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Showing 10 results for Mohammadi

Behrooz Mohammadi-Yeganeh,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (3-2014)

Accessibility of rural settlers to financial credit facilities is being considered as one of the important factor for development of entrepreneurship in ruralareas. As such, provision of micro credits could be a secured way for absorption of financial capital needed for development of entrepreneurship in rural areas. The allocation of this credit into agricultural sector could facilitate this process. This study aims to investigate the role of economic space needed for entrepreneurship in the analysis of allocation of group as well as individual credit in agricultural sector. The research method has applied as well as descriptive nature. It further deals with documentation; field works (questionnaire and interview) as well as application of descriptive and infernal statistics including K2, Freedman test, and correlation regression. Statistical society is composed of farmer of Ghanibeyghloo (Zanjan) and Khararood (Khodabandeh). This study suggests that an economic space needed for entrepreneurship pertaining to farmer is not in an appropriate state. However, this space pertaining to the receivers of these credits possesses on appropriate situation. Further suggests that those farmers who possess be her economic space for entrepreneurship is less likely to deviate from proper allocation of their provided credits.

Mohammad Vallaee, Behruz Mohammadi Yeganeh,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)

The more varied the system is, the more dynamic and sustainable would by both in time and space. This in turn, would maintain both internal and external tensions. Variation regarding rural economy is being considered as one of the approaches for achievement of sustainable rural development. The major objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between variation in rural economy and the degree of its sustainability approach. The nature of this study represents applicability. The research method is based on descriptive-analytical. It further demands field works and documentation. The study area is northern Marhamat Abad in Miandoab. The sample size based on modified Cochran was 264 extracted from 2800 households. It further utilized both descriptive as well as in feral statistic that is clustering spearman regression coefficient and VIKOR model. This study suggests that there exist a significant variation between variation of rural economy and the degree of their sustainability at 0.05 significant level. That is greater the variation in rural economy, the greater would be the degree of rural sustainability.

Mehdi Pourtaheri, Nahideh Mohammadi, Abdoreza R.eftekhari,
Volume 3, Issue 9 (11-2014)

Poverty and deprivation are being considered as one of the master problem for the government more specifically for planners in many countries. Deprivation and combating these phenomena are in the center of regional planning. In fact regional balance attainment is being pursued as a mater regional planning target. Achieving this goal demands identification of back ward and deprived regions however the identification of these areas faces some ambiguity. Lack of clear and comprehensive definition of deprivation in general and rural deprivation in particular, leads to over lapping and interfering of poverty, deprivation and underdevelopment concepts. This is associated with lack of an appropriate measure for the assessment of rural deprivation and its process. However, more attention was devoted to objective depravation measure and indices as opposed to subjective ones. This in turn, demands scientific technique. Depravation is highly affected by temporal and spatial dimensions. That is, its corresponding components and elements are different both time and space wise. There exist many methods and a technique regarding the assessment of deprivation at national, regional, rural and urban levels each is associated with specific measures. Thus, designing appropriate measures for assessment of depravation level at different level is inevitable. This study aims to propose a proper definition as well as appropriate corresponding measures and indices for assessing rural depravation. Doing so requires application of five groups of both subjective and objective measures with economic social and environmental dimensions (sustainable approach) at regional level that is village level. This demands the proposition of two following questions associated with corresponding hypothesis: Which indices and measures would be the best fit for assessment of depravation level of Java rood bordered county? Is there any area of the study area as for as the depravation significant difference between rural levels is concerned? Application of both subjective and objective indices and measures is more capable of this kind of assessment. Furthermore, there exists a possibility of difference among rural areas.
This study is based on documentation as well as field works. This is followed by distribution of two types one decomposes indices associated with both subjective and objective measures. Which were determined after getting feedback from social science, economic, sociology, geography and planning experts. After this scientific confirmation, the second and final questionnaires were designed in order to identify different villages based on depravation level. This included both close and open-ended questions regarding housing status send to rural households. After gathering the needed data out of questionnaires and coding them through SPSS, the hypotheses were tested. Moreover, TOPSIS was applied for ranking villages based on their deprivation levels. Through application of the clustering analysis, villages were grouped in to 3 clusters. The finding this study further represented through GIS illustrations. The study area is central section of Javan Rood (Kermanshah) composed of 2 districts and 78 hamlets. Random classified sampling technique led to selection of 10 villages. The application of Cochran formula at 95% confident level at 0.5 probabilities led to 190 sample size. This study is associated with objective and subjective measures and 42 indices dimension which all tested with social, economic and environmental.
Under development and depravation with sustainability approach could be assessed using environmental, economic and social dimensions along with subjective and objective measures and indices. It is argued that subjective measures comparing with the objective ones possess more weight and magnitude regarding depravation level. In as much as having relative prosperity is prerequisite for development thus, assessing depravation level and orienting toward sustainable development as an ultimate goal of planning require application of both subjective and objective measures and indices. It is argued that all research and development plans need application of subjective measures capable of perceiving all real aspect of life. Thus all depravation studied need to consider both type of measures and indices. Since one society may not be deprived in terms of objective measures standpoint. Subjective measures and indices emphasize attitudes. However, objective measures stress realities. Depravation is highly affected by spatial and temporal varied both dimensions and its components and factors time wise and space-wise. Assessment of subjective measures demands application of questionnaire. However objective measures are based on statistic. This study confirms the importance of subjective measures. In addition there exists a significant difference among different villages in terms of depravation level. In rural development process, the promotion and improvement of all rural areas is recommended. However, more attention should be devoted to depravation villages. Achieving sustainable development demands the application of balanced pattern with emphasis upon weaknesses and injustice.

