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Showing 5 results for Questionnaire

Jafar . Hasani, Samerand Salehi, Morad Rasoli Azad,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2012)

The aim of the present study was to develop a Persian version of Jackson’s five factor questionnaire and to assess its reliability and validity in the Iranian society.Following the preparation of the Persian version of Jackson’s five factor questionnaire through using double translation technique, it was administrated on 308 subjects (174 males and 134 females). The reliability of questionnaire was assessed via internal consistency, item-rest correlations and test-retest methods. In addition, the validity of the scale was investigated using factor analysis, correlations between subscales and criterion validity methods. Cronbach’s alphas range (0.72 to 0.88), test-retest coefficients (0.64 to 0.78)) and test-retest correlations (0.28 to 0.68) suggested good reliability of the Persian version of Jackson’s five factor questionnaire. Confirmatory and explanatory factor analysis supported the original five factor model of questionnaire. The internal relations between the subscales were appropriate (0.11 to 0.53). Finally, existence of special correlation patterns between subscales of the questionnaire and positive affect, negative affect, behavior inhibition / activation systems scale, Eysenck’s personality dimensions and Barrett’s impulsivity dimensions indicated good validity of the scale.The results of this research showed that the Persian version of Jackson’s five factor questionnaire had suitable factor structure, reliability and validity in the Iranian society.
Narges Jalali Farahani, Ahmad Aliopor,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (11-2017)

This research is aimed to examine reliability and validity of the questionnaire which was about individuals' viewpoints on medical help-seeking. The method used in this study was test-type standardization; therefore, a descriptive, survey-type method has been applied. The statistical population includes 1100 students majoring in Psychology, studying at Payam-e- Noor University, South Tehran Branch, in 2016. A convenience-sampling method was used in this study, and 220 students were chosen out of the population mentioned. Cronbach 's Alpha Coefficient method was applied for data analysis; test-duplication was administered to assess validity. In order to examine the questionnaire’s reliability, both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and correlation coefficient were used. The amount obtained for Cronbach’s Alpha was 85%, and the amounts for re-examination and test duplication were .85 and .75respectively, thus it could be concluded that the questionnaire has an acceptable reliability. Both construct validity and concurrent validity were used to examine the questionnaire’s reliability. it can be said that the questionnaire has an appropriate validity based on variance scale. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the obtained factors make a significant model with their own elements and are properly acceptable. In this study, both construct and concurrent reliability were used to investigate the correlation between medical help-seeking and help-seeking behavior in general. According to the results obtained from The Pearson Correlation Coefficient, there has been a significant relationship between help-seeking and help-seeking behavior.
Mehrnaz Safarzaei, Farideh Ameri, Seyed Abolghasem Mehrinejad, Roshanak Khodabakhsh, Mehrangiz Peivastegar,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (9-2020)

Psychological flexibility is a multidimensional trait that plays an important role in many areas of life, including mental health. Given the role of psychological flexibility, researchers have been interested in examining this feature, but do not have the tools to specifically measure psychological flexibility. The purpose of this research is to analyse the reliability and validity of the Persian version of the Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire so that in the absence of a short and specific scale for measuring psychological flexibility, it can help measure this feature in psychological research. For this purpose, 400 male and female students at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad participated in this study in the academic year of 2019-2020 using the multi-stage cluster random sampling method. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used to evaluate the construct’s validity and calculate the reliability of Cronbach's alpha. Factor analysis showed that this questionnaire has 5 factors, which are: positive interpretation of change, defining oneself as a flexible person, identifying oneself as an open and creative person, interpreting reality as dynamic and changeable, and interpreting reality as multidimensional. Agents together accounted for 59.83% of the variance of the entire questionnaire. The internal consistency of the items of the Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire was 0.89, which indicates the desired reliability of this questionnaire. Based on the results of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis in this study, the Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire has acceptable validity and reliability regarding students.

Dr. Fatteme Raiisi,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (9-2023)

The purpose of this study was to design, make and evaluate the psychometric characteristics of a pain metaphorical perception questionnaire in Persian-speaking who suffer from chronic diseases. The method of this study was descriptive and psychometric and it was a survey type of research. At first, based on the cognitive analysis of Raiisi's pain metaphors (2021), nine metaphorical mappings were extracted, which were respectively object, causality, path and direction, human, place, taste, container, force, and circle. Based on obtained source domains, a questionnaire with 25 questions was created using a Likert response scale. The content validity of questions was evaluated by three cognitive linguistics experts, two health psychologists, three physicians, and two psychometric experts. No questions were found to be irrelevant or inappropriate. At last, the questionnaire was completed availability and voluntarily by 250 monolingual Persian-speaking patients with chronic diseases in 2022-2023. The results indicated that there was a reliability coefficient by using Cronbach's alpha for the whole questionnaire and its components. Moreover, the result of the factor analysis showed that this questionnaire consists of four factors including object, force, human, and causality, which explain 24.66% of the total variance of the factors. Consequently, the questionnaire on pain metaphorical perception has good validity and reliability for Persian speakers

Dr Zahra Moravejnia, Dr Kambiz Kamkari, Dr Shahram Vaziri,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (9-2024)

The Personality Pathology Dimensions Assessment Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ) is a self-report tool used to assess the characteristics of personality disorder. However, its diagnostic validity has not been investigated in Iranian samples. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the diagnostic validity of the Personality Pathology Dimensions Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ) in couples using sensitivity coefficient and clarity-orientation. The method of this research, which is in the field of psychometric designs, is a subset of methodological studies. The statistical population of the study consisted of all couples referred to counseling centers in Tehran, of which 240 couples (120 as clinical group and 120 as normative group) were selected using available purposive sampling. In the present study, in order to investigate the diagnostic validity of the mentioned instrument with an emphasis on the cut-off point method, sensitivity coefficient and clarity orientation have been used. The findings showed that the scales of "intimacy disorder" and "low social relationships" from the dimension of "social avoidance", "conduct disorder", "narcissism" and "rejection" from the dimension of "antisocial behavior", "cognitive disorder", "insecure dependence" and "stubbornness and disobedience" from the dimension of "emotional disorder" and "impulsivity" from the dimension of "impulsive behavior" using both methods have diagnostic validity and can distinguish the clinical group from the normative group.

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