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Showing 2 results for Mansouri

Sara Mansouri, Bahram Hadian, Omid Tabatabaei, Ehsan Rezvani,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Motivated by the concept of Communicative Language Ability and the eminence of the IELTS exam, this study intended to scrutinize the representation of functional knowledge (FK) and socio-linguistic knowledge (SK) as sub-components of pragmatic knowledge in the writing performances of both tasks of the online General IELTS-practice resources across three band scores. This quantitative inter-scores/intra-tasks and inter-tasks investigation aimed to reveal firstly whether the writers of three band scores 7, 8, and 9 differed from each other in their FK and SK level, and secondly whether the tasks differed in activating them. This study adopted a taxonomy of five illocutionary acts and 20 register features to investigate representation of FK and SK in a well-established corpus of 180 writing performances through both manual analysis and Multidimensional Analysis Tagger software. While the results of statistical analyses revealed no FK differences between the bands in task one (T1), T2’s higher bands involved more functional features because of the expression of a diverse range of psychological states, no speaker’s involvement, and less commitment to a future course of actions. Furthermore, socio-linguistically, band 9 scripts encompassed more logical relations, but conversational and spoken style in T1 and more integration, less simplified structures and ego-involvement in T2. The inter-task analyses uncovered T1’s greater activation of FK through self-mentions, others involvement, emotion, and intention expression. Nevertheless, when it came to SK register features, T2 overdid in both spoken and written genre elements except in persuasion, writers’ involvement, mental acts expression, and interactive discourse creation.

Katayoon Mansouri, Jaleh Hassaskhah, Esmaeel Ali Salimi,
Volume 26, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Working memory plays a fundamental role in multiple facets of our cognitive life (Baddeley, 2017) like learning and processing first and second language. Thus, this study investigated the effect of multimodal input enhancement on working memory capacity and collocation learning across different age groups. The participants were 117 adolescents and adults randomly assigned into two experimental and two control groups. The experimental groups received textual and aural enhanced input, while the control groups received non-enhanced input. The data were collected through Preliminary English Test, n-back test, immediate and delayed posttest of collocations. The results showed that multimodal input enhancement had a positive effect on working memory capacity and recall and retention of collocations in both adolescents and adults. However, adolescents outperformed adults in immediate and delayed tests of collocations and also adolescents adjusted their working memory capacity more than adults in multimodal context. The results also indicated that there was an interaction effect between age and working memory on recall and retention of collocations. Generally, the findings highlight the role of learnersmemory resources and cognitive functioning in processing multimedia input and learning language components. The study has several implications for teachers, teacher training courses, course designers, and curriculum developers.

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