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Showing 5 results for Self-Esteem

Mohammad Reza Tamannaeifar, ‎azam Mansourinik,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2012)

The study on body image has grown steadily over the recent few decades. Since many studies investigated the relationship between body image and psychosocial functions, this study aimed at investigating the relationship between body image and adjustment. The subjects of the study included 400 male and female high school student who were selected through cluster sampling. The data were collected by using Physical Self-Description Questionnaire and Bell Adjustment Inventory, and the obtained data were then analyzed by both descriptive and inferential statistics. The results indicated that there was a significant relationship between body image and adjustment. The results were representative of the fact there was a significant difference in body image of male and female students, but there was no significant difference in adjustment of both male and female students. In general, the findings demonstrated that positive body image would lead to more adjustment behaviors through developing the sense of higher self worth.
Zoha Saeedi, Nima Ghorbani, Mahdi Reza Sarafraz, Mohammad Hossein Sharifian,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2012)

The present study examined the relationship between Self-Compassion, Self-esteem, Shame-Proneness and Guilt-Proneness with experiencing shame and guilt after reminding the experience of fault and transgression. To do so, in a quasi-experimental design, 80 students (26 males and 54 females) of the University of Tehran filled Self-Compassion and Self-Esteem Scales and Shame-Proneness and Guilt-Proneness subscales of the Test of Self- Conscious Affect-3. After shame and guilt induction by reminding and writing about an experience of fault and transgression, Participants reported their unpleasant emotions by the adjective-checklist of shame and guilt based on Tangney`s theory and the scale of unpleasant emotions. The Results revealed that shame-proneness was positively and self-compassion was negatively associated with the unpleasant emotions. Self-esteem was correlated negatively with the shame only and guilt-proneness showed no significant relationship with the unpleasant emotions. As hypothesized, self-compassion predicted unpleasant emotions that are beyond the shame-proneness and guilt proneness, while self-esteem wasn’t the predictor of the unpleasant emotions. The results were explained based on the different nature of self-compassion and self-esteem constructs.
M, Sadrosadatzadeh, M. N. Farahani, A, Kiamanesh, V, Ramezani,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (12-2013)

The aim of this research is to study the effect of nose cosmetic surgery on girls’ self-esteem and body image. Twenty two nose cosmetic surgery candidates and twenty two others as control group participated in this study. They were chosen by available sampling method. They answered to the multi-dimensional questionnaire regarding relation between self and their body and to the Rosenberg self-esteem questionnaire. The nose cosmetic surgery candidates and control group responded to our questionnaires at two stages, respectively. Results showed that, two ‘self-esteem’ and ‘body image’ variables did not show significant change before and after the surgery. But one of the minor scale factors (satisfaction of parts of the body) was seen to be related to the self-esteem. 
Naeime Tahery Moghadam, Mohammad Ehsan Taghizadeh, Ali Asghar Kakojoibary, Anita Alaghmand,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2014)

The purpose of the present study was to study the effect of schema therapy on the reduction of the automatic negative thought and on the increase of the self-esteem in female patients afflicted with depression who went to the psychiatry center in Arak city. Population of the study was included all female patients hospitalized in this center, of these subjects, 38 subjects were selected through the availability sampling method and were put into two groups: experimental group and control group. Both groups completed the automatic negative thought scale and Coopersmith self-esteem inventory. It should be said that during the study the subject used their own drugs and no change occurred in the amount of the drugs they previously took furthermore, the two groups were the same in terms of the education and age. Then, the experimental group underwent 8 sessions of schema therapy (in each weak two two-hour sessions were held). Following one month, the two groups completed the questionnaires again. There were 15 subjects left in each group. The obtained data were analyzed by covariance analysis and kruskal – wallis nonparametric test. The results showed the effect of schema therapy on the reduction of the variable of belief and on the increase of self-esteem in comparison to the control group. However, in frequency variable of the automatic negative thought no significant change happened.
Nasrin Gharekhanlou, Farshad Mohsenzadeh,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (11-2015)

The purpose of this study was to compare the depression, aggression, and self-esteem of adolescents with high-conflict and low-conflict parents. With this purpose in mind, 230 adolescent girls who were studying in high schools of Bahar city of Hamadan province, were selected by cluster sampling method and completed following questionnaires: The Children's Perceptions of Interparental Conflict Scale(CPIC), Modified Depression Scale, hostility scale of Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL-90), and Hare Area-Specific Self-Esteem Scale. Data analyzed by multivariate analysis. The results showed that there are significant differences between adolescents with high and low conflicted parents in term of level of depression, aggression, and self-esteem. Adolescents who perceived their parents more conflicted had higher levels of depression and aggression and lower levels of self-esteem. In sum, the findings indicate that parent’s conflict resolution style has negative mental health outcomes for their children. Finally, the implications of findings are discussed.

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