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Showing 22 results for Quality of Life

Shahram. Mohamadkhani, M.n. Farahani,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2009)

This study aimed at investigating the role of demographic variables and coping styles in predicting the quality of life in teachers of Tehran. Research participants included 500 teachers of Tehran schools with an average age of 41.1 and a standard deviation of 7.3, who were selected through random cluster sampling. World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire, coping with stressful situations scale and demographic questionnaire were used for collecting the data. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the male and female teachers in terms of the quality of life female teachers were more satisfied with their quality of life there was no significant relationship between the teachers’ age and the quality of life. Furthermore, the results revealed that the income level and emotion-oriented, problem-oriented, avoidant coping style and educational level of teachers were respectively the strongest predictors of the quality of life. Overall, these variables explained 21% of the variance of quality of life in teachers. These findings showed that the quality of life is a subjective concept which depended on the individual’s appraisal of life and expectations .Therefore, a set of Demographic, social, economic, and psychological factors are related with the quality of life
Mohammad Naghy Farahani, Shahram Mohammadkhani, Farhad Jokar,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (5-2009)

This research has conducted to search life satisfaction with quality of life, subjective well being in Tehranteachers.500 teachers through clustering sampling completed three questionnaires (Quality of Life Inventory ,Subjective Well Being scales)and a SES questionnaire. Results showed that the life satisfaction is predicted by subjective well being and quality of life. Although the life satisfaction is predicted by sub scales of quality of life such as life equipments, physical health, interpersonal behavior, and meaning of life, but also it is not a strong relationship. For having a strong relationship, variables such as subjective well being must be added to this relationship. In this research, quality of life, subjective well being predicted 41 percent of variance of life satisfaction.
Ali Beygi, Mohammadnaghi Farahani‎, Shahram Mohammadkhani,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (9-2011)

This study aimed at comparing the quality of life and stress coping styles in narcotic anonymous (NA) and methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) members. In this causal-comparative study, 100 men (NA:50 and MMT:50), who aged 20 to 40 years and avoided drug at least 6 months, from Shahrood city,Iran, completed Word Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (QoLWHO) and Endler & parker coping styles inventory. The results showed that mean scores of the interpersonal relationships, physical health, and task-oriented and avoidance-oriented coping styles in NA members was significantly higher in comparison with the mean scores in MMT members. Further, results of the diagonistic analysis showed that the comparative differences in a compound of variables (considering the aspect of signifance, these variables include interpersonal relationships,physical health, task-oriented) would differentiate the two groups significantly. It seems that actively attending in NA may enhance QoL and effective Coping styles
Hadi Parhoon, Alireza Moradi, Mohamad Hatami, Kamal Parhoon,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2013)

This research aims to investigate the effectiveness and to compare the brief behavioral activation treatment and meta-cognitive therapy in the reduction of the symptoms and in the improvement of the quality of life in the major depressed patients. Using a pre-test post-test experimental design along with control group and also conventional sampling method, 34 female subjects, being evaluated according to DSM-IV-TR by the psychiatrist, were randomly divided into two experimental groups and a control group namely group under short-term behavioral activation treatment, group under meta cognitive therapy and control group. The experimental groups were studied for two months .BDI-II, HRSD, WHOQOL-BREF were given to the subjects before and after treatment and at the 3 month follow up period. The results were analyzed using multi-variable covariance analysis, Tokay post hoc test, and T-test. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the effectiveness of the two methods of treatment. The findings not only confirmed the effectiveness of the two methods of treatment in the reduction of symptoms and improvement of the quality of life in depressed patients, but they also showed the considerable preference of the short-term behavioral activation treatment over the meta cognitive therapy at the end of the treatment and also follow-up period. Both methods of treatment were effective in the reduction of depression symptoms, and given the preference of short-term behavioral activation treatment over the meta cognitive therapy, this method (short-term behavioral activation) can be used as a selected method for depression treatment.
M, Aliakbari Dehkurdi, A, Alipour, H, Zare, Gh, Shahidi, Z, Barghi Irani,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2014)

The present study was intended to study the effectiveness of Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in the quality of life in the older people suffering from Parkinson disease. The methodology of the study was a semi- experimental with pre- test and post- test design along with a control group selected from the population of old people suffering from Parkinson disease. Sample of the study included 40 individuals who were selected by availability sampling method then they were randomly divided into the experimental and control groups. The experimental group underwent the CBTO treatment for 10 sessions. Research tools of the study included demographic questionnaire and quality of life scale, prepared by WHO, that were administered in two stages, i.e. pre-test and post- test. Research findings showed that cognitive-behavioral therapy had an effect on the quality of life including physical health, psychological health, and social relations, but no significant difference was seen in the dimension of the life environment. Thus, it was concluded that it was necessary to make efforts to enhance the quality of life for the old people suffering from Parkinson disease and that CBTO treatment may cause the improvement of the quality of life in patients with Parkinson disease. Therefore, this method may be employed in the hospitals and asylums as a complementary treatment. Consequently, it is recommended to present cognitive- Behavioral Therapy (CBT) along with other medical interventions as a part of treatment and medical care for the patients suffering from Parkinson disease.
Mohammad Mehadi Mazaheri, Gholam Reza, Manshaee, Rosa, Shahraki,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (6-2014)

