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Showing 3 results for Shafiei

Najmeh Shafiei, Mohamad Ali Zanganeh Asadi, Javad Jamalabadi, Zeinab Mojarrad Titkanlo,
Volume 19, Issue 52 (3-2019)

 In evaluating and studying natural phenomena, we sometimes encounter certain seemingly independent forms and processes and phenomena that are related to each other and can be analyzed through a series of mathematical equations and correlations, but sometimes paired phenomena It is found that they have certain relations with each other, but these relationships can not be called correlation, but their relationship has caused them to be presented as a double (a type of conjugacy) and they would appear to be opposing reactions in terms of collocation. The tectonic changes, especially the neonate movements, and its effects and consequences on groundwater reserves of these types of reactions. The purpose of this study is to investigate causes of groundwater drops in the framework of geodetic theory. With regard to the fact that in recent years, the water level in the northern plain of Mangasani has fallen sharply. Undoubtedly, non-structural activities in the region, along with other influential factors (uncontrolled harvesting of groundwater resources, droughts, etc.), can be attributed to The title is one of the main causes of water loss in the region. For this purpose, with the aim of evaluating the tectonic activity of the area, some geomorphic indices such as basin shape index (BS), drainage asymmetry index (AF), inverse topographic symmetry (T), mountain front sinus index (J), hypersonic integral (Hi), Valley Depth Wide Index (VF), River Sinusity Index (S), Longitudinal River Gradient (SL), Relative Tactical Rating Index (Iat), and Hierarchical Anomalies Index (Δa) have been used. The results show that the whole basin is dynamic in terms of tectonic activity. The tectonic situation in the range and the results of statistical data indicate a change in the level of groundwater table as a result of tectonic changes in the southern plain of Nur Abad, as evidenced by the fact that the depth of the station was 89 meters less than 82 meters The highest drop in the Khomeghar well is about 26 meters in the southern part of the basin, in line with Kazeroon's active fault.

Rahman Zandi, Najmeh Shafiei, Ebrahim Akbari, Ali Hajizadeh Shikhanlo,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Natural parameters are one of the main determinants of the physical development of cities and settlements. In a mountainous area, the effects of these factors have become a barrier to development and can have natural hazards. In this research, it is tried to identify the optimal directions of physical development of the city of Nurabad as a relatively high region by identifying its effective factors and evaluating it. To achieve this, seven effective indicators (elevation, gradient, gradient direction, lithology, distance from the fault, distance from the waterway) were used and to assess, model, and predict areas suitable for physical development of the city from Landsat satellite imagery and Models of FUZZY-AHP and Makov and Markov's predictions have been used. So that each of the layers is fuzzy according to the fuzzy membership functions in GIS Arc 10.3 software. An analytical comparison on the appropriate areas of the city based on the critical points with the appropriate zones. Finally, the final map with the two models was classified into five classes. The results of the research showed that up to 1404 horizons of the city were developed eastwards in Although this pathway is not a suitable route, due to the existence of the main Kazeroun fault and the main waterway, the most important risk factors in the city are considered to be the best place for the development of the city of the western and southwestern regions of the region, which is 13% of the area of ​​the basin Includes.
Dr Naser Shafieisabet, Masoudeh Nikoeifard, Dr Neginsadat Mirvahedi,
Volume 25, Issue 78 (9-2025)

Villagers' self-organization as a collaborative process plays a fundamental role in promoting sustainable livelihoods in rural areas. This study was carried out to identify the driving forces affecting the self-organization of villagers and improving sustainable rural livelihood in Ashtian County in Iran. This qualitative research was conducted with an analytical-exploratory approach and through a semi-structured questionnaire and interviews with 30 experts. Collected qualitative data were analyzed using the Delphi method and MicMac software to identify relationships and patterns between concepts. The findings revealed that the distribution of factors and variables influencing the improvement of sustainable rural livelihoods in the studied area was unstable. Also, among the 24 primary influential factors, the 10 factors that had the highest score were identified as the fundamental drivers influencing the future process of self-organization of villagers aligned with sustainable rural livelihood. Drivers of innovation and creativity of villagers in the fields of agricultural and non-agricultural activities, skills and experience of villagers in group activities, establishing local organizations as an Individual factor; drivers of Increasing the spirit of entrepreneurship, launching and promoting new local businesses as a psychological factor; Drivers of Increasing participation, cooperation and sense of responsibility in agricultural and non-agricultural activities as a social factor; Drivers of empowering villagers and increasing their awareness and social and economic skills, Taking advantage of  new IT and ICT technologies in the process of structural empowerment of them in the direction of self-organization as an education and empowerment factor; Drivers of access to various and reliable financial resources for use in agricultural and non-agricultural activities as an economic factor; Drivers of delegating authority to villagers in line with local planning and decentralization as a planning and management factor, and finally  drivers of supporting the creation and development of local businesses and diversifying the agricultural and non-agricultural activities of villagers, as well as increasing investment in the process of innovative businesses as a socio-economic support factor.

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