadian,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

In the history of humanity, human always has suffered all difficulties with effort to reach to comfort and well-being until the human provides a way to achieve the comfort. In the viewpoint of climate four elements have significant role in formation of human comfort and discomfort conditions that according to the climatic conditions in different areas, the type and effect of these elements on individuals are also different. The aim of this research is to determine the areas of climatic comfort. For this purpose, temperature, precipitation and humidity data were derived from database of Esfazari for Khuzestan province during statistical period 1965 to 2014. In this process, at first discomfort climate has been defined using temperature, precipitation and humidity based on distribution probability conditional. This research is to determine the areas of climatic comfort in Khuzestan province using multivariate analysis (Cluster analysis and Discriminant analysis) and spatial autocorrelation pattern (Hot Spot index and Moran index) with emphasis on architecture. The results showed that the areas with climatic comfort are included in north and east parts of Khuzestan province. However, the areas of climatic comfort by spatial method have been limited somewhat. Results further indicated that the areas of climatic comfort have decreased significantly towards recent periods especially in cluster analysis and discriminant analysis that a trend of reduction has been remarkable in cluster analysis (from 23.60% in the first period to 17.60% in the fifth period) and discriminant analysis (from 26.97% in the first period to 14.98% in the fifth period).

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