Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)                   jgs 2025, 25(76): 210-227 | Back to browse issues page

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Ekhlasi M, Soltani-Gerdefaramarzi S, Azizian A, Gheysouri M. The effects of climate change on the virtual water of some crops in Kerman province. jgs 2025; 25 (76) :210-227
URL: http://jgs.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4174-en.html
1- , ssoltani@ardakan.ac.ir
2- Ardakan University
3- University of Tehran
Abstract:   (3339 Views)
In this study, we examined the impact of climate change on the virtual water content of key crops in Kerman province for future periods. Specifically, we utilized the climatic data from the HadCM3 model under the RCP4.5 radiative forcing scenario. The model was calibrated and validated for the base period of 1991-2011. We predicted the precipitation levels, as well as the maximum and minimum temperatures, for selected stations from 2011 to 2070 using data from LARS-WG. These predictions were then compared to the base period. The virtual water content was calculated for three selected crops: alfalfa, barley, and wheat. Our findings indicate that climate change has a significant impact on evapotranspiration and the performance of these crops, consequently affecting future agricultural water productivity. As we project an increase in average temperature during the growing season due to climate change, it is worth noting that the maximum temperature parameter will be more affected by this phenomenon than the minimum temperature. This, in turn, will lead to increased water requirements and plant evaporation-transpiration during this period. Our research also reveals a decrease in precipitation during hot seasons and an increase during cold seasons across all study stations. Notably, the virtual water content for all crops studied demonstrates an upward trend, with barley and wheat showing the greatest average increase in the future period. Specifically, the Kerman station exhibits a substantial increase in virtual water content for barley and alfalfa products, at a minimum of 30% higher than the base period.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: climatology

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14. Allan JA. 1993. Fortunately there are substitutes for water otherwise, our hydropolitical futures would be impossible' In: Proceedings of Priorities for water resources allocation and management, ODA, London, 13-26.
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18. Duan P. Qin L. Wang Y. and He H. 2015. Spatial pattern characteristics of water footprint for maize production in Northeast China. Journal of the Science of Food Agriculture 96(2): 561- 568. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.7124. [DOI:10.1002/jsfa.7124] [PMID]
19. Foley D. Thenkabail P. S. Aneece I. P. Teluguntla P. G. and Oliphant A. J. 2019. A meta-analysis of global crop water productivity of three leading world crops (wheat, corn, and rice) in the irrigated areas over three decades. International Journal of Digital Earth, 13(8): 939-975. [DOI:10.1080/17538947.2019.1651912]
20. Gholamhossein Pourjafarinejad A. Alizadeh A. and Neshat A. 2013. Investigation of water ecological footprint and virtual water indicators in pistachio and date crops in Kerman province, Irrigation and Water Engineering Research Quarterly, No. 13, 80-89. [In Persian]
21. Gordon C. Cooper C. Senior C.A. Banks H. Gregory J.M. Johns T.C. Mitchell J.F.B. and Wood R.A. 2000. The simulation of SST, sea ice extents and ocean heat transports in a version of the Hadley Centre coupled model without flux adjustments. Clim. Dynam. 16: 147-168. [DOI:10.1007/s003820050010]
22. Hejazizadeh Z. Zarei S. Sayad V. 2023. Investigation of Changes of Temperature and Rainfall Indicators in Kurdistan Province Based on Radiation Injection Scenarios (RCP). Journal of Applied researches in Geographical Sciences. 23 (69):1-14. [In Persian]
23. Heydari-Tasheh-Kaboud S. Khoshkhue Y. 2019. Projection and prediction of the annual and seasonal future reference evapotranspiration time scales in the West of Iran under RCP emission scenarios. Journal of Applied researches in Geographical Sciences.19 (53):157-176. [In Persian] [DOI:10.29252/jgs.19.53.157]
