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An Augmented Common Weight Data Envelopment Analysis for Material Selection in High-tech Industries Iman Shokr, Mohsen Sadegh Amalnick *, Seyed Ali Torabi Abstract
A Supply Chain Design Problem Integrated Facility Unavailabilities Management Fouad Maliki *, Mustapha Anwar Brahami, Mohammed Dahane, Zaki Sari Abstract
Development of Data Envelopment Analysis for the Performance Evaluation of Green Supply Chain with Undesirable Outputs Amir Amini *, Alireza Alinezhad, Sadegh Salmanian Abstract
Green Supplier Evaluation by Using an Integrated Fuzzy AHP- VIKOR Approach Mohsen Sadegh Amalnick *, Mehdi HakimiAsl, Farbod Zorriassatine, Alireza HakimiAsl Abstract
The Bullwhip Effect on the VMI-Supply Chain Management viaSystem Dynamics Approach: The Supply Chain with Two Suppliers and One Retail Channel Yahia Zare Mehrjerdi *, Alireza Hosseini Abstract
An Optimization Framework for Combining the Petroleum Replenishment Problem with the Optimal Bidding in Combinatorial Auctions Chefi Triki *, Nasr Al-Hinai, Islem Kaabachi, Saoussen Krichenc Abstract
A Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach for Optimizing Non-normal Fuzzy Multiple Response Problems Hamed Mogouie, Amir Farshbaf-Geranmayeh *, Amirhossein Amiri, Mahdi Bashiri Abstract
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