Roya Eshraghi Samani, Farzad Sheykh Mohammadi, Alireza Poursaeed,
Volume 4, Issue 12 (9-2015)

The lack of investment in agriculture system of Iran, especially in family farmingoperation, has made this system vulnerable to natural and unnatural disasters andhazards. In this way, Keshavarzi bank is one of the institutions that plays a critical role in financing the agriculture system. In order to meet credit needs of farmers, Keshavarzi bank makes use of two main sources of saving mobilization and installment collection of due-date credit granted to the farmers. Due to the small amount of savings of this bank, compared with others, installment collection of due-date credit granted to farmers is the main financial resource to fulfill the desires of credit applicants. The nonrepayment of facilities or making delays in refunds will result in disturbance in fulfilling bank commitments. Any negligence in on-time repayment of due-date credits by farmers will cause in yield decline of collecting granted credits and financial resources, consequently. Therefore, regarding the on-time collection of granted credits as a main issue in the surviving of credit institutions together with the ever-growing rate of nonrepayment in Keshavarzi bank and high dependency of financial resources on collected credits, investigating effective factors contributing to the non-repayment of bank facilities is something essential. Due to the significance of credit granted by Keshavarzi bank and its non-repayment as one of the main reasons of the limitations applied in farming facilities in many countries, lots of researches have been done in this field to find a way and solve the existing problems. In these researches several issues related to the effectiveness of repaying agriculture loans have been taken into consideration to illustrate an appropriate approach for making well-planned decisions in coping with problems like this. Generally, researches indicate that there are different factors affecting non-repayment of facilities by Keshavarzi bank which can be classified in the context of economic, technical, financial or social features or in job specifications or personal ones.
This is an applied research which consists of quantitative nature and among those of non-experimental ones in terms of degree of the control of variables. Data collecting has been done in the same way as surveys. Statistical population including borrowers of several branches of Keshavarzi bank (N= 360) in Ilam county. Determining the size of samples, Krejcie and Morgan table has been used according to which the sample size of 186 people has been calculated. To get the samples for questioner accomplishment, stratified sampling method has been used. The questionnaire face validity (based on the comments by faculty members of Azad University) and reliability of the research tools have been determined by the use of Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α = 82%). The variable correlation has been calculated using Eta test. Effective factors contributing to the non-repayment of granted credits have been analyzed by stepwise forward method of logistic regression. Meanwhile, the data were processed and analyzed using SPSS statistical software.
Discussion and Conclusion
According to the survey, a vast majority of the granted funds has been devoted to livestock activities. These activities, considering the geographical and climate conditions of Ilam County, is among the investing priorities of its authorities and inhabitants. Moreover, the range of credit granted to most borrowers (66.6 %) has been from 5 to 30 million Tomans. The average time of repayment in the sampling case was about 6.91 years regarding 82.25% of borrowers repaying them in a period of 5 to 10 years. Present findings indicate that 63.44% of borrowers haven’t repaid their loans yet. It is only about 36.56% of borrowers who have paid them on-time. The results of the correlation coefficient test on dependent variables of repaying status and independent variables suggest that there is a high impact connection between the amount of personal  deposits at the time of taking the loan and the amount of credit, referral number assigned to the bank to take the loan, and non-repayment of the granted credits. Stepwise forward method of logistic regression has been used here to investigate effective factors contributing to the non-repayment of granted credits. Variables including the proceeds of agricultural activities, the amount of bank profit from granted credits, the referral number assigned to the bank to take the loan, the amount of installment, the amount of personal deposits at the time of taking the loan, any record of loan taking, the pay-off period and the supervising quality of bank inspectors were separately entered into the regression in seven different steps to predict about 0.768 percent of changes of dependent variable ( probability of non-repayment of granted facilities). Additionally, based on results from the regression analysis, any increase in the bank profits from received facilities, the referral number assigned to the bank to take the loan and the amount of taken credits will cause in the increase of the probability of non-repayment of the taken loan. As on the other hand, increasing of annuity from agricultural activities, the amount of personal deposit at the time of taking the loan, the pay-off period, the number of inspectors' supervision and record of loan taking will lead to the decrease of the probability of non-repayment.