24. Hirwa H. Zhang Q. Qiao Y. Peng Y. Leng P. Tian C. Khasanov S. Li F. Kayiranga A. Muhirwa F. and Itangishaka A.C. 2021. Insights on water and climate change in the greater horn of Africa: Connecting virtual water and water-energy-food-biodiversity-health nexus. Sustainability, 13(11), p.6483. [DOI:10.3390/su13116483]
25. Kiani qale sard S. Shahraki J. Akbari A. Sardar Shahraki A. 2019. Investigating the effect of climate change on agricultural water consumption and Iranian water resources reserves. Journal of Iranian Irrigation and Water Engineering. 37(3): 109-120. [In Persian]
26. Konar M. Hussein Z. Hanasaki N. Mauzerall D.L. and Rodriguez-Iturbe I. 2013. Virtual water trade flows and savings under climate change. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(8): 3219-3234. [DOI:10.5194/hess-17-3219-2013]
27. Jafari Gadneh M. Salajegheh A. Malekian A. 2021. The effect of different climate change scenarios on groundwater fluctuations in arid and semi -arid regions (Case Study: Kerman Plain). Journal of Iranian Irrigation and Water Engineering. 44(2): 252-275. [In Persian]
28. Mohammad Rezaei M. Khaherman N. 2021. The virtual water landscape of major crops under radiative forcing scenarios of climate change (case study of Kerman province). Climatology Research Journal, 45: 67-80. [In Persian]
29. Nikbakht Shahbazi A.R. 2017. Evaluating the effects of climate fluctuations on the virtual water content of agricultural products in Khuzestan province under radiative forcing scenarios, Journal of Earth and Space Physics, 44(2): 363-378. [In Persian]
30. Nikolaou G. Neocleous D. Christou A. Polycarpou P. Kitta E. and Katsoulas N. 2021. Energy and Water Related Parameters in Tomato and Cucumber Greenhouse Crops in Semiarid Mediterranean Regions. A Review, Part I: Increasing Energy Efficiency. Horticulturae, 7(12): 521. [DOI:10.3390/horticulturae7120521]
31. Pope V.D. Gallani M.L. Rowntree P.R. and Stratton R.A. 2000. The impact of new physical parametrizations in the Hadley Centre climate model HadAM3. Climate Dynamics, 16: 123-146. [DOI:10.1007/s003820050009]
32. Rahimipour Anarki M. R. Mohammadi A. Rafiyan M. Arjamandi R. and Karimi S. 2019. Evaluation of virtual water and water footprint of agricultural products (Shaherstan, Qalaganj). Quarterly Journal of Geographical Studies of Arid Regions, 11(41): 52-68. [In Persian]
33. Roustaie M. Asadi A. Kalantari Kh. 2021. Investigating the interactions of intelligent agricultural components using Dematel technique. Journal of Iranian Agricultural Economics and Development Research. 52(3): 569-589. [In Persian]
34. Salahi B, safarian zangir V. 2023. Monitoring the impact of global warming on wheat cultivation in the Mughan Plain (Germi) Using the atmospheric circulation model. Journal of Applied researches in Geographical Sciences. 23(68): 99-113. [In Persian]
35. Yang C. Fraga H. Van Ieperen W. and Santos J.A. 2017. Assessment of irrigated maize yield response to climate change scenarios in Potugal. Agricultural Water Management. 184: 178-190. [DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2017.02.004]
36. Zareian J. 2021. Identify the priorities of the water sector to adapt to climate change in the Zayandehrood Basin with passive defense approach. Journal of Water and Irrigation Management, 11 (2): 291-300. [In Persian]
37. Zhao Q. Junguo L. Nikolay Kh. Obersteiner M. and Westphal M. 2014. Impacts of climate change on virtual water content of crops in China. Ecological Informatics, 19, 26-34. [DOI:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2013.12.005]
38. Zhao H. Qu S. Guo S. Zhao H. Liang S. and Xu, M. 2019. Virtual water scarcity risk to global trade under climate change. Journal of cleaner production, 230: 1013-1026. [DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.05.114]
39. Zhi Y. Hamilton P.B. Wu G. Hong N. Liang L. Xiong D. and Sun Y. 2022. Virtual water indicator for comprehensive water pressures: Model and case studies. Journal of Hydrology, 608: 127664. [DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127664]
40. Aligholi Nia T. Ghorbani Kh. Rezai H. Ghorbani Nasr Abad Gh. 2020. Evaluation and simulation of water footprints of agricultural products in different climates of Iran in terms of climate change scenarios. Journal of Iranian Water Resources Research. 54(3): 80-97. [In Persian]
41. Allan JA. 1993. Fortunately there are substitutes for water otherwise, our hydropolitical futures would be impossible' In: Proceedings of Priorities for water resources allocation and management, ODA, London, 13-26.
