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Showing 2 results for Taghizadeh

Masoomeh Taghizadeh, Golnar Mazdayasna, Fatemeh Mahdavirad,
Volume 23, Issue 2 (9-2020)

In the educational setting of Iran, language assessment literacy (LAL) is still an underexplored issue. This paper investigated the development of LAL among EFL students taking language assessment course at state universities in Iran. The three components of LAL (i.e., knowledge, skills, and principles) were the focus of the inquiry. To collect the required data, a questionnaire, encompassing 83 Likert items and a set of open-ended questions, was developed, and responses from 92 course instructors were collected. Teaching and assessment practices of two course instructors were also observed throughout an educational semester. SPSS (26) was used to analyze the data. Findings revealed that these courses mainly focused on knowledge and skills, overlooking the principles of assessment. Adherence to traditional assessment approaches, use of inappropriate teaching materials, and lack of practical works in assessment also characterized the investigated courses. The paper concludes with suggestions to better design language assessment courses to increase the assessment literacy of English graduates who will probably enter the teaching contexts after graduation.
Somayyeh Modiri, Adnan Eshkevari, Isa Motaghizadeh,
Volume 26, Issue 1 (3-2023)

"Lexical Chains" is one of the newest branches of statistical semantics, which is defiend as the process of identifying words that have semantic relationship with each other, and help us to identify the topic and main content of the text. In this research, we aim to determine lexical chains of sermons No. 87 and 191 of Nahj al-Balaghah, based on the theory of "Saxena", as well as "Barzilay" and "Elhadad", using the descriptive-analytical and statistical method. The results show that in both sermons, the semantic relation "Antonym" has the most frequency. In sermons No. 87 and 191, respectively, 8% and 5% of the chains are "strong chains", and play the main role in determining the main themes of the sermons. According to the data, choosing the title "religious, ethical, scientific" for the sermon No. 87, and "moral, ethical, social, intellectual" for the sermon No. 191 -contrary to what "Mohammad Dashti" mentioned for them- seems more appropriate.

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