- Designing a model of influencing factors on the development of rural entrepreneurship with a meta-analysis approach
Mohamad Zaheri, Hossein Karimzadeh *, Nabiollah Hosseini Shahpariyan - A Framework for the Team Resilience Model of Startup Founders in Iran
Amirhossein Taheri, Hossein Rahimi Kolour * - The Role of Tourism in Developing Rural Businesses(case study: Hamedan county)
ebrahim fathinia *, alireza darbanastaneh, jahangir yadallahi farsi, seyed hosein shahed - Identifying Challenges Affecting the Formation of Knowledge-Based Businesses (With Emphasis on Development and Commercialization Scenarios in Rural Areas)
seyedreza hosseini kahnooj, Hamdollah Sojasi Qeidari * - Examining the Attitudes of the Local Community to Participate in the Development of Agricultural Tourism (Case Study: Siyahkalrud Rural District)
maedeh hajipou, mehdi hesam *, habib mahmoodi - The Impact of Adaptation Strategies on the Livability of Rural Households in Coping with Drought (A Case Study of Bavi County, Khuzestan Province)
Ali Badvi, Moslem Savari, Seyed Mohammad Javad Sobhani * - Price Transmission Mechanism in the Market of Selected Fishery Products (Bivariate GARCH Model)
Mahdi Saravani, Hossein Amiri *, Mohammad Hossein Karim - Paradigmatic analysis of the development structures of small tourism businesses in the rural areas of Gilan
Farhad Javan *, Mostafa Mohammadi
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Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2024، Volume 13، Number 50
- Print ISSN: 2322-2131
- Online ISSN: 2588-476X
- Director-in-Charge: Dr. Zahra HejaziZadeh
- Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Hasan Afrakhteh
- Publisher: Kharazmi University
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