The aim of this study was to investigate the path analysis model of relations between Alexithymia, family function, and quality of life among high school students of Tehran. The research method was descriptive from causal non-experimental type. The research population included all students of Tehran and of this population 384 subjects were selected by simple cluster sampling method. To gather the data, Alexithymia Toronto Scale, Family Functions Questionnaire, and World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale were used. The data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics using mean, standard deviation, multivariate regression, and path analysis. The results showed that family function and alexithymia could predict the students’ quality of life. Likewise, good fit indices in path analysis model showed that Alexithymia had a mediator role in the relationship between family function and quality of life. Therefore, it could be concluded that family function had a main role in generating the Alexithymia in students and that Alexithymia could be an important factor in decreasing the quality of life.
, , , ,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (5-2015)

The purpose of this study was to designing and testing a model of some precedents and outcomes of work ability index. The variables in the model were arranged in three parts: precedents (personal resources, life management strategies and job-related stressors), outcomes (health- related quality of life and job performance) of work ability index. The participants were 320 employees of NISOC, in Ahvaz, who were selected by stratified random sampling method. Of this sample, 72 percent were men and average age was 41 years. Instruments used in this study were work ability index, life management strategies, general self-efficacy, optimism, coping skill, effort-reward imbalance, demand-control, health related quality of life and job performance questionnaires. Fitness of the proposed model was examined through structural equation modeling (SEM), using SPSS-16 and AMOS-16 software packages. The indirect effects were tested using the bootstrap procedure in Preacher and Hayes (2008) SPSS Macro program for mediation. Findings indicated that the proposed model fit the data. Better fit and more meaningful results obtained by correlating the errors of two paths. All of indirect effects were significant.

, , ,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (5-2015)

Chronic renal diseases not only effect on physical health but treat psychological health and other aspect of life. Recent studies show different results about the effect of dialysis on quality of life and sexual function. With respect to importance of these issues in treatment of renal patients, the present study focused on quality of life, sexual desire and function in this population. It was a causal-comparative study with convenience sampling from dialysis and nondialysis patients of Azahra Hospital. Data gathering by 4 questionnaires: Short-Form Health Survey questionnaire, International Index of Erectile Function, Hullbert Index of Sexual Desire, Female Sexual Function Index. The results shows that dialysis patients have less quality of life comparing with no dialysis patients. Also the results show that dialysis and no dialysis women had no deference in sexual function, but it was deferent in dialysis men (less sexual function). In sexual desire factor no dialysis patients was better than dialysis patients. With respect on present study’s results the quality of life and quality of sexual relationship –especially- in dialysis men is significantly less than normal population. These results may be because of the side effects of dialysis such as decrease physical functioning, depression, and etc.

Saeed Ghodrati, , , , ,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (11-2016)

Memory impairments are common amongst people living with HIV and have devastating effects on their life. In the present study we aimed to investigate whether prospective memory impairment play the mediator role between the CD4 level and quality of life amongst people living with HIV. A number of 161 individuals recruited for this purpose. We conducted Prospective-Retrospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ), The Short Form Health Survey (SF-36), and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), respectively, to assess prospective memory, quality of life and everyday functioning. We also used Flow Cytometry test to assess their CD4 level. We used structural equation modeling to analyze the data and Lisrel 8.8 software were used. The results showed that prospective memory impairment have a crucial effect on the quality of life and everyday functioning of people living with HIV. Future research must focus more deeply on the prospective memory impairment effects on the quality of life and everyday functioning of people living with HIV

Denaa Adili, Fateme Dehghani-Arani,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (8-2018)

Caregivers of patients with cancer suffer from fatigue and high levels of caregiver burden. This study aimed to determine the level of caregiver burden in relation to the quality of life of breast cancer patients. This cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study conducted in 116 caregivers of breast cancer patients. Data collection instrument included a questionnaire contains caregiver’s burden inventoryand cancer patient's Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30. Among the five subscales of caregiver’s burden, caregivers have the most complaints of lack of time. Among the functional components of patient's quality of life, social dysfunction, role dysfunction, and emotional dysfunction, respectively, show the highest correlation with caregiver’s burden. Among the components of the signs of quality of life, pain, insomnia and fatigue, respectively, show the highest correlation with caregiver’s burden. The patient's social dysfunction explains 19 and the patient's pain explain 17 percent of the variance of caregiver’s burden. There is an inverse relationship between the age of the patient and caregiver burden. Based on the findings, improving the patient's social support network by self-help groups, Pain management courses for patients, providing informational support to caregivers to reduce caregiver burden and subsequently improving patient quality of life could be recommended.
Farzaneh Malekpour, Sayad Ali Marashi, Kiumars Beshlideh,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (11-2018)