Jamshid Einali, Behroz Mohammadi Yeganeh, Mohammad Tayeb Khaledi Nia,
Volume 4, Issue 14 (2-2016)

In our country, inappropriate physical housing in villages is the result of "bad housing" that can be inferred as one of the most important challenges in rural development. This phenomenon is the result of inappropriate resilient construction, worn-out houses, pollutions because of coexistence of animals and human, sharing the living space with working place; and these issues are caused by inappropriate economic, social and cultural characteristics that govern the rural society of the country and also they are derived from lack of attention to technical obligations, worn-out houses, lack of effective supervision, inadequate infrastructural and economic provision. Therefore, to decrease the bad housing condition in rural districts of the country, some efforts have been started through improvement and renovation of worn-out texture, retrofitting of rural buildings, provision of technical and quality regulations and obligation and issuing ownership documents together with codification of second phase of development plan that provide a good condition for socioeconomic changes in rural districts. These changes have impacts on meeting the needs of the residents and their quality of life, their livelihood changes, and rural housing functions through improvement of physical environment of the rural district. So, this study tries to answer the following questions:
"Dose rural housing improvement lead to changes in housing components and economic functions of the houses in the studied rural district by using house retrofit loans"? And "Do these changes have a meaningful difference among villages of this rural district?”
This is a practical study that uses descriptive-analytical methods to determine the issue and its results according to performed field studies (questionnaire, observation and interview). Shamshir rural district is located in Paveh County in the west of Kermanshah province and all the eight villages of this rural district are evaluated in this study. According to general population and housing census (1390) the total number of households in this rural district is 2593 households. 287 households are selected as sample population by using Cochran Formula and questionnaires were distributed randomly. For data analysis different statistical method have been used such as One Sample T-Test (to compare numerical mean), Wilcoxon Test (before and after rural housing improvement) and Kruskal Wallis Test (measuring current differences in the rank of diversification to economic activities in sample villages) and Spearman Correlation Coefficient Test.
Discussion and Conclusion
The results showed that most of new housings, which were constructed by the incentives of government including its credits and supervision, have a substructure of 100 square meters. To overcome the steep slope that governs the village site and to decrease the humidity, new housings are constructed according to a two-storey building design in which the ground flood is inhospitable. Studying the impacts of rural housing improvement and renovation shows widespread differences between two periods which were before and after this process. So, these changes can be mostly considered in housing building plans and maps and extensive modelling of urban housing designs, elimination of some basic elements of old housings and also high availability of facilities and infrastructure services; the basic reasons of these changes include logging bans in forests and pastures, discontinuing traditional way of living based on livestock farming and using forests, improvement of transportation roads and turning them to highways, proximity to Paveh county, and prevalence of unofficial economy and contraband trade. According to respondents' point of view, the results show that all of the studied components have a meaningful difference in periods before and after physical improvement. The most meaningful differences are in rendering services like mechanical service, carwash service, tire mounting and balancing service (-15.002), and employment in non-agricultural activities among men (-14.883) respectively, and the least meaningful differences are reported in such components like households' needs (bread, vegetables, fruit and dairy) (-6.398) and performing economic activities inside the home by women such as handicrafts and carpet weaving (-7.228). Moreover, correlation analysis shows that there is a meaningful relation between rural housing improvement components and components of nonagricultural activities among men (0.812), designing a special place for livestock (-0.603), assigning a part of the house to rendering automobile services (mechanical, carwash, tire mounting and balancing services) (0.600) and performing economic activities inside the home by women (0.324) at a level of 99 percent. In conclusion, the result of classification of changes in economic functions of rural housings in Shamshir rural district does not show a meaningful difference among the studied villages. Therefore, according to the respondents' point of view, the most average ranks in performing the studied economic activities are as follow: non-agriculture employment among men in Shamshir village; assigning a part of the house to services in Dorisan village; performingactivities related to gardening and assigning a place for production and selling the forest's products in Bandare village; and in designing a place for livestock and performing economic activities in home by women in Tazdeh, Bandare and Dorisan villages.

