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Showing 2 results for Drug Abuse

Mohammad, Jalalvand, Norollah, Mohammadi, Javad, Molazade,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2014)

  This studywas done drug dependent people to determine the effectiveness of training on emotion regulation based on the grass process for reducing craving, attention bias. This present research is a semi-pilot plan in which pretest – posttest with the control group has been used .The project statistical society is formed of addicted people who referred to addiction treatment clinic in Shiraz in the years 1391-1392.For this purpose a total of 30 drug-dependent people were selected and replaced by using available purposive sampling in control and experimental groups. Also 15 normal individuals were selected as a healthy control group to comparison with drug dependents. At first a pretest was given to each three group, after that an emotion control training was done in experimental group dependent on the Grass model in 8 sessions of 2 hours. After research implementation for analyzing the result, the Anova and Fisher's post hoc test were used. The result shown that emotion regulation training can effects on the craving reduction signs, attention bias in drug-dependent people .Also healthy control group has shown less attention in contrast to drug temptation and bias control. Effective management of emotions makes to odd situations that are high risk for substance abuse, use of cognitive strategies for regulating their emotions and by reducing craving and attentional bias reduces the amount back to the reuse of materials is.
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Volume 9, Issue 4 (2-2016)

This study aimed at predicting the tendency to drug abuse based on personality traits, alexithymia, attachment styles and behavioral inhibition/activation systems. In

  a sample of 345 students,  selected from the students of  Islamic Azad University of Andimeshk, khozestan through stage random sampling method, the model for the path of drug abuse was investigated. Then each subject was asked to complete five questionnaires including  PS (APS), behavioral inhibition and activation system scale (BIS/BAS), short form NEO Personality Inventory (NEOPI- FF) ,Toronto Alexithymia  Scale(TAS-20) attachment adult scale(RASS).The results showed that the predicting capacity of inhibition /activation system changed when the mediating variables were included.This indicated the mediating role of neuroticism, extraversion, agreeability, responsibility  and avoidance/ ambivalence attachment styles and alexithymia in the  behavioral 

inhibition/activation systems and tendency to drug abuse. Behavioral activation system lead to the reduction of the tendency to drug abuse and behavioral inhibition system lead to the increase of the tendency to drug abuse. Neuroticism and ambivalent/avoidance attachment style, and alexithymia were the mechanisms reducing or increasing the effect of behavioral inhibition/activation systems on the tendency to drug abuse.

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