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Showing 20 results for Mental Health

Masoud Jonbozorgi, Ahmad Alipour, Neda Golchin, Mojgan Agah Heris,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2010)

This study has been conducted to investigate the effectiveness of group cognitive behavioral therapy for severity of pain and mental health in individuals with back pain. This is a quasi-experimental research and posttest-pretest, control group design is used. Of women with chronic back pain who came to Imam Khomeni Hospital and who consulted a physician in his surgery in 2011,30 women, having average age of 33 years and seven months, were selected randomly and were also put randomly into two groups of fifteen. All participants completed General Health Questionnaire(GHQ) and Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale  before and after intervention. After 12 sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy, t The results indicated that the back pain significantly decreased and mental health improved significantly, too. According to the findings of the study, it can be said that group cognitive behavioral therapy would lead to the improvement of bio- psychological components through affecting mechanisms involved in Melzack’s neuromatrix and changing psychological structures, as a mediator of pain. Therefore, group cognitive behavioral therapy is a useful intervention for reducing severity of pain, as well as increasing mental health
Somaye Jamali Paghale, Ahmad Abedi, Elham Aghaei, Razie Zare,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (3-2011)

Given the importance of emotional intelligence in mental health, the purpose of this study is meta-analysis of the studies which were conducted on the relationship between emotional intelligence and mental health. Through meta-analysis method, this study integrates the results of various studies and then determines the effect size of the relationship between emotional intelligence and mental health. To achieve this purpose, of 45 studies, 30 studies  accepted methodologically, were selected and meta-analysis was done on them. Research tool for the study was meta-analysis checklist The present study is based on 4858 participants and 32 effect sizes.The findings indicates that in general, the effect size of  emotional intelligence and mental health is 0/48. Furthermore, When emotional intelligence is evaluated as trait, it has stronger correlation with mental health(r=0/51) rather than when it is evaluated as ability(r=0/38).Therefore,according to the present study, it can be concluded that higher  emotional intelligence has correlation with better mental health.
Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Mahdi Sheikh, Hasan Sarabandi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (12-2012)

This study has been carried out with the aim of studying and recognizing the role of attachment to God in Resilience and mental health of the parents of trainable mentally retarded children. In this descriptive, correlational research performed in 2010, 296 parents of trainable mentally retarded children were selected based on Morgan table and through stratified random sampling from the desired population and were then investigated. To collect the data three questionnaires were used: attachment to God, resiliency and checklist of behavioral signs. Analysis of the data through correlation coefficient and regression analysis showed that there was a positive meaningful relationship between secure attachment to God and resilience and mental health. Furthermore, there was a significant negative relationship between anxious, inevitable attachment to God and resilience and mental health. Also the result of regression analysis showed that the variable secure attachment to God can explain 70 percent of the variable resilience. Secure attachment to God had a significant positive relationship with resilience and mental health, and anxious and inevitable attachment to God had a significant negative relationship with resilience and mental health. Therefore it is likely to improve the individuals’ mental health by changing the quality of their attachment to God.  
Rashin, Sabri Nazarzadeh, . Mohammad Saeid, Abdkhodaei, . Zahra, Tabibi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (12-2012)

The current study investigated the causal relationship between the sense of coherence (SOC) and psychological hardiness, coping strategies and mental health. 405 women from Ahvaz City, with ages ranged between 25-55 years participated in the study. Flensborg-Madsen et al.'s sense of coherence scale, Najarian et al.'s hardiness scale, Moss and Billings stress coping strategies, and Godberg's mental health scale were administered. The results of path analysis indicated that the proposed model which linked sense of coherence, psychological hardiness, coping strategies and mental health fitted the data. Direct and non-direct path coefficients of the sense of coherence and mental health were also significant. Furthermore, path coefficients of the direct effect of hardiness on emotion-centered coping strategies, SOC on emotion-centered coping strategies and emotion-centered coping strategies on mental health were also significant. Findings indicated that the SOC and psychological hardiness had a determining role in mental health. Also, causal modeling path analysis demonstrated that some variables made their relationship complicated
S, Safari, M, Jadidi, S, Jamali, S, Faramarzi, M, Jadidi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2014)