Kobra Hassanpour, Yaser Mohammadi, Zeinab Asadi,
Volume 10, Issue 38 (winter 2022 2022)

 According to the United Nations, women make up 49% of the rural population and 65% of agricultural activities; The rate of this participation in the agricultural sector of Iran is 60%. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported in 2010 that with the increase in male migration, the role of women in agriculture has increased and women have found a key role in food production to support the family; About 50% of the world's food production is produced by women. Due to the prevalence of coronary heart disease and the increasing need of communities for healthy and accessible food, the importance of women's activities in the agricultural sector, whose first and most important role is to ensure food security of communities, has doubled. The rapid spread of the disease and the lack of an accurate timeline for how long the disease will last or when the virus can be controlled have raised many international concerns. The FAO (2020) report states that the full effects of coronary heart disease (Covid-19) on food security and food and agricultural systems are still becoming apparent, and that its prevalence could have significant negative effects on all those involved throughout the world. Have a food supply chain. Therefore, the epidemic caused by the Corona virus has had a significant impact on agriculture, and most of this impact has been on the vulnerable population of farmers. In addition to the decisive role in food production, rural women with sufficient knowledge and experience in various agricultural activities. They have also played a role in activities such as food processing, household chores, and trade in the handicraft market, and are among the most important pillars of maintaining economic prosperity and achieving a sustainable rural community. Women in all sectors, including agriculture, like other economic sectors of society, follow in the footsteps of men, to maintain the dynamic life of social structures and to promote the effective functions of production-service processes, and to provide a significant share of the labor force. Self-allocate. However, since the cultural values ​​that govern the village consider all women's activities as a natural thing and part of their daily duties, as a result, despite all their efforts, their activities in the agricultural sector Is ignored. However, without the active participation of women, the rural economy and its households will undoubtedly face new challenges if they do not face closure, and achieving sustainable development goals will not be possible without their participation.

Research Methods
The present study is considered as an applied research according to the research objectives and results. According to the method of data collection and implementation method, the research is a descriptive correlation with the survey strategy. In order to express the reasons for changes in social phenomena, in terms of numerical analysis of data, little research has been done. The statistical population in this study is women farmers in Delfan city. The sample size was calculated using Cochran's formula of 200 samples and stratified sampling. Based on this, first 5 villages were randomly selected from 10 villages of the statistical population, then 19 villages were randomly selected from the selected villages to fill in the questionnaire. The statistical sample size of this study includes 200 women farmers. In order to collect information about the opinions of women farmers about the factors affecting agricultural activities in this study, two methods of documentary study (library) and survey have been used. To collect information by referring to books, documents and scientific articles, valid statistics of organizations and institutions related to the library method. According to the main objectives and questions of the research, the required information has been collected using a questionnaire.

