Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)                   jgs 2025, 25(76): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Najafi E, Faraji Monfared A, Ahmadi M. Investigation of alluvial fans location in the assessment of tectonic processes (A Case study, southern of Kharqan mountainous, Hamadan Province, Iran). jgs 2025; 25 (76)
URL: http://jgs.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3895-en.html
1- Damghan University
2- Tabriz University , Afarajimonfared63@gmail.com
3- Tabriz University
Abstract:   (3482 Views)
The expansion of arid and semi-arid regions in Iran has caused that most of the mentioned phenomena to be seen in the study area.  Alluvial Fans are the landforms that are spread in different areas.  Identifying the productive processes and assessment of their effects can help to manage natural hazards, as well as help the land use planning. In the present study, the tectonic activity at the surface of alluvial fans in the south of Kharqan Mountain in the northeast of Hamadan province was studied. The studied Alluvial Fans were located in the south of the Kharqan Mountain in the northeast of Hamadan province. First, the process of development of Alluvial Fans in the area using different maps was investigated (consisting of two Gozel Valley, Celery conifers, and several small Alluvial Fans), and the available evidence on the tectonics of alluvial Fans in the area were studied. The obtained results of the research show that in parts of area such as the eastern of the gozel valley cones the tectonics is active, and the areas such as alluvial Fans that be located between the Gozel Valley was inactive. Other evidence in the bed of the Gozel Alluvial Fans shows the changes in terrain due to the activity of faults in the eastern part of the study area, which changed the pattern of waterway movement in the riverbed and led to the destruction and exploration of the river. Also, the drainage pattern and sediment depth at the surface of alluvial fans were due to tectonic activities in alluvial fans. The prepared geological logos show the slow and active periods in different geological periods in the region. Therefore, it started with a long slow period, then continued with tectonic activities and fluctuations.
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Geomorphology

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