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10. Bosilovich, M. G., R. Lucchesi, and M. Suarez,(2016). MERRA-2: File Specification. GMAO Office Note. 9 (1.1), pp73.
11. Coakley, J. A.( 2003). Reflectance and albedo, surface. Encyclopedia of Atmos. Sci., 1914- 1923.
12. Chiacchio, M., F. Solmon, F. Giorgi, P. Stackhouse Jr., and M. Wild ,(2015), Evaluation of the radiation budget with a regional climate model over Europe and inspection of dimming and brightening, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120: 1951–1971, doi:10.1002/2014JD022497.
13. da Silva, A. M., C. A. Randles, V. Buchard, A. Darmenov, P. R. Colarco, and R. Govindaraju, (2015). File Specification for the MERRA Aerosol Reanalysis (MERRAero). GMAO Office Note No. 7 .pp63.
14. Hartmann. D. L., Ramanthan V.A,. Berroir. G, (1986), Earth Radiation Budget Data and Climate Research, REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS, 24(2): 439-468.
15. He, T.(2012). Estimating land surface albedo from satellite data. Doctor of Philosophy dissertation, Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Maryland, College Park, pp54.
16. Jackson RD, Moran MS, Gay LW and Raymond LH.( 1987). Evaluating evaporation from field crops using airborne radiometry and ground-based meteorological data. Irrigation Science, 8(2): 81-90.
17. Kim, D., and V. Ramanathan ,(2008), Solar radiation budget and radiative forcing due to aerosols and clouds, Jurnal of Geophysical Research, 113:1-34, D02203, doi:10.1029/2007JD008434.
18. Liang S. (2001). Narrowband to broadband conversions of land surface albedo I: Algorithms. Remote Sensing of Environment, 76(2): 213-238.
19. Liang S, Fang H, Morisette JT, Chen M, Shuey CJ, Walthall CL and Daughtry CS. (2002). Atmospheric correction of Landsat ETM+ land surface imagery. II. Validation and applications. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, 40(12): 2736-2746.
20. Maykut, G., and N. Untersteiner. ,(1971). Some results from a time-dependent thermodynamic model of Arctic sea ice. Journal of Geophysical Research , 76(6): 1550-1575.
21. Maykut, G. (1986). The surface heat and mass balance, In The geophysics of sea ice, edited by N. Untersteiner. New York: Plenium.
22. Molod, A., L. Takacs, M. Suarez, J. Bacmeister, I.-S. Song, and A. Eichmann,(2012). The GEOS- 5 Atmospheric General Circulation Model: Mean Climate and Development from MERRA to Fortuna. NASA Technical Report Series on Global Modeling and Data Assimilation, NASA TM—2012-104606, Vol. 28, 117 pp.
23. Molod, A., Takacs, L., Suarez, M., and Bacmeister, J., 2014: Development of the GEOS-5 atmospheric general circulation model: evolution from MERRA to MERRA-2, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.,7:7575-7617, doi:10.5194/gmdd-7-7575-2014.
24. Rienecker and Coauthors,.(2011). MERRA - NASA's Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications. J. Climate, 24: 3624-3648, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00015.1.
25. Perovich, D.K .(1998). Sea ice motion in response to geostrophic winds. Journal of Geophysical Research, 87(8): 5845-5852.
26. Stephens, G. L., D. O’Brien, P. J. Webster, P. Pilewski, S. Kato, and J.-l. Li ,(2015), The albedo of Earth, Rev. Geophys., 53:1-23, doi:10.1002/2014RG000449.
27. Tasumi, M., Allen, R. G., Trezza, R. (2008). Atsurface reflectance and albedo from satellite for operational calculation of land surface energy balance. J. Hydrologic Eng., 13(2):51-63.
28. Wielicki, B. A., Wong, T., Loeb, N., Minnis, P., Priestley, K., Kandel, R.(2005). Changes in Earth's albedo measured by satellite. Sci., 308(5723): 825- 825.
29. Wu, W.-S., R.J. Purser and D.F. Parrish,(2002), Three-dimensional variational analysis with spatially inhomogeneous covariances. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130: 2905-2916.
30. Ying Qu ,. Shunlin Liang,. Qiang Liu,. Xijia Li,. Youbin Feng,. Suhong Liu. (2016). Estimating Arctic sea-ice shortwave albedo from MODIS data.2016. Remote Sensing of Environment, 186:32–46, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2016.08.015.
31. 10) Bosilovich, M. G., R. Lucchesi, and M. Suarez,(2016). MERRA-2: File Specification. GMAO Office Note. 9 (1.1), pp73.
