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Showing 8 results for Schema Therapy

Naeime Tahery Moghadam, Mohammad Ehsan Taghizadeh, Ali Asghar Kakojoibary, Anita Alaghmand,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2014)

The purpose of the present study was to study the effect of schema therapy on the reduction of the automatic negative thought and on the increase of the self-esteem in female patients afflicted with depression who went to the psychiatry center in Arak city. Population of the study was included all female patients hospitalized in this center, of these subjects, 38 subjects were selected through the availability sampling method and were put into two groups: experimental group and control group. Both groups completed the automatic negative thought scale and Coopersmith self-esteem inventory. It should be said that during the study the subject used their own drugs and no change occurred in the amount of the drugs they previously took furthermore, the two groups were the same in terms of the education and age. Then, the experimental group underwent 8 sessions of schema therapy (in each weak two two-hour sessions were held). Following one month, the two groups completed the questionnaires again. There were 15 subjects left in each group. The obtained data were analyzed by covariance analysis and kruskal – wallis nonparametric test. The results showed the effect of schema therapy on the reduction of the variable of belief and on the increase of self-esteem in comparison to the control group. However, in frequency variable of the automatic negative thought no significant change happened.
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Volume 9, Issue 4 (2-2016)

This research has been developed with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of schema therapy and cognitive behavior therapy on the self-efficacy of lifestyle related to weight and weight loss .In order to achieve this goal, through a semi-experimental design with a pretest and a posttest , all female students of Bu Ali Sina university whose index of body mass was between 25 and 35 were interviewed ,and then 30 of them who had the criteria of participating in schema therapy and cognitive behavior therapy sessions were chosen as the available samples and then were put randomly  into three groups (two experimental groups and a control group).The first group received schema therapy for 10 one-hour sessions, the second group received cognitive behavior therapy for 10 one-hour sessions and the third group as the control group received no intervention. The gathered data were analyzed through covariance analysis. The results showed that both schema therapy and cognitive behavior therapy had a positive effect on the improvement of the self-efficacy of lifestyle related to weight gain and weight loss. However, the efficacy of the schema therapy was more than the efficacy of the cognitive behavior therapy. Furthermore, no change occurred in the control group during the process of assessment. Generally, both schema therapy and cognitive behavior therapy had an effect on the increase of the sense of control over areas of lifestyle related to weight and weight control.

Dr Abdolsamad Nikan, Ahmad Torabi, Zahra Mohseninasab, Asie Bahadori, Zeinab Javanmard, Masoome Hosinirad,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (6-2023)

The purpose of this research was to compare the effectiveness of schema therapy and cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on stress, resilience, emotional regulation and psychological well-being of cardiovascular patients. The research method is practical in terms of purpose and semi-experimental in terms of data collection method. The statistical population of this research includes cardiovascular patients in Tehran in 1401. According to the nature of the study method, the size of the statistical sample was 30 people. The research tools are Connor and Davidson's resilience questionnaire, Rief's psychological well-being questionnaire, Cohen's perceived stress questionnaire and Garnevsky's emotion regulation questionnaire. It was found that schema therapy has been effective on the resilience of cardiovascular patients, cognitive therapy based on mindfulness has been effective on the stress of cardiovascular patients, schema therapy has been effective on emotional regulation of cardiovascular patients, cognitive therapy based on mindfulness has been effective on emotional regulation of patients Cardiovascular has been effective, schema therapy has been effective on the psychological well-being of cardiovascular patients, cognitive therapy based on mindfulness has been effective on the psychological well-being of cardiovascular patients; It was also found that schema therapy was more effective than cognitive therapy based on mindfulness.
Maryam Zareei, Dr Abdolmajid Bahrainian, Dr Qasem Ahi, Dr Ahmad Mansouri,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (12-2023)

The present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness and schema therapy on mental rumination and social anxiety of women with practical obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The current research method was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow-up. The statistical population of the research included all women with obsessive-compulsive disorder who referred to the counseling centers of Mashhad in 1402, based on the entry and exit criteria, 48 people were selected as a sample using the purposeful-available sampling method and randomly divided into two experimental groups. and a control group were assigned. Subjects were evaluated using Hoeksma and Maro (1991) rumination questionnaires and Wells' (1994) social anxiety questionnaires in the pre-test, post-test and follow-up stages. The results of mixed analysis of variance showed that the difference Significance between intervention groups with control in mental rumination and social anxiety of women with obsessive compulsive symptoms, the presence of medication, cognitive therapy based on mindfulness and schema therapy has led to the reduction of mental rumination and social anxiety. Also, schema therapy is more effective than cognitive therapy based on mindfulness in mental rumination.

