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Showing 4 results for Substance Abuse

Alireza Moradi, Elahe Bigham, Valiolah Ramezani, Fereydoon Yaryari,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

The main aim of this study was to investigate the Overgenerality of Autobiographical Memory among the adolescent boys in Kermanshah,Iran . A   sample of 76 Kemanshahian adolescents   (25 non-depressed and 50 depressed adolescent boys,25 with substance abuse disorder and 25 without substance abuse disorder) were investigated. To evaluate autobiographical memory specificity, a standard AMT (Autobiographical Memory Test), developed by Williams and Broadbent (1986), was used. To analyze the data, the Mann-Whitney U test was used.  The results indicated that depressed adolescent boys without substance abuse disorder had high scores in Overgenerality of autobiographical memory than non-depressed group depressed adolescents with substance abuse disorder had high scores in Overgenerality of autobiographical memory than non-depressed group and depressed adolescents without substance abuse disorder had high scores in Over generality of autobiographical memory than depressed adolescents with substance abuse disorder.
Mohammad Hamzeloo, Ali Mashhadi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (3-2011)

Inhibition as an important component of executive functionsplays an important role in the incidence of juvenile delinquency.The aim of thisresearch is to investigate the role ofbehavioral inhibition in the Juvenile delinquents with or without history of substance abuse.42 juvenile delinquents and 20 normal adolescents, as the control group, were selected through cluster random sampling method. Juvenile delinquents were divided into two groups: with or without history of substance abuse and  these two groups were matched for age and sex andThen the two groups were assessed through tests including go no go and stop signs.Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance test, univariate analysis of variance test and Tukey test. Analysis of data showedthat the juvenile delinquents, in comparison with the normal adolescents,performed poorly on behavioral inhibition,but there was no significant difference between groups with or without history of substance abuse (p>0.05).Therefore, Insufficiency of behavioral inhibition can be one of the underlying causes of tendencies to delinquency. The findings of thepresent studyemphasize the necessity ofthe focused interventions to improve the executive function in juvenile offenders
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Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Comorbidity between Borderline personality disorderand substance abuse disorder is very high. The present study examined the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy on negative emotion regulation strategies in women with borderline personality disorder and substance abuse. Based on the willingness to participate in the research, structured clinical interview and the criteria for inclusion, of female patients with borderline personality disorders and substance abuse 4 people were purposefully selected. These four participants underwent emotion regulation techniques of dialectical behavior therapy for 12 sessions. In order to measure negative emotion regulation strategies, Garnesfky cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire was used. To analyze the collected data, visual analysis of charts and trend indicators, stable, percentage of non-overlapping data and percentage of overlapping data was used. Emotion regulation techniques of Dialectical behavior therapy reduced the scores of negative emotion regulation strategies in women with borderline personality disorders and substance abuse. A review of the effectiveness charts and the amount of effect represented
a significant reduction in the use of negative emotion regulation strategies (including self-blame, rumination, blaming others and catastrophizing) in participants. Dialectical behavior therapy is useful in the reduction of the use of emotion regulation strategies (including selfblame, rumination, blaming others an catastrophizing). It seemed these techniques can be useful in the treatment of women with comorbidity borderline personality disorders and substance abuse.

Ayat Saadattalab, Farhad Balash, Aref Vahabzade,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (8-2017)

The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the substance abuse prevention among employees of Iran Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour and Social Welfare. Research design were a descriptive and survey study. The sample size was 230 employees in Iran ministry of cooperatives, labour and social welfare. Three researchers’ made questionnaires, includes 36-item reaction scale, 45-item knowledge scale and 34-item attitude scale were used for gathering data. Data were analyzed by one-sample t test, independent t test, One-way Anova,  post hoc(Scheffe) test, and Friedman test for priority setting. The findings showed that the participants' knowledge and attitude in pre-test were increased in comparison to the post-test. At the reaction level, the findings showed that the programs are desirable for the objectives, teacher, and evaluation and are approximately desirable for the content and implementation. According to participants’ perceptions, among all the courses, life skills for drug prevention, basics for drugs, and side-effects of drugs and the consequences are highly considered. Moreover, the courses should be underlining with greater quality.

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