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Showing 3 results for Semiotics

Zia Tajeddin, Parviz Alavinia,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (9-2009)

Among the major milestones in the history of psychological attempts and psycholinguistic investigations lies the inception and outbreak of the contentious field of emotional intelligence in the mid 1990s. Although subsequent to its advent a profusion of diverse probes from several neighboring disciplines have been devoted to disentangling the true nature of this rather avant-garde doctrine, some aspects of EQ still seem to have been given scant attention in L2 learning research. One such partially neglected facet is thought to be the investigation of the role of intervention studies in enhancing EFL learners’ emotional intelligence. Thus, the present study aims to somehow bridge this ostensible gap in the literature on the issue by resorting to two innovative techniques of fuzzy thinking and SAFE (Sign-Assisted Feeling Expression). The results gained point to significant leaps in EFL learners’ level of emotional intelligence with regard to some particular subscales of Bar-On's EQ-i which are attributable to the effect of treatment on participants.       
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Volume 17, Issue 2 (9-2014)

The main objective of this study was to investigate how Iranian EFL learners used their literacy practices and multimodal resources to mediate interpretation and representation of an advertisement text and construct their understanding of it. Fifteen female adolescents at an intermediate level of proficiency read the "مبلمان برلیان" (“Brelian Furniture”) advertisement text and re-created their understandings in pictures and sentences. The data was analyzed based on Kress and Van Leeuwen’s (1996, 2001) theory of social semiotics. The findings suggest that students situated the meanings of the advertisement texts in specific contexts that reflected their own social and cultural experiences. Furthermore, the students demonstrated that the use of multimodal resources had the potential to enhance language and literacy learning in a way that was transformative and was affected by their identities. In addition, the use of multimodal/multiliteracies pedagogy permitted the students to enter into text composition from different paths. Finally, multimodal/multiliteracies pedagogy could foster critical literacy practices by offering EFL students the opportunities to create new identities and challenge discursive practices that marginalize them. The implications of the findings are also discussed.

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Volume 18, Issue 2 (9-2015)

Gender representation has long been studied in both verbal and visual modes of ELT textbooks. However, regarding the visual mode, research has mainly focused on superficial analyses of how often each gender appears in different roles rather than on how the two genders are represented. The tools proposed in Kress and van Leeuwen’s (2006) social semiotics framework, however, permit deep analysis of images taking into consideration how pictorial elements are shown both alone and in relation to other pictorial elements, on the one hand, and the viewers on the other. Following the above-mentioned framework, the present study applied the three dimensions of representational, compositional and interactive meaning presented to 16 photographs randomly selected from the Interchange (Third Edition) series (Richards, 2005) to explore gender portrayals and disclose ideologies in the visual mode of the series. Qualitative data analysis showed some ideologies and stereotypical portrayals, each of which appeared either in one or a few photographs. Taken together, the findings indicated gender bias in favor of men in the series.

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