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Showing 1 results for Sexual Anxiety

Mahnaz Sharifain, Majid Saffarinia, Susan Alizadeh Fard,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (2-2019)

The purpose of this study was  to evaluate the structural model of the relationship between marital adjustment, sexual self-disclosure and sexual anxiety in vaginismus disorder by mediating social exchange styles. Population was composed of all women who referred to sexual disorder treatmernt centers in Tehran. Sample consisted of 220 women with vaginismus disorder. The research tool included marital adjustment scale, sexual anxiety questionnaires, sexual self-disclosure scale, multidimensional vaginal penetration disorder questionnaire and social exchange questionnaire.The results of structural equation modeling showed a rather good fit for the model. In addition, the results showed that all paths between the variables were statistically significant. According to the results, the indirect relationship of sexual self- disclosure, marital adjustment and sexual anxiety through mediation of social exchange styles was not statistically significant. However, marital adjustment and sexual anxiety directly predict the severity of  vaginismus disorder, but thire indirect effects through social exchange styles on vaginismus was not significiant. Therefore, sexual anxiety and marital adjustment are important components in predicting vaginismus disorder and should be considered as one of the main goals of treatment in women with vaginismus disorder.

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