42. Allan JA. 2003. Virtual water-the water, food, and trade nexus. Useful concept or misleading metaphor? Water international. 28(1):106-13. [DOI:10.1080/02508060.2003.9724812]
43. Baki S. Rozos E. and Makropoulos C. 2018. Designing water demand management schemes using a socio-technical modelling approach. Sci. Total Environ. 622,1590e1602. [DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.041] [PMID]
44. Dehghani T. Saligheh M. Alijani B. 2017. The effect of climate change on the amount of precipitable water in the northern coasts of the Persian Gulf. Journal of Applied Research in Geographical Sciences, 18(49): 75-91. [In Persian] [DOI:10.29252/jgs.18.49.75]
45. Duan P. Qin L. Wang Y. and He H. 2015. Spatial pattern characteristics of water footprint for maize production in Northeast China. Journal of the Science of Food Agriculture 96(2): 561- 568. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.7124. [DOI:10.1002/jsfa.7124] [PMID]
46. Foley D. Thenkabail P. S. Aneece I. P. Teluguntla P. G. and Oliphant A. J. 2019. A meta-analysis of global crop water productivity of three leading world crops (wheat, corn, and rice) in the irrigated areas over three decades. International Journal of Digital Earth, 13(8): 939-975. [DOI:10.1080/17538947.2019.1651912]
47. Gholamhossein Pourjafarinejad A. Alizadeh A. and Neshat A. 2013. Investigation of water ecological footprint and virtual water indicators in pistachio and date crops in Kerman province, Irrigation and Water Engineering Research Quarterly, No. 13, 80-89. [In Persian]
48. Gordon C. Cooper C. Senior C.A. Banks H. Gregory J.M. Johns T.C. Mitchell J.F.B. and Wood R.A. 2000. The simulation of SST, sea ice extents and ocean heat transports in a version of the Hadley Centre coupled model without flux adjustments. Clim. Dynam. 16: 147-168. [DOI:10.1007/s003820050010]
49. Hejazizadeh Z. Zarei S. Sayad V. 2023. Investigation of Changes of Temperature and Rainfall Indicators in Kurdistan Province Based on Radiation Injection Scenarios (RCP). Journal of Applied researches in Geographical Sciences. 23 (69):1-14. [In Persian]
50. Heydari-Tasheh-Kaboud S. Khoshkhue Y. 2019. Projection and prediction of the annual and seasonal future reference evapotranspiration time scales in the West of Iran under RCP emission scenarios. Journal of Applied researches in Geographical Sciences.19 (53):157-176. [In Persian] [DOI:10.29252/jgs.19.53.157]
51. Hirwa H. Zhang Q. Qiao Y. Peng Y. Leng P. Tian C. Khasanov S. Li F. Kayiranga A. Muhirwa F. and Itangishaka A.C. 2021. Insights on water and climate change in the greater horn of Africa: Connecting virtual water and water-energy-food-biodiversity-health nexus. Sustainability, 13(11), p.6483. [DOI:10.3390/su13116483]
52. Kiani qale sard S. Shahraki J. Akbari A. Sardar Shahraki A. 2019. Investigating the effect of climate change on agricultural water consumption and Iranian water resources reserves. Journal of Iranian Irrigation and Water Engineering. 37(3): 109-120. [In Persian]
53. Konar M. Hussein Z. Hanasaki N. Mauzerall D.L. and Rodriguez-Iturbe I. 2013. Virtual water trade flows and savings under climate change. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(8): 3219-3234. [DOI:10.5194/hess-17-3219-2013]
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56. Mohammad Rezaei M. Khaherman N. 2021. The virtual water landscape of major crops under radiative forcing scenarios of climate change (case study of Kerman province). Climatology Research Journal, 45: 67-80. [In Persian]
57. Nikbakht Shahbazi A.R. 2017. Evaluating the effects of climate fluctuations on the virtual water content of agricultural products in Khuzestan province under radiative forcing scenarios, Journal of Earth and Space Physics, 44(2): 363-378. [In Persian]
58. Nikolaou G. Neocleous D. Christou A. Polycarpou P. Kitta E. and Katsoulas N. 2021. Energy and Water Related Parameters in Tomato and Cucumber Greenhouse Crops in Semiarid Mediterranean Regions. A Review, Part I: Increasing Energy Efficiency. Horticulturae, 7(12): 521. [DOI:10.3390/horticulturae7120521]
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60. Rahimipour Anarki M. R. Mohammadi A. Rafiyan M. Arjamandi R. and Karimi S. 2019. Evaluation of virtual water and water footprint of agricultural products (Shaherstan, Qalaganj). Quarterly Journal of Geographical Studies of Arid Regions, 11(41): 52-68. [In Persian]
61. Roustaie M. Asadi A. and Kalantari Kh. 2021. Investigating the interactions of intelligent agricultural components using Dematel technique. Journal of Iranian Agricultural Economics and Development Research. 52(3): 569-589. [In Persian]
62. Salahi B, safarian zangir V. 2023. Monitoring the impact of global warming on wheat cultivation in the Mughan Plain (Germi) Using the atmospheric circulation model. Journal of Applied researches in Geographical Sciences. 23(68): 99-113. [In Persian]
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69. Zhao H. Qu S. Guo S. Zhao H. Liang S. and Xu, M. 2019. Virtual water scarcity risk to global trade under climate change. Journal of cleaner production, 230: 1013-1026. [DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.05.114]
70. Zhi Y. Hamilton P.B. Wu G. Hong N. Liang L. Xiong D. and Sun Y. 2022. Virtual water indicator for comprehensive water pressures: Model and case studies. Journal of Hydrology, 608: 127664. [DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127664]

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