Discussion and conclusion
 From the first stages of agriculture, women have been very active in agriculture, especially in rural areas of Iran, which is the predominant form of family exploitation. According to the results obtained in the study population, the majority of exploiters (81%) are in the same way. The activities of women in the agricultural sector of Delfan city are very diverse, including these activities such as plant cultivation, harvesting, weeding, harvesting, pruning trees, threshing and cleaning And measuring the crop as well as giving forage and animal care, on the other hand, according to the custom and culture of rural society, women do not appear outside the farm and more to produce products and products from agriculture and They take care of domestic animals. The participation of women in developing countries is higher than other countries due to the lack of mechanized farms and lack of access to some agricultural equipment. However, in some areas the working time for women is less than the working time for men. Given the above and the major role of women farmers in agricultural and livestock production, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to their use and access to development resources and to identify the main and effective factors in this regard and to address the problem and knots. And provide the necessary support to women farmers to be more active in the agricultural sector, because with more and more women in the agricultural sector, in addition to creating food security, this will also lead to economic growth and also improve livelihoods. Villagers and farmers will also be.

Nahideh Mohammadi, Bijan Rahmani, Naser Shafiei Thabit,
Volume 11, Issue 40 (summer 2022)

The extensive experience of many countries shows that the success of development programs in rural areas has not been favorable due to some limitations, especially the lack of participation of the beneficiaries or the villagers. Since it is only the villagers who can effectively identify their perceived problems and needs, therefore their participation in the management process and planning of rural development and transformation - in all its stages - is essential. In this regard, local people can participate fully and effectively when they are organized and trained to make a united and continuous effort. Therefore, in this context, non-governmental organizations, as people-oriented and participatory institutions, are known to be the most important main means of achieving this goal, which can penetrate rural communities and involve villagers in the process of participatory and sustainable development. Therefore, since the late 1980s and especially in the 1990s, and with the introduction of the community-oriented approach, non-governmental organizations have received attention. Because the ability of local stakeholders in community-oriented development is a fundamental factor in enabling them to participate and influence the development and spatial developments have a special place. Therefore, it is necessary to make an effort to empower the villagers in order to reduce the negative consequences of their weak intervention in the process of development and spatial development. On this basis, to improve the organized participation of villagers in the framework of non-governmental organizations, it is necessary to develop planning and policies in order to invest in the improvement of the facilitators of the empowerment of villagers, such as; Education, awareness raising, trust and confidence, cohesion and solidarity, etc. should be placed in order to provide the necessary grounds for the formation of non-governmental organizations. In this framework, the analysis of the growth and expansion of non-governmental organizations in the spatial transformations of rural settlements, taking into account the improvement of empowerment indicators, is a new approach that has been addressed in this research.

In the present study, based on a descriptive-analytical method and based on a questionnaire, the relationship between rural empowerment facilitators in the formation of non-governmental organizations and the relationship between these organizations in The process of spatial transformation of rural settlements (in the form of 15 indicators) was measured at the level of 30 villages and 300 sample households in the villages of Javanrood township. The collected data were processed using SPSS software and using correlation test statistics, and univariate and multivariate regression.

Discussion and conclusion
Findings showed that there is a significant relationship between the improvement of empowerment indicators and the rate of formation and expansion of non-governmental organizations in the direction of the spatial transformation of rural settlements. But, this relationship has been decreasing-decreasing, which has revealed the inappropriate position of research variables in the study area. In other words, the implementation of empowerment methods due to the dominance of the "top-down" and "state-based" approach has not been able to create a sense of power and empowerment in the local stakeholders and their effective and organized participation in the framework of non-governmental organizations. The low level of participation of non-governmental organizations has caused failure in the spatial development of rural settlements in economic, social, physical and environmental-ecological dimensions. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to and improve the facilitation indicators of rural empowerment such as; Education and awareness, knowledge and skills, cohesion and solidarity, trust and confidence, participation, institutionalization and political support of the government, and changing the approach to "community-based" and "bottom-up", are a good ground for their participation with the aim of creating non-governmental organizations in the direction the spatial transformation of rural settlements.


