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1- Department of Industrial engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran , 2- Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
Abstract: (4531 Views)
This work investigates the effect of different inventory policies of a supply chain model using the system dynamics approach which belongs to the class of Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), automatic pipeline, inventory and order based production control systems (VMI-APIOBPCS). This work helps management to investigate the effect of different policies such as adding the VMI system or third party logistic (TPL) on the whole cost of the supply chain. To this end, this work applies system dynamics in supply chain with two supplier and one retail channel which consists of VMI system. Moreover, this work studies the performance of the proposed model via three metrics: Bullwhip effect; satisfaction of the end-customer; the amount of the whole inventory of chain.
Zare Mehrjerdi Y, Hosseini A. The Bullwhip Effect on the VMI-Supply Chain Management viaSystem Dynamics Approach: The Supply Chain with Two Suppliers and One Retail Channel. Journal title 2016; 3 (2) :1301-1317 URL: