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5. Afzaal,M.and Hussain, A., (2006), Numerical Simulation of Summer Monsoon Precipitation of 1992 Over Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Meteorology. 3)5).
6. Elguindi,N.,Giorgi,F., (2006), Simulating Multi-decadal Variability of Caspian Sea Level Changes Using Regional Climate Model Outputs,Climate Dynamics, 26, 167-181.
7. Francisco,R.,V., (2003),Some Experiments in Running the RegCM over the Philippines,ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models, Trieste Italy.175-163.
8. Franco,R. and Coppola, E., (2013), Assessment of RegCM4 simulated inter-annual variability and daily-scale statistics of temperature and precipitation over Mexico, Clim Dyn (2014), 42,:629-647.
9. Islam,N.,Rahman1,M., (2007), Uddin Ahmed,A.,Romee, A., Comparison of RegCM3 simulated meteorological parameters in Bangladesh, Part I-preliminary result for rainfall,Sri Lankan Journal of Physics, 8,: 1-9.
10. Nandozi, C.S. and et al, (2012). Reginal Climate Model Performance and of seasonal rainfall and surface tempreture of Uganda. African Crop Science Journal. 20, 213-225.
11. Paeth, H., (2011), Postprocessing of simulated precipitation for impact research in West Africa. Part I: model output statistics for monthly data;. DOI,36(7),:1321-1336.
12. Pal,J.,Giorgi,F.,BiX.,Elguindi,N.,Salmon,F.,Gao X., Rauscher S. A., Francisco,R.,ZakeyA.,Winter,J.,Ashfagh,M.,Syed,F.,S.,Bell,J.,Diffenbaugh,J.,K.,Konare,A.,Martinez,D.,Rocha,R.,Sloan,L.,Steiner,A.,(2007),Regional Climate modeling for the Developing World, the ICTP and RegCNET,Bulletin of American meteorological society, 1396-1409.
13. Schmidli, J. and et al, (2007) Statistical and dynamical downscaling of precipitation. An evaluation and comparison of scenarios for the european Alps. Journal of Geophysical Reserch,112.
14. Wang,Y.,Sen,O.L.,Wang,B.,(2002),A Highly Resolved Regional Climate Model and its Simulation of the 1998 Sever Precipitation Event over China, Part 1: Model Description and Verification of Simulation, Jurnal of Climate,p 19, 1721.
15. Jenkins G.S., (1997), The 1988 and 1990 Summer Season Simulation for West Africa Using a Regional Climate Model, Journal of Climate, Vol. 10, PP. 1255-1272.
16. Zong, P. and Wang, H., (2011). Ealuation and analysis of RegCM3 simulated summer rainfall over the Huaihe river of China. Acta Meteorologica Sinica. 25. :386-394.
17. Afzaal,M.and Hussain, A., (2006), Numerical Simulation of Summer Monsoon Precipitation of 1992 Over Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Meteorology. 3)5).
18. Elguindi,N.,Giorgi,F., (2006), Simulating Multi-decadal Variability of Caspian Sea Level Changes Using Regional Climate Model Outputs,Climate Dynamics, 26, 167-181.
19. Francisco,R.,V., (2003),Some Experiments in Running the RegCM over the Philippines,ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models, Trieste Italy.175-163.
20. Franco,R. and Coppola, E., (2013), Assessment of RegCM4 simulated inter-annual variability and daily-scale statistics of temperature and precipitation over Mexico, Clim Dyn (2014), 42,:629-647.
21. Islam,N.,Rahman1,M., (2007), Uddin Ahmed,A.,Romee, A., Comparison of RegCM3 simulated meteorological parameters in Bangladesh, Part I-preliminary result for rainfall,Sri Lankan Journal of Physics, 8,: 1-9.
22. Nandozi, C.S. and et al, (2012). Reginal Climate Model Performance and of seasonal rainfall and surface tempreture of Uganda. African Crop Science Journal. 20, 213-225.
23. Paeth, H., (2011), Postprocessing of simulated precipitation for impact research in West Africa. Part I: model output statistics for monthly data;. DOI,36(7),:1321-1336.
