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Showing 1 results for Student’s Subjective Well-Being

Ali Beygi, , , ,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2022)

Positive cognitive behavioral therapy is an integrated approach in psychotherapy which combines cognitive behavioral therapy with solution-focused therapy and positive psychology. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of positive cognitive behavioral therapy (PCBT) and traditional cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) on mental well-being and resilience in adolescents with depressive symptoms. This study was an Quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttests with control group. For this purpose, first, depression scale was performed on male students. Among those students whose depression score was higher than the cutoff point, randomly, 17 were divided to the experimental group 1 (PCBT), 17 were divided to the experimental group 2 (CBT), and 17 were divided to the control group (without intervention). Then, scales of Subjective well-being of students and Connor and Davison resiliency were implemented as pretests. Then, interventions in experimental groups and no intervention in control group were performed, and finally, the above scales were performed as post-tests and follow up. Results showed that student’s score in subjective well-being and resiliency with PCBT were significantly higher than CBT and control group. It seems that; PCBT can be more effective in enhancing positive performance components. It’s necessary that; further research should highlight this issue

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