Purpose of the present study was to compare the hypochondria and the mental health of the mothers of children with the special needs and the mothers of normal children in Isfahan. It was a descriptive causative-comparison study and by using convenience sampling method, 90 mothers of disabled children (30 children with Down syndrome, 30 with autism and 30 with cerebral palsy) from the rehabilitation centers in the north of Isfahan were selected as the experimental group and by multistage random sampling method, 30 mothers of normal children of primary schools in Isfahan were selected as the control group. Ahwaz Hypo-chondriasis Test and Goldberg's General Health Questionnaire were applied to assess the participants' status and the gathered data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey test. Results revealed that, in general, there was a meaningful difference between the mothers of children with special needs and the mothers of normal children in terms of hypochondria and mental health. Moreover, paired comparisons indicated that there was a significant difference between the mothers of disabled and normal children in terms of the mental health. Furthermore, in comparison to the mothers of normal children, there was a significant difference between the mothers of children with cerebral palsy and autism in terms of hypochondria however, there was no significant difference between the mothers of children with Down syndrome and the mothers of normal children in this term. According to the findings of this research, stresses resulting from having disabled children could endanger the mothers' mental and physical health and the specialists should consider this issue when they deal with such families.
Masoomeh, Poorbafrani, Ozra, Etemadi, Rezvansadat, Jazayeri,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2014)

  This research have been made to analyze how training strong parenting skills to mother effects on reduction of daughters conflict with mothers and increases adolescent girls mental health. This research is a kind of semi-test which it itself is a kind of pre-post test with control group. Statistical population of this research include female students of second and third grade in guidance school of city of Naeen. 30 mothers whom reported that their girls have many conflicts with them have been selected and randomly have been divided to two groups of test and control. Mental health questioner was completed by adolescent girl's two groups. The under studied group have been trained for parenting skills for 7 sessions. After training the post – testing test have been taken from both groups. The instruments which have been used in this research were a mental health questioner and a questioner about style of conflict solving. The data have been analyzed with co-variance multi- variant analysis. Results show that there is a meaningful difference between members of under studied groups in dependent variables (daughter conflict with mother and girl mental health) and all small scale of them. The results of this research show the importance of interventions based on the improvement of parenting skills on decreasing adolescent daughters conflicts with their mothers and increases adolescent girls mental health.  
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Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2015)

This study examined the relation between religious faith and gratitude variables with the severity of mental disorders symptoms. Participants were 300 students of Shiraz University who were selected via cluster random sampling method. Measures were Islamic – Iranian Gratitude, Religious Faith, and SCL-90 questionnaires. The data were analyzed using descriptive and multiple regression methods. The results showed that almost all gratitude and faith subscales could predict the severity of all mental disorders subscales of the SCL-90. Faith and gratitude had a broad effect on interpersonal sensitivity and depression subscales. Internal gratitude predicted the severity of all mental disorders and among religious faith subscales, purposefulness, goodwill and self-control predicted the severity of some mental disorders symptoms greater and broader than other subscales. Religious faith and gratitude may be considered as general factors which are effective in reducing a wide range of mental disorders symptoms. Results indicate that if being religious causes inter­nal changes and develops internal gratitude, purposefulness, goodwill and self-control in an individual, it would prevent mental disorders.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (6-2016)

Purpose: The purpose of this research was to combines quantitative results of researches conducted on mental health of older people.

Methods: For this purpose, using quarterly and journals, all research was collected throughout the country during 1384-1394 that 30 researches were selected for meta-analysis .these studies were selected, based on research methodology components such as sampling methods, research methods, statistical methods, validity and reliability of the questionnaires.