Nasrin Jalilian, Yaser Mohammadi,
Volume 11, Issue 41 (Fall 2022 2022)

Currently, the issue of employment is one of the most critical social challenges in the country to deal with unemployment, or at least to prevent the spread of anomalies and social damages. Nowadays, rural communities, especially poor rural households, are mainly faced with information poverty, low skills, weak entrepreneurial culture and ethnic and tribal inequalities that distinguish them from other communities. The people of the rural community, especially those of the low-income groups and households that government institutions support, are involved with more issues and problems. Among these groups, women are exposed to poverty and gender discrimination more than men, and they are more vulnerable to unemployment than men. One way to reduce poverty and improve livelihoods, especially among rural women heads of households, is to provide them with microfinance in the form of providing self-sufficiency facilities and job creation through institutions such as the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation.

This research has been conducted to study the role of employment loans on the sustainable livelihood of rural women heads of households. The research is a quantitative and applied study of nature and purpose. Also, in terms of the data collection method, it is survey research, and in terms of the data analysis method, it is descriptive-correlation research. The statistical population of this research was the rural women who were the heads of the household, whom the relief committee covered in Harsam village, Islamabad Gharb city in Kermanshah province, and 100 of these women were selected and examined by the census. The data was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire, the validity of which was confirmed by experts' opinions and its reliability by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data analysis was done in the IBMSPSS software environment.

Discussion and conclusion
The results of the study showed that the two groups of female heads of households who benefited and did not benefit from the aid committee's job creation loans had a significant difference in terms of sustainable rural livelihoods, and the beneficiary women had better livelihoods, especially in terms of financial capital and physical capital. Also, among the women benefiting from good-quality loans, those who were satisfied with the number of loans received and their repayment period and also participated in skill training courses to create jobs had a higher level of sustainable livelihood.


Saadi Mohammadi, Zahra Hakiminea,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (winter 2023 2023)

Quality of life is core to the sustainable security approach. Regarding that, the status of supply and access to livelihood capital to provide livelihood and quality of life for villagers have an undeniable role in moving towards the stability of the security of rural border areas. The rural border areas of Marivan are in an adverse situation in terms of access to livelihood assets. Livelihood poverty due to poor access to livelihood assets is the dominant feature of the border village areas of Marivan County. This situation is evident in the unemployment report of the management and planning organization of the province, where the highest unemployment rate of the province is related to Marivan County, with 28.6 percent. Although Marivan County is in third place in the province after Sanandaj and Saqz counties in terms of population (12.2% of the province's population), it includes 23.6% of the unemployed in the entire province. The number of unemployed people in the rural areas of Marivan is 3446, with a rate of 19.3%. Compared to the unemployment rate of the rural areas of other counties of the province, it has the highest unemployment rate. Due to being in the political and geopolitical stake, a lot of money and capital is spent to keep the security of this county. According to the principles of stable security, identifying and solving the trends leading to insecurity are significant. So instead of dealing with threats, the emergence of insecurity is prevented by controlling these trends. The current research discusses why the inappropriate situation of access to livelihood assets in the border rural areas of the region was created and continued and what instabilities and risks did it leave behind?

The present applied research has been carried out using a post-event descriptive method. The research is qualitative, in essence. Data were collected by targeted interviews. The three main questions of the research are the destabilizing effects of security, the causes and factors of occurrence and continuity, and the strategies adopted by villagers against inappropriate access to livelihood capitals. The research population includes specialists, experts and informants in security and law enforcement, academics and management of the county, who were determined using a targeted non-probability sampling method based on the snowball method, and their number reached 50 people. The analysis of the interviews was done with the grounded theory technique in three stages open coding, central coding and selective coding.
The spatial scope of the research is the border villages of Marivan County. A county that is located in the west of Kurdistan Province and is adjacent to the Kurdistan region of Iraq. These border villages are within Sarshio, Khavomirabad and Zrivar Districts, which are the closest to the borderline (less than 15 kilometres from the border). The location and target villages of the research were considered (10 villages).