32. 11) Coakley, J. A.( 2003). Reflectance and albedo, surface. Encyclopedia of Atmos. Sci., 1914- 1923.
33. 12) Chiacchio, M., F. Solmon, F. Giorgi, P. Stackhouse Jr., and M. Wild ,(2015), Evaluation of the radiation budget with a regional climate model over Europe and inspection of dimming and brightening, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120: 1951–1971, doi:10.1002/2014JD022497.
34. 13) da Silva, A. M., C. A. Randles, V. Buchard, A. Darmenov, P. R. Colarco, and R. Govindaraju, (2015). File Specification for the MERRA Aerosol Reanalysis (MERRAero). GMAO Office Note No. 7 .pp63.
35. 14) Hartmann. D. L., Ramanthan V.A,. Berroir. G, (1986), Earth Radiation Budget Data and Climate Research, REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS, 24(2): 439-468.
36. 15) He, T.(2012). Estimating land surface albedo from satellite data. Doctor of Philosophy dissertation, Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Maryland, College Park, pp54.
37. 16) Jackson RD, Moran MS, Gay LW and Raymond LH.( 1987). Evaluating evaporation from field crops using airborne radiometry and ground-based meteorological data. Irrigation Science, 8(2): 81-90.
38. 17) Kim, D., and V. Ramanathan ,(2008), Solar radiation budget and radiative forcing due to aerosols and clouds, Jurnal of Geophysical Research, 113:1-34, D02203, doi:10.1029/2007JD008434.
39. 18) Liang S. (2001). Narrowband to broadband conversions of land surface albedo I: Algorithms. Remote Sensing of Environment, 76(2): 213-238.
40. 19) Liang S, Fang H, Morisette JT, Chen M, Shuey CJ, Walthall CL and Daughtry CS. (2002). Atmospheric correction of Landsat ETM+ land surface imagery. II. Validation and applications. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, 40(12): 2736-2746.
41. 20) Maykut, G., and N. Untersteiner. ,(1971). Some results from a time-dependent thermodynamic model of Arctic sea ice. Journal of Geophysical Research , 76(6): 1550-1575.
42. 21) Maykut, G. (1986). The surface heat and mass balance, In The geophysics of sea ice, edited by N. Untersteiner. New York: Plenium.
43. 22) Molod, A., L. Takacs, M. Suarez, J. Bacmeister, I.-S. Song, and A. Eichmann,(2012). The GEOS- 5 Atmospheric General Circulation Model: Mean Climate and Development from MERRA to Fortuna. NASA Technical Report Series on Global Modeling and Data Assimilation, NASA TM—2012-104606, Vol. 28, 117 pp.
44. 23) Molod, A., Takacs, L., Suarez, M., and Bacmeister, J., 2014: Development of the GEOS-5 atmospheric general circulation model: evolution from MERRA to MERRA-2, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.,7:7575-7617, doi:10.5194/gmdd-7-7575-2014.
45. 24) Rienecker and Coauthors,.(2011). MERRA - NASA's Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications. J. Climate, 24: 3624-3648, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00015.1.
46. 25) Perovich, D.K .(1998). Sea ice motion in response to geostrophic winds. Journal of Geophysical Research, 87(8): 5845-5852.
47. 26) Stephens, G. L., D. O’Brien, P. J. Webster, P. Pilewski, S. Kato, and J.-l. Li ,(2015), The albedo of Earth, Rev. Geophys., 53:1-23, doi:10.1002/2014RG000449.
48. 27) Tasumi, M., Allen, R. G., Trezza, R. (2008). Atsurface reflectance and albedo from satellite for operational calculation of land surface energy balance. J. Hydrologic Eng., 13(2):51-63.
49. 28) Wielicki, B. A., Wong, T., Loeb, N., Minnis, P., Priestley, K., Kandel, R.(2005). Changes in Earth's albedo measured by satellite. Sci., 308(5723): 825- 825.
50. 29) Wu, W.-S., R.J. Purser and D.F. Parrish,(2002), Three-dimensional variational analysis with spatially inhomogeneous covariances. Mon. Wea. Rev., 130: 2905-2916.
51. 30) Ying Qu ,. Shunlin Liang,. Qiang Liu,. Xijia Li,. Youbin Feng,. Suhong Liu. (2016). Estimating Arctic sea-ice shortwave albedo from MODIS data.2016. Remote Sensing of Environment, 186:32–46, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2016.08.015.