Assistant Professor of Geography Department, Islamic Azad University, Shirvan Branch, Assistant Professor of Geography Department, Islamic Azad University, Shirvan Branch ,
Abstract: (5726 Views)
One of the main tasks of urban and regional planners is the allocation of land to various urban uses, taking into account the role and function of the city, the city's economy, as well as the impact of interoperability of the users on each other. The topic of optimal location of therapeutic use is considered with consideration of effective parameters and factors in this research. According to the current situation in Shirvan, there are 3 clinics in Shirvan that their distribution and location seems to be inappropriate. Therefore, for prospective plans and according to the horizontal development of the city, assessment of these bases it is also a good idea to suggest places to establish clinics. This research is aimed at finding optimal location of clinics in Shirvan city by providing appropriate model. The research method is descriptive-analytical. In the first stage, identification and investigation of the effective factors on site selection of databases was investigated. Then using Arc GIS software, after completing the data gathering steps, preparing information layers, classifying and evaluating the layers, and weighing and overlapping the information layers were designed to prioritize the lands of the city of Shirvan for the establishment of clinics. The results showed that the clinics focus on the eastern side of the city, and central and western parts of the city are severely restricted in terms of access to clinics, and the population of 83,000 people in the city is only 28136 people in The standard radius of clinics is standard; in other words, about 75% of the population of the city is outside the standard radius of clinics and the radius of access to clinics is not suitable for citizens of the city. The city of Shirvan needs another hospital that is located in a location on the western side of the city.