Maryam Zareii, Dr Abdolmajid Bahreinian, Dr Qasem Ahi, Dr Ahmad Mansouri,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (3-2024)

The present study aimed to comparison the effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness and schema therapy on emotional regulation and distress tolerance of women with obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The present research method was semi-experimental with pretest, posttest and follow-up. The statistical population of the study included all women with obsessive-compulsive disorder who referred to the counseling centers of Mashhad in 2023-2024. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 48 people were selected by convenience sampling and randomly assigned to two experimental groups and one control group. The participants were evaluated using the emotion regulation questionnaire (Gross & John, 2003) and distress tolerance scale in the pretest, posttest and follow-up. Data were analyzed using SPSS 26 software and using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of and analysis of variance with repeated measures showed that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in emotion regulation and distress tolerance (P<0.05). Cognitive therapy based on mindfulness and schema therapy has led to improved emotion regulation and increased distress tolerance. Cognitive therapy based on mindfulness is more effective than schema therapy in improving emotion regulation.

Zohreh Ghanbari, Zahra Mohseninasab, Majid Taati, Mahsa Mohebiarya, Ahmad Torabi,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (3-2024)

The present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of schema therapy and stress reduction based on mindfulness on emotional dyslexia, self-control and psychological well-being in Tehran. This research was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test waiting list group design. The statistical population included all women affected by domestic violence who referred to Menda Ara Psychology Clinic in 1402. In this study, 45 eligible patients were selected and the participants were randomly divided into three groups: behavioral therapy counseling (15 people), mindfulness-based stress reduction group (15 people) and control group (15 people). Strategies methods and techniques were taught to the groups for 8 sessions of 90 minutes. The groups were asked to take the Toronto Ataxia Questionnaire; Answer Tanji's self-control questionnaire and Rif's psychological well-being questionnaire. The results of the research showed that the experimental group of schema therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction compared to the control group was able to more effectively change the scores of ataxia, self-control and psychological well-being at the level of P<0.001. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in reducing emotional dyslexia, and increasing self-control and psychological well-being. Conclusion: The results showed that the use of schema therapy approaches and stress reduction based on mindfulness increases the self-control and psychological well-being of women affected by domestic violence and reduces their emotional ataxia. Therefore, schema therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction approaches are recommended for women affected by domestic violence to increase self-control and psychological well-being and reduce emotional ataxia.

Dr. Mahdieh Rahmanian, Mrs. Sharareh Soltani, Dr. Mojgan Agahheris,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (12-2024)

This paper examined the effectiveness of integrated meta-diagnostic treatment on rumination, cognitive distortions and cognitive avoidance among women with depression. Women visited depression treatment centers in Abadan city in 1403 for depression treatment constituted the statistical population of the research. Due to the small size of the population and the limitation of the statistical population, the sampling method was purposeful.  The total number of people eligible to enter this research was 30 which were randomly assigned into two groups of 15. The following standard questionnaires were used for collecting the necessary data:  Cognitive Avoidance Questionnaire by Sexton and Dagas (CAQ), Rumination Questionnaire by Nalan Hoeksma and Maro 1991, Cognitive Distortions Questionnaire by Abdullah Zadeh and Salar (1389), Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) by Laibond and Laibond (1995) and integrated meta-diagnostic treatment protocol.   SPSS 21 software was used to analyze the data. Indicators such as mean and standard deviation were determined. Univariate and multivariate covariance analysis were also used to check the hypothesizes.  The findings showed that integrated trans-diagnostic treatment has an effect on rumination, cognitive distortions and cognitive avoidance among women with depression disorder. This effect has continued in the follow-up phase.

Hanieh Hatami, Nurallah Mohammadi, Habib Hadian Fard, Abdol Aziz Aflakseir,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (12-2024)

Past traumatic experiences with primary caregivers lead to the formation of cognitive and behavioral patterns that serve as styles of thinking and acting. These patterns are maladaptive strategies that disrupt emotional regulation. On the other hand, "corrective emotional experiences" in the approaches of schema therapy and intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy help change dysfunctional patterns and regulate emotions in traumatized individuals. using a single-case study method. The study population included all individuals aged 18 to 40 in Tehran who, in 2023, volunteered to participate in the research following the project announcement.  Finally, six individuals were selected through purposive sampling. Subsequently, the cognitive and behavioral emotion regulation questionnaires were administered to each individual at the baseline (2 to 4 times), intervention (3 times), and follow-up (1 time) stages. The results of visual and statistical analysis between the intervention and baseline conditions, including Cohen's d effect size, non-overlapping and overlapping data, changes in the median and mean, and absolute level changes,indicated the effectiveness of both treatments oncognitive and behavioral emotion regulation.However, schema therapy was more effective than intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy in improving emotion regulation.

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