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Showing 3 results for Taghilo

Parvin Daneshvar, Dr Taghiloo Ali Akbar, Dr Hassan Heydari,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

Increasing urbanization today and the lack of integrated urban management have led to inadequate planning in cities. In this regard, the local councils, as the most prominent local institutions and the most important decentralization manifestations, symbolize the serious presence of the people to determine their own fate, if they are institutionalized in the governance structure as coordinators of the executive agencies. In these cities, they can play a valuable role in the social security of cities. The present study was conducted using descriptive-analytical approach and field method. In this study 354 people were selected using Cochran model. Next, based on the results of the questionnaire, the results were analyzed using SPSS software. Conclusions: Based on the Friedman test, among the research items, the second item is "Social Security Development", and the first item is "Economic Security Development". Among the items, the second item (Social Security) with 2.90 points out that the role of local councils in social security development is higher than other dimensions and the first item with 1.98 points of economic security development comes in last. has taken. Also, the one-sample t-test showed that the significance level of the test is less than (0.05) and at 95% confidence level there is a positive significant difference between the dimensions of council functions and the dimensions of sustainable urban security development.
Mrs Sahar Mehrran, Mr Ali Akbar Taghilou, Mrs Khadijeh Javan,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

Analysis of land use change in Nazlou district of Urmia in the 2005-2018 time series
Abstract Population growth, increased prosperity, the spread of technology, and the improper use of land have in recent decades imposed many changes on land. Nazlou district in Urmia city has been exposed to many changes due to its favorable natural conditions, location in the development paths of Urmia-Cir and Urmia-Bazargan, establishment of numerous industrial estates and so on. So planning to manage these changes requires studying land use changes. The purpose of this study was to detect land use changes in Nazlou district in Urmia city using Landsat TM and OLI satellite images by Object Oriented Classification. Also, two methods of change detection and change intensity index in land use change monitoring were used to investigate the severity and trend of land use changes. This study was descriptive and analytical and data collection was done by documentary method. The survey showed that during the study period (2005-2018) of the total area of ​​77498.37 hectares, the total area under study was approximately 25981.56 ha (33.52%). The highest level of change in 2005 relates to the level of the horticulture, with its downward trend in 2018. In contrast, changes in rangeland and dryland land use have an increasing trend, respectively.
Dr Ahmad Aftab, Dr Ali Akbar Taghilo, Mr Akbar Houshmand,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

The continuous and active presence of disciplinary centers has an important role in ensuring security and peace in cities.Therefore the fair and efficient distribution of law enforcement centers in urban areas is an important factor in meeting this basic need.Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the service of police stations on vulnerable areas of Urmia.The descriptive-analytical research method used in this study is applied.The results of the study show that the vulnerability zoning of the city of Urmia is in four categories from very high to very low. About 68 km2 of the whole area of the city is known to be highly vulnerable.Most of the northern (informal settlements of Region 2) and central (old districts of four region) settlements of Urmia are the most vulnerable areas due to the high density of population and housing,with most of the politically sensitive, commercial and administrative offices in these areas.The results of the network analysis based on standard time (12 minutes) indicate that the 28.9% (24 km2) of the Urmia Vulnerable Areas was not covered by the police stations.Within 12 minutes the police stations of Urmia city have quick access to 55 km2 of about 75 km2 area with high vulnerability and about 20 km2 of this area also without timely access. In terms of the police stations access to low vulnerability areas,the results also show that from about 15 km2 of these areas to 3 km2 have quick access, indicates that there is no quick access to these 12 km2

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