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Showing 6 results for mousavi

Dr Seyed Hojjat Mousavi, Mis Asiyeh Abbasian, Mis Parinaz Zoormand,
Volume 17, Issue 46 (9-2017)

Therefore, this study was to evaluate the ecological potential of Ecotourism development in order to study extensive and focused outing in Shahreza County. In this respect, the ecological model of tourism development assessment was fitted. At first, data of slope, aspect, soil order, bedrock, vegetation, temperature and sunshine hour parameters were obtained, and the appropriate areas maps, from the perspective of each parameter is drawn with due observance of the principles and conditions of the said model, and apply the its thresholds. Then, the final mapping of focused and extensive outing of tourism development was drawn by the integration of prone areas maps. Eventually, the final layer of outing was assessing accuracy through the encounter of the natural attractions and rural centers layers. The results showed that extent about 9.0198 and 3.9526 km2 (0.32% and 0.14%) of the Shahreza County are appropriate for the development of one and two levels of focused outing, respectively. Also, extent about 263.1973 and 298.1843 km2 (9.41% and 10.67%) are appropriate for the development of one and two levels of extensive outing, respectively. The high adaptation of the natural attractions and rural centers to the classes evaluated of ecotourism development maps has been showed the acceptable accuracy of the tourism development and the spatial and land use management maps is the Shahreza County.

Nazli Pakru, Dariush Sattarzadeh, Lida Bolillan, Mir Saeed Mousavi,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

In order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage to overcome the prevailing have been proposed competition between cities, various strategies; Urban branding is one of these strategies. Urban branding is considered as an important asset in the development of the city as well as an effective tool to differentiate, improve the position and increase the influence and prestige of the city. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the Sense of place and quality of green spaces in urban branding. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In order to collect the required data and information, library and field methods and questionnaire tools were used. The statistical population of the study consists of citizens living in Tabriz; the sample size was estimated 384 people using Cochranchr('39')s formula. SPSS and Lisrel software were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the Sense of place and quality of urban green spaces has a positive and significant effect on urban branding. It was 0.37. According to the value of the obtained path coefficient, the effect of the Sense of place is greater than the quality of urban green space in urban branding.

Seyed Hossein Mir Mousavi, Masoud Jalali, Enayet Asadolahi,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

In this research, coding the rainfalls, prepares daily 45 stations with the statistical period of 20 years to zero and one codes to realize the daily dry periods in west and north west of the country and then, by establishing the main condition of occurrence of code one for 30 stations, we extracted the dry 4 to 10-day frequencies. And the results gained of considering the atmospheric weathering, shows that the most clear rotational pattern in sea level is related to Siberia-Europe high-pressure panels and sometimes both of them that increase the rotation on the region and also, the local high-pressure reinforcement and there is a high altitude in atmospheric middle level which is derived from sample patterns and is placed on the studied region and these sample patterns are from omega, bi-polar and rex models that they are on Russia and Scandinavian countries with some changes. The 500 level TAVA and omega shows well that in most regions, the air course, has decreasing case and so, we can result that placement of a high altitude in atmospheric middle and upper level on the high-pressures of the earth, causes the weather stability and lack of rainfall and as a result, the stability and durability of these conditions for several days, is related to sample patterns.         

Hossin Asakereh, Piero Lionello, Hossein Mirmousavi, Sahar Sadrafshari,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

The purpose of this research is to identify changes in the temperature trend in the western half of Iran. For this purpose, monthly temperature data of 15 synoptic stations were collected during 1960-2010. Quality control was applied on these data by applying Pettit, SNHT, Buishand and Von Neumann’s tests. Later data Simulated and compared with reanalysis data such as ERA-Interim, ERA-20C, NCEP and CMIP5 models (RCP8.5 for the period 1960-2100). Trends were calculated by the Mean Kendall test and the Sen’s estimator (95 % confidence level). Based on the results obtained from all models, a significant positive trend was observed in spring, summer and autumn, and only in winter according to ERA-Interim. Based on CMIP5 results for the period 2050-2100 values between 2 and 4 ° C/100 achieved, which is lower than the results of other models for the period 1979-2010. Considering the CMIP5 models and their overall average in the study area, an increase in annual temperature (7 ° C /100) for the second half of the 21st century was confirmed.
Esmaiel Safaralizadeh, Majid Akbari, Vahid Boostan Ahmadi, Chamran Mousavi,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

 the development of sustainable urban development depends on providing relative prosperity, citizen participation and increasing social awareness for all members of society. The purpose of this paper is to measure social capital indices and its relationship with sustainable urban development in urban areas of Ahwaz. The present study is a descriptive-correlational one from a methodological point of view. From a single point of view, it is based on structural equations which has been done in Ahwaz in 2018. In this regard, library studies have been used to explain the literature and theoretical foundations and field method has been used to study the case study. Data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. Structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze the descriptive-inferential statistics data and SPSS and Amos software were used. The statistical population of the study was 384 citizens of Ahwaz city and the sampling method was random. The results of this paper showed that social capital and Sustainable Urban Development status are different between Ahwaz city areas. In other words, high social capital among the citizens of Ahwaz is a means of enhancing the sustainable urban development and structural dimensions of the city including economy, community, institutions, space and environment. The implications of this research for the strong link between social capital and sustainable urban development, the need to pay attention to the components of social capital and to adopt policies to maintain, enhance and enhance social capital to ensure sustainable urban development in the geographical area of ​​Ahvaz. It looks great.

Narges Mousavi, Homa Doroudi, Somayeh Moghaddam,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

This study was designed to investigate the impact of perceived security and perceived value on tourists' spatial attachment. The present study is of applied purpose and of descriptive-analytical method. Libraries and field methods were used to collect the required data and data. The statistical population of the study consisted of tourists coming to Zanjan province. The sample size of the study was estimated to be 384 people using Cochran formula. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured by Cronbach's alpha and the combined reliability coefficient (Cr). The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by face and expert validity and divergent validity by calculating the mean variance index. SPSS and LISREL were used for data analysis. The results showed that the sense of security and perceived value had a significant and positive effect on tourists' spatial attachment.

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