Results: Combination of effect size by Schmitt and Hunts method shows that, variables Such as Social capital, physical activity, marital, non-residence in nursing homes, well-being, gender, economic status, education and various treatment methods related to mental health. There was no association between age and mental health.

Conclusion: The findings of this study shown that individual, social, psychic and demography factors can influence the mental health of older people. This information could be used in health planning, treatment and care. This information may increase the mental health of older people

Majid Baradaran, Hossein Zare, Ahmad Alipour, Valiallah Farzad,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (2-2017)

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of motivational interviewing (MI) on physical and Mental Health Indicators in patients with essential hypertention. Subjects were first screened using the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Therefore, 26 hypertensive patients, by using convenient sampling method were selected and randomly divided into experimental and control group (13 patients in each group). The MI group were treated in 5 sessions and while the control group did not receive any treatment. This study was a semi-experimental study with a pretest, post-test and follow-up. Results showed that there were significant differences between two groups in psychological well-being and its subscales, cognitive fusion and systolic and diastolic blood pressure. So, motivational interviewing is an effective intervention in essential hypertensive patients.

Dr Mohsen Amiri,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (2-2017)

This study aimed to investigate the relationship between severities of deafness, child’s age, social support, parents’ Demographic variable and family function    with stress and mental health among parents of children with hearing impairment. This study was a correlational study and to carry it out 180 parents were selected using availability sampling method. They completed perceived social support questionnaire, PSI index, GHQ, FAD-I scale and demographic questionnaires for parents and children. To analyze the data, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and hierarchical regression were used. Correlation coefficients showed that the severity of deafness and child's age had positive relationship with parents’ mental health problems and stress.  Furthermore, there was a significant negative relationship between social support, family income and family function. Also, the correlations between problem solving, emotion expression and mental health and parental stress were significantly negative. Therefore, family function, child's characteristics, perceived social support and family income had a relationship with mental health and parental stress.

Dr Elham Tavakoli, Dr Shahla Pezeshk, Dr Janet Hashemi Azar, Dr Ali Delavar, Dr Gholamreza Sarami,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (2-2017)

To examine the impacts of a skill training program based on neuro- dramatic plays in attachment theory framework on infant mental health, 90 pregnant mothers were selected and randomly were divided into three groups: prenatal and postnatal group (30), postnatal group (30) and control group (30). Inclusion criteria in were maternal mental health, mothers’ age (20-35), mothers’ education (diploma-Ph.D.) and being first time mother. Infant mental health was evaluated when the infants were 6-month old using ADBB and an interview based on 0-3. Of the sample, 33% of postnatal group and 40% of control group had some signs of danger in ADBB; however the prenatal and postnatal group hadn’t any symptom. The results were consistent to interviews. As predicted, educating mothers to play and response to their infants from pregnancy could be an effective intervention on their infants’ mental health. It seemed neurodramatic plays could be an appropriate and effective treatment that could be enriched parenting training manuals and early preventions interventions for infants. 

Seyed Sadegh Nabavi, Faramarz Sohrabi, Gholamali Afrooz, Ali Delavar, Simin Hosseinian,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2017)

The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-efficacy, perceived social support and mental health among teachers.  Sample consisted of 447 teachers which selected by cluster random sampling. In order to collect research data from the General Health Questionnaire, general self-efficacy questionnaire and Social Support Questionnaire were used. The results of path analysis showed that social support can mediate the relationship between self-efficacy and mental health among teachers. There have significiant diffrences between genders in anxiety and insomnia symptoms. There were not significiant difrences between elementary school and secondary school teachers in outcome variableres. Path analysis showed that 15% of teacher’s mental health scores was explained through the perceived social support. It could be concluded that social support had a pivotal role in teacher self efficacy and mental health. 

