Ghobadi M H, Ghorbani A, Mohseni H, Uromeiea A. study of engineering geological properties of the Ilam - Sarvak formations in Khorramabad city. Journal of Engineering Geology 2015; 8 (4) :2463-2486
1- , amirghobadi@yahoo.con
Abstract: (9912 Views)
Knowing the engineering geological characteristics of carbonate formations is necessary for database. In this research, using petrological study and mechanical tests on 5 types of Ilam-Sarvak formations limestones in Khorramabad city, their engineering geological characteristics were determined and the relationship between physical and mechanical properties have been analyzed. IBM SPSS Statistics (version 19.0) software was used to determine the required relations. The relations have high correlations. Based on the studies on this of thin sections, rocks are characterszed as biomicrite. Limestones of Ilam-Sarvak formations have high hardening and low porosity. These rocks are in medium to high density, very resistant durability index, medium to high UCS and high point load strength category. The rocks are also impermeable. Based on the UCS, modulus ratio of the intact rock, the limestones are CM and CL. According to solubility test, the solution velocity constant was 1.39×10-6 m/s.
Type of Study:
Case-Study |
En. Geology Accepted: 2016/10/5 | Published: 2016/10/5