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Department of Industrial engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran ,
Abstract: (5024 Views)
In this research author reviews references related to the topic of multi criterion (goal programming, multiple objective linear and nonlinear programming, bi-criterion programming, Multi Attribute Decision Making, Compromise Programming, Surrogate Worth Trade-off Method) and various versions of vehicle routing problem (VRP), Multi depot VRP (MDVRP), VRP with time windows (VRPWTW), Stochastic VRP (SVRP), Capacitated VRP (CVRP), Fuzzy VRP (FVRP), Location VRP (LVRP), Backhauling VRP(BHVRP), Facility Location VRP (FLVRP), and Inventory control VRP (ICVRP). Although, VRP is a research area with rich research works and powerful researchers there found only 81 articles that relates various vehicle routing type problems with various multiple objectives techniques. This author found that there is no research done in some areas of VRP (i.e., FVRP, ICVRP, LRP and CVRP). It is interesting to see that this research area was completely an unattractive to master students (with zero research reported) and a somewhat attractive area to doctoral students (with 6 researches reported). Among the many multi criterion programming techniques available only three of them (goal programming, bi-criterion programming, linear and nonlinear multi objective programming) are being employed to solve the problem.