Sayed Ali Kazemi Rezaei, Mahnaz Shahgholian, Seyed Vali Kazemi Rezaie, Ensie Karbalaei Esmaeil,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2018)

  The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural equation model between defense styles and self-image in university students. Among the students who studied at the Kharazmi University 154 students were randomly selected and information from the defense style questionnaire and the Beck Self Concept Test were analyzed. The conceptual model of research was fitted with data. The size of the absolute (0.76), relative (0.89), external (0.87) and internal (0.91) indexes showed the fitness of the presented model. The path coefficients indicated that neurotic and immature mechanisms are related to different dimensions of self-concept. All of the studied paths, except for the path of mature defense mechanisms in three domains of self-concept (mental, physical and occupational), are significant. Also, the positive and significant correlation between the immature and neurotic defense mechanisms with self-concept determined. The results of this study emphasize the importance of the relationship between defenders with self-concept.
Masoumeh Hosseinian, Robabeh Nouri, Maryam Moghadasin, Sophia Esalatmanesh,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (8-2018)

The aim of this study was to investigate a model for predicting cigarette and water-pipe use among university students based on the adjustment to the university, mental health and motivation for use. This correlational study with a structural equation modeling approach was conducted on 634 students selected from Kashan universities by cluster sampling. Data were collected using the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ), Substance Use Motives questionnaires, Young Risk Behavior Scale (YRBS), and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). The results showed that none of the dimensions of adjustment to the university had a significant effect on cigarette or water–pipe use. Some dimensions (individual-emotional compatibility and attachment to the university) that were mediated by the role of mental health and consumer motivation, had an indirect significant effect on cigarette and water–pipe use. Mental health and coping motivation had a significant effect on cigarette use. Also, mental health and additive motivation had direct and significant effect on water-pipe use. Reduction of adjustment to the university in two aspects of emotional–individual adjustment and attachment to the university causes mental health problems, and the presence of coping motivations for cigarette use or additive motivations for water–pipe use, increase the probability of cigarette or water–pipe use among the students. According to the findings, the development of different preventive programs for cigarette or water–pipe use, screening of mental health problems especially for vulnerable students during the school years, is recommended.
Mohammad-Naghi Farahani, Hamid Khanipour,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (11-2018)

Culture influence psychological phenomena in different ways. In this article, we introduce a framework for studying relationship between culture and psychological phenomena and we presented findings from some cross-cultural studies in this framework. It seems the definition and classification of personality traits, the experience of stress and mental health moderated by culture. The associations between positive and negative affects and mental health was different among Iranian and Swedish culture. In Iranian culture, both kind of affects was associated with mental health, whereas in Swedish culture, only positive affect was associated with mental health. Iranian students more used primary process against stress, whereas Swedish students more used secondary process. In addition, academic stress among Iranian students was less than Swedish students. It could conclude that there were some similarities and differences between Iranian and Swedish culture in personality traits, experience of anxiety, and coping with stress. Therefore, any policy making in global level and designing behavioral change strategies in national level should be influenced by these cultural similarities and differences
Maryam Shafaghdoost, Fatemeh Shahamat Dehsorkh,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2019)

This study has aimed to investigate the mediating role of the object relations and defense mechanisms in relation between family function and  percived mental health. relations. General health questioner, family assessment device, Bell's object relation inventory and defense style questionnaire were administrated on a sample of 300 students (195 girls and 105 boys). Participants were selected, using multi-stage cluster sampling, from Khayyam University. Data were studied through path analysis method. Results indicated that object relations and mature defense mechanisms of ego played a mediating role in relation between family function and mental health. However, the immature and neurotic mechanisms of ego did not have a mediating role. Being compatible with object relation theory, this research revealed that family functions enhance mental health through affecting object relation and defense mechanisms.

