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Showing 2 results for VarkianiPor

Nafiseh Varkianipor, Doctor Seyed Mohammadreza Hosseini, Doctor Roohalla Samiee, Doctor Majid Shrafi,
Volume 19, Issue 54 (9-2019)

Abstract in the late 20th century, it has been a tremendous change in all spheres of business, such as globalization of enhancing competitiveness of information technology development competition attention to the quality of customer and such as these are the administration in the public sector with these serious challenges one of the most important approaches to address these challenges is to address the entrepreneurial debate in society as well as women play an important role in promoting employement and improving the economic situation of the community and it is an important factor in shaping social affairs. First, the analysis of sustainable rural development and sustainable development of women identified by using alpha cronbachs alpha test and sustainable development of rural sustainable development have been used to prioritize the relationship between women's entrepreneurial development and sustainable development of rural sustainable development. Women's activities led to poverty reduction and sustainable rural development.

Nafiseh Varkianipor, , , Majid Ashrafi,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

The promotion of Entrepreneurship is the need of the community and the entrepreneursial development factors that are essential is the. Of the employment of women in Iran. Pursuit of opportunities beyond resources to create values in an article on the Entrepreneurship of the Entrepreneurship chain and sustainable social development. The elements of value chain were identified and prioritized according to experts in the second part of the paper to measure the relationship between the development of women's entrepreneurship and sustaninable social development through correlation research and strucrural equation modeling. We then discussed the results and the model entrepreneurial development model was developed based on the entrprenrurial value chain with a sustainable social development approach. This model contributes to the formulation of women's entrepreneurial activity and tacilitates the srengths and weaknesses and facilitates. Finally the presentation of the model and the link between the development of women's entrepreneurship of entrepreneurship value chain and sustainable social development were obtained.

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