Migraine headache is one of the most common forms of pain and due to its frequency, it is one of the most important types of headache.The purpose of this study was to identify the precedents and consequences of migraine headaches in a non-clinical population. We selected a set of 310 students as our samples by the use of multi-stage stratified random sampling. We collected Data using questionnaires Migraine Screen, Depression Anxiety Stress, State-Trait Anger Expression, Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire, Symptom Checklist-90-Revised, Fatigue severity scale and Quality of life scale. The results showed that all the coefficients of direct paths between the research variables were statistically significant. On the other hand, based on the results of the study, the indirect relation of anger, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety with the quality of life, depression, and fatigue were significant through migraine mediation. In addition, the relationship between obsessive beliefs, and migraine mediated by obsessive-compulsive disorder. The findings of this study provide a useful framework for identifying the factors affecting the onset of migraine headaches and its consequences.

Shahrokh Makvand Hosseini, Fatemeh Azarfar, Parviz Sabahi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (9-2019)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of short-term dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) techniques on quality of life in adolescent girls with symptoms of borderline personality disorder. In a semi-experimental design ,after screening, among the eligible individuals and 54 applicants were randomly divided into two equal groups according to the score level, Experimental group received dialectical behavior therapy in intensive group method (12 sessions twice a day, 3 times a week), while control group did not receive treatment. Participants completed the Quality of Life Scale (SF-36) in three stages of pre-test, post-test and follow-up. Data were analyzed using Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANCOVA). The results showed significant differences between the two groups in the post-test for the mean components:
1- Physical Function (0.003) 2- Role / Emotional Restriction (0.042) 3- Energy / Fatigue (0.001) 4- Emotional Well-being (0.001) 5- Social Function (0.003) 6- Pain (0.0010) 7- General Health (0.001) as well as total quality of life score (0.003).At 4-month follow-up, the results were also consistent in the components of physical performance (0.013), social performance (0.030), total quality of life (0.049).  

Majedeh Khosravi Larijani, Fatemeh Bahjati, Azadeh Choobforoush Zade,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (9-2019)

Diabetes is a chronic disease that adherence requires admission and care, therefore it is recommended to increase the knowledge and to increase the motivation of patients to take care of themselves. This study was conducted in order to investigate the effect of Intervention based on Informational–Motivational and Behavioral Skills (IMB) Self-Care Model on quality of life in students with diabetes. This study was an applied and quasi-experimental study with a pre-test-posttest with control group design with a population of children and adolescents with diabetes referring to diabetes mellitus center in Yazd. In addition, number of children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 who were selected by available sampling method.  The quality of life questionnaire used. Based on covariance analysis. There was a significant difference between the mean scores of quality of life in terms of group membership. In addition, the intervention improved the quality of life in students with an impact rate of 23.6%. Given that information, patient motivation as well as his behavioral skills on recovery His life is effective. the informational–motivational and behavioral skills self-care model could be regarded as a useful model for promoting health among individuals with diabetes.

Mosayeb Yarmohammadi Vasel, Farhad Jokar, Mehran Farhadi, Mohammadreza Zoghi Paydar,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (9-2020)

Cancer makes various changes in quality of life and identifying the influential components in this variable can significantly influence patients' quality of life. This study aimed to investigate the structural association between integrative self-knowledge, perception of suffering and quality of life regarding cancer patients. This research was a correlational study and participants were 340 patients selected via available non-random sampling from Karaj medical centres. Patients completed the quality of life (sf-36), self-knowledge and perception of suffering questionnaires. Data were analysed using structural equations model (LISREL) version 8.5 and SPSS version 19. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between integrative self-knowledge and physical suffering, psychological suffering and existential suffering with patients' quality of life. Moreover, the equation-structural relationship between integrative self-knowledge with the components of perceiving suffering and quality of life were significant. In other words, integrative self-knowledge can predict quality of life in the case of cancer patients directly with the meditating role of physical and existential suffering. Fitness indices showed that the proposed model is suitable for explaining the quality of life through the variables of integrative self-knowledge and perception of suffering. Integrative self-knowledge has significant effects on people's cohesiveness and psychological integrity and has a significant impact on improving the quality of life of patients by affecting how they