Mikaya Mahrooz, Mohammad Mahdi Shamsaee, Ruhollah Baratian,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (2-2020)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of tolerance training on mental health and adjustment in primary school children. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with control group. The statistical population consisted of all elementary school children in Gorgan. Out of this population, 170 students completed the Mental Health Assessment Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (CSI-4), Sprafkin et al. (1984) and Dokhanchi  Adaptation Questionnaire (1998). Of  these, 30 children who achieved a mean score in the tests were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. Then life value training sessions were conducted in 9 sessions of  90 minutes, one session per week. Multivariate analysis of covariance was used to test the hypotheses using SPSS 22 software. The results showed that tolerance training improved the fitness and mental health of the statistical sample. Given the content of the intervention, it is suggested that life values such as tolerance be taught in group games to take a fundamental step in improving and promoting children's mental health and adaptability.
Peyman Mamsharifi, Faramarz Sohrabi, Hanieh Rezaeifar, Haniye Rouzbehani, Nazanin Asadi, Sara Shabanian Aval Khansari, Zahra Roshanghias,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (12-2020)

The aim of this study was to predict mental health based on social support and personality traits. The method of this research is descriptive-correlational. The statistical population was all members of Red Crescent Society of seven provinces of Iran (East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Ardabil, Zanjan, Gilan, Kerman and Hormozgan) that 218 of them were selected the census method as the research sample. Measurement tools include, Social Support Questionnaire, Symptom Check List-25 and Neo Five Factor Inventory. Then data was analyzed by Pearson correlation and Stepwise regression. The results showed that there was a significant negative relationship between social support and mental health. There was also a significant positive relationship between neurotic personality dimension and mental health (high scores in the mental health questionnaire indicate low mental health). The results of stepwise regression analysis also showed that social support and neurotic personality dimension were able to explain and predict 20% of the variance of the mental health. Based on the research results, it can be said that social support and personality traits can play a significant role in promoting mental health in individuals and the need to pay attention to these important variables in mental health promotion programs should be considered.

Mis Mandana Vali Yousefi, Mis Zahra Shahbazi Badi, Mr Seyed Sajad Tabatabaei,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (1-2023)

The purpose of this study was to meta-analyze the research on the effect of having a child with a mental disability on the mental health of mothers in Iran. The research method was meta-analysis. A meta-analysis checklist was used to collect data. The collection of researches on the effect of having a mentally retarded child on the mental health of parents in the country between 2001-2011, methodologically acceptable researches that had the conditions to enter the meta-analysis, 11The article was selected as a sample that contained 44 sizes of works. The total sample size of this study was 2005. The results showed that the effect of having a mentally retarded child on maternal mental health in Iran was 0.20. Also, the effect of having a child with mental disability on mothers' depression is 0.16, on mothers' anxiety is 0.19, on mothers' social dysfunction is 0.18, on mothers' physical symptoms is 0.10, on mothers' obsession-compulsion is 0.40, aggression Mothers were 0.15, maternal morbidity was 0.22 and maternal psychosis was 0.24. The results of the present study indicated that the effect of a mentally retarded child on the mental health of parents in Iran is low based on the Cohen interpretation criterion.
Ms Mona Masoudi, Mr Mohammadeza Poorjafar, Mr Saeed Piri,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (3-2024)

The aging process, conducting research to obtain practical insights to improve their mental health. This study, with the aim of evaluating scientific research in the field of mental health of the elderly, used the descriptive research method, content analysis, and systematic review and co-occurrence techniques. "Magiran", "Sid" and "Noormags" databases were examined and the co-occurrence map of their keywords was drawn using Raver-matrix and UCINET software. The findings showed that Tehran province was in the first place, Shahrekord, Fars and Razavi Khorasan were in the second and third place. The most studied physical places were nursing homes and medical centers with a frequency of 29 and 18. Retirement centers, sports places and mosques were places with fewer studies. Descriptive-analytical method was the most used with 54% and correlational and quasi-experimental methods (pre and post-test) were ranked second and third with 30% and 28.73% frequency. The most used tools were questionnaires and interviews. The words "depression", "quality of life" with a frequency of 8 and a total link strength of 24 and 21 were the most frequent, "elderly women" and "anxiety" with an occurrence of 7 and 5 and a link strength of 14 and 15 among the most frequent keywords.

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