24. Pal,J.,Giorgi,F.,BiX.,Elguindi,N.,Salmon,F.,Gao X., Rauscher S. A., Francisco,R.,ZakeyA.,Winter,J.,Ashfagh,M.,Syed,F.,S.,Bell,J.,Diffenbaugh,J.,K.,Konare,A.,Martinez,D.,Rocha,R.,Sloan,L.,Steiner,A.,(2007),Regional Climate modeling for the Developing World, the ICTP and RegCNET,Bulletin of American meteorological society, 1396-1409.
25. Schmidli, J. and et al, (2007) Statistical and dynamical downscaling of precipitation. An evaluation and comparison of scenarios for the european Alps. Journal of Geophysical Reserch,112.
26. Wang,Y.,Sen,O.L.,Wang,B.,(2002),A Highly Resolved Regional Climate Model and its Simulation of the 1998 Sever Precipitation Event over China, Part 1: Model Description and Verification of Simulation, Jurnal of Climate,p 19, 1721.
27. Jenkins G.S., (1997), The 1988 and 1990 Summer Season Simulation for West Africa Using a Regional Climate Model, Journal of Climate, Vol. 10, PP. 1255-1272.
28. Zong, P. and Wang, H., (2011). Ealuation and analysis of RegCM3 simulated summer rainfall over the Huaihe river of China. Acta Meteorologica Sinica. 25. :386-394.
29. Afzaal,M.and Hussain, A., (2006), Numerical Simulation of Summer Monsoon Precipitation of 1992 Over Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Meteorology. 3)5).
30. Elguindi,N.,Giorgi,F., (2006), Simulating Multi-decadal Variability of Caspian Sea Level Changes Using Regional Climate Model Outputs,Climate Dynamics, 26, 167-181.
31. Francisco,R.,V., (2003),Some Experiments in Running the RegCM over the Philippines,ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models, Trieste Italy.175-163.
32. Franco,R. and Coppola, E., (2013), Assessment of RegCM4 simulated inter-annual variability and daily-scale statistics of temperature and precipitation over Mexico, Clim Dyn (2014), 42,:629-647.
33. Islam,N.,Rahman1,M., (2007), Uddin Ahmed,A.,Romee, A., Comparison of RegCM3 simulated meteorological parameters in Bangladesh, Part I-preliminary result for rainfall,Sri Lankan Journal of Physics, 8,: 1-9.
34. Nandozi, C.S. and et al, (2012). Reginal Climate Model Performance and of seasonal rainfall and surface tempreture of Uganda. African Crop Science Journal. 20, 213-225.
35. Paeth, H., (2011), Postprocessing of simulated precipitation for impact research in West Africa. Part I: model output statistics for monthly data;. DOI,36(7),:1321-1336.
36. Pal,J.,Giorgi,F.,BiX.,Elguindi,N.,Salmon,F.,Gao X., Rauscher S. A., Francisco,R.,ZakeyA.,Winter,J.,Ashfagh,M.,Syed,F.,S.,Bell,J.,Diffenbaugh,J.,K.,Konare,A.,Martinez,D.,Rocha,R.,Sloan,L.,Steiner,A.,(2007),Regional Climate modeling for the Developing World, the ICTP and RegCNET,Bulletin of American meteorological society, 1396-1409.
37. Schmidli, J. and et al, (2007) Statistical and dynamical downscaling of precipitation. An evaluation and comparison of scenarios for the european Alps. Journal of Geophysical Reserch,112.
38. Wang,Y.,Sen,O.L.,Wang,B.,(2002),A Highly Resolved Regional Climate Model and its Simulation of the 1998 Sever Precipitation Event over China, Part 1: Model Description and Verification of Simulation, Jurnal of Climate,p 19, 1721.
39. Jenkins G.S., (1997), The 1988 and 1990 Summer Season Simulation for West Africa Using a Regional Climate Model, Journal of Climate, Vol. 10, PP. 1255-1272.
40. Zong, P. and Wang, H., (2011). Ealuation and analysis of RegCM3 simulated summer rainfall over the Huaihe river of China. Acta Meteorologica Sinica. 25. :386-394.