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The analysis of barriers regarding variations in economic activities of bordering villages located in Marivan (54458 Views)
تحلیل فضایی الگوی توزیع درآمد و سطح رفاه اجتماعی خانوارهای روستایی مورد: شهرستان طالقان (30883 Views)
Analyzing the causes of low participation of rural women by using mixed method Case: rural district of Sina in Varzeghan County (30589 Views)
Gender-related analysis in the process of diffusion of entrepreneurship in rural areas Case study: Soolaghan Dehestan (30569 Views)
A Comprehensive Framework in Sustainability Assessment of Agricultural Exploitation Systems (30336 Views)
فضای سوم و پدیده فراملت در شهر ـ ناحیه های پسا استعماری (30182 Views)
اثرات روابط شهر و روستا بر تحولات اقتصادی و اجتماعی روستاهای شهرستان آزادشهر (23240 Views)
The Investigation of Tourism Development Impact upon Promotion of Social – Economic Indices in Rural Areas, Case: Rijab Resort in Kermanshah Province (16220 Views)
The role of tourism in economic rural development in Behshar County (16077 Views)
The assessment of Entrepreneurship status in rural areas - Case: southern Astarabad in Goragan (15169 Views)
The Evaluation of Tourism Economy from Host Community’s View Point in Oromee-e Band Resort (14296 Views)
The Analysis of Rural Spatial Imbalances the Rural Areas of in Kermansh Province (14016 Views)
The Investigation of Islamic Rural Council’s and Degree of Community Participation in Rural Development (Case: Hossainabad in Najafabad) (13665 Views)
Space Economy and Rural Development (13652 Views)
Analysis of barriers to entrepreneurial development in rural areas: Bigelow Ghani district, city of Zanjan (13526 Views)
The Prioritization of Rural Development Problems with Emphasis on Peasants Viewpoint (13515 Views)
Ranking of livelihood Capitals in Mountain Tourism Villages Case: Bala- Taloqan Rural District in Taloqan County (13210 Views)
The evaluation of the Role of Agricultural Consolidation upon the Improvement of the efficiency of factor of Production Regarding Irrigated lands Case Study: Khodabandeh County (13103 Views)
Analysis of Environmental Hazards and Rural Waste Managerial Strategies Case Study: Central Ojarood, Germy County (13031 Views)
The Analysis of Social – Economic Sustainablity of Safrans Production and Its Impact on Rural Development, Case: Bala Velayat, Torbat Heydareeyeh (12930 Views)
The Pathology of Tourism Development in Guilan’s Rural Settlements Using Locational-Spatial Justice Approach, Case: Daylaman (Siahcal County) (12705 Views)
اهمیت بخش کشاورزی در حفظ تعادل اقتصادی‌ - ‌اجتماعی ساختار شهری و روستایی ایران (12519 Views)
Study of Barriers toward Development of Organic Farming (12164 Views)
The Analysis and Explanation of the Influential Factors Regarding Milk Marketing Network in Rural Areas Case Study: Khodabandeh Villages, Zanjan Province (11895 Views)
Assessment Pattern of Rural Environmental Sustainability Case: Shervineh Village in Javanrud County (11793 Views)
Spatial organizational arrangement of tourism destinations (rural-urban) at regional level Case: Torgabeh shandiz (11753 Views)
تحلیل موانع و قابلیت های تنوع بخشی فعالیت ها در اقتصاد روستایی مورد: بخش رحمت آباد و بلوکات شهرستان رودبار (11742 Views)
The evaluation and assessment of deprivation level in rural areas Case: central part of Javanrood (11735 Views)
Role of small size -Credits Regarding Empowerment of Rural Women Case Study: Lakestan Sub- District Salmas of County (11707 Views)
Variation in rural economy as a means of achievement of sustainable development Case: northern Marhamat Abad in Miandoab (11629 Views)
The limitations and potentials of sustainable development regarding village of Eastern borders of Iran Case: Bandan district in Nehbandan County (11623 Views)
The Analysis of Land use Locations Regarding Rural Conducted Plans (Case: villages of GonbadKavuoos) (11574 Views)
Endogenous Approach Regarding the Architecture of Iranian Villages (11282 Views)
Draught and its economic consequences in rural area Case: Dodangeh district Behbahan (11269 Views)
Socio-economic and Environmental Impacts of Hegmatan Cement Company in Shahanjari Village (11263 Views)
تحلیل موانع و مشکلات مدیریت آب کشاورزی در دستیابی به توسعه پایدار مورد: شهرستان های کنگاور و صحنه در استان کرمانشاه (11125 Views)
The Analysis of the Impacts of New Irrigation Systems on Agriculture Exploitation in Khodabandeh County (11006 Views)
Challenges of Iran's Rural Cooperative Networks (10901 Views)
شناسایی راهکارهای توسعه روستایی با استفاده از چارچوب مشارکتی SOAR مورد: روستای میغان (10899 Views)
Feasibility Studies Regarding Tourism Development Using Systematic Approach in Margin of Rural Areas of Mighan Desert of Arak (10599 Views)
Shiraz Urban Sprawl and Its Structural-Functional Changes of Rural Neighborhood Case: Goyom village (10555 Views)
The Impacts of Information Technology on Rural Development (Case: Southern Khorasan Village) (10386 Views)
The Locational Analysis and Prioritization of Agricultural Food Processing Industries in Golestan (10284 Views)
Structural-Functional Dynamism: An Alternative Approach to Spatial (10258 Views)
Agricultural Development with Particular Emphasis on Rural-Urban Mutual Relationships and Interactions Case study: Azerbaijan Province (10005 Views)
The impact of agricultural complementary processing industries upon rural economy Case: central part of Rasht (9975 Views)
The analysis of effective indicators regarding agricultural development and water management of rural settlements Case: Tabriz plain (9915 Views)
The Analysis of Social –Economic Impacts of Pistachio Cultivation upon Development of Damghan (9912 Views)
The political economy of space and Iran's regional balance (9737 Views)
The Role of Physical Factors upon Spatial Distribution of Rural Settlements in Torbat-Jam (9634 Views)
Total Sum: 3113669

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