Discussion and conclusion
The creation of livelihood poverty due to the lack of provision and proper access of border villagers to livelihood assets has caused a variety of security instabilities. Many of the identified concepts, or in other words, the adverse effects resulting from the lack of adequate provision and access to livelihood assets, are the result and effects of weakening and failure in other dimensions and security indicators. The lack of adequate provision and access to livelihood assets in the studied areas, in addition to direct effects (destruction of the natural environment, poverty, human and financial losses), has also had many indirect and dependent effects (creating security holes with Distance between the people and the system due to the feeling of injustice caused by the government's lack of attention to these areas with the continuation of human and financial losses, environmental crises, the continuation of smuggling, increase in immigration, etc.). On the other hand, the instability and security problems created are not only limited to these areas and have threatened the national and public security of the country as well.
The most important strategies adopted for security and development in order to deal with the poor livelihood and security situation include border blocking strategy and threat-oriented management, one-dimensional development management strategy, extreme exploitation of the natural environment and dealing with illegal jobs and smuggling, immigration and capital outflow from the borders. However, there needs to be a structural solution to the problem at the regional level. Therefore, defensive strategies have generally been used to prevent the deterioration of the existing situation.
Also, using the grounded theory technique (three stages of open, central and selective coding), it was found that there are many obstacles and problems related to development and security managers and local communities for the business environment or the lack of access to livelihood assets in the studied border rural areas.
The results showed that the lack of proper access of the border villages of the county to livelihood assets had caused the instability of security in its various fields in the studied area. The security instabilities were placed in 51 indicators in the form of 3 main categories: unstable security future and political-military problems, instability of food and environmental-physical security, and instability of economic and social security. This situation showed that the lack of access to livelihood assets has reduced the quality of life and, as a result, security instability in the border villages of Marivan County.
Also, the results of the grounded theory technique extracted 63 weaknesses. These weaknesses are grouped into components such as weak development planning, policy-making and management, the inappropriateness of the business environment of the region, border security management, weak laws and protections, weakness in the physical infrastructure needed for economic development, the lack of local people's capital and socio-cultural weaknesses. 
Finally, the results of interviews and field observation showed that the strategy of blocking borders and threat-oriented management, one-dimensional development management, extreme exploitation of the natural environment, and dealing with illegal jobs and smuggling, migration and departure capital from borders; The most important strategies adopted by development and security officials and villagers in dealing with the unfavorable situation of access to livelihood assets and security instabilities resulting from it.

Mr Arash Derakhshan Darabi, Dr. Yaser Mohammadi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (9-2024)

Objective: The current Research was conducted with the aim of Strategic Analysis of Rural Development Programs held by Basij Sazandegi Organization to formulate a superior strategic matrix.
Methods: The research followed the paradigm of mixed method (qualitative-quantitative) so that collecting data was done by interview and questionnaire tools in the qualitative and quantitative phases respectively. According to the purpose, the research statistical population consisted of two expert’s groups. In order to evaluate the environment of rural development programs, three groups of rural development organizations’ experts, experts from Basij Sazandegi Organization and rural informants (councils and local leaders), were surveyed. Each group consisted of 30 experts. Also, for developing the superior strategic matrix, 8 rural development experts were asked to rate importance of strategies. SWOT technique was used for environmental assessment and the superior strategic matrix was developed through hybrid TOPSIS-ANP method in Super Decisions software environment.
Results: The results of this study revealed that rural development programs exhibited strengths that surpassed their weaknesses, yet they were also confronted with threats. The superior strategic matrix further indicated that among the 10 strategies derived from environmental analysis, the strategy of "coordinating the Basij Sazandegi organization with other stakeholders of rural development in program formulation and reduction of redundancies" emerged as the foremost strategy. Subsequently, the strategies of "collaboration and regular meetings with local leaders for program implementation and evaluation of rural development initiatives" and "partnerships with associations and religious institutions to mobilize manpower and financial resources towards job creation projects" were ranked as the subsequent most important strategies.
Conclusions: In light of the research outcomes, it is recommended to expand the network of collaboration and cooperation with other rural development stakeholders and adhere to a comprehensive and targeted rural development model to enhance the effectiveness of constructive mobilization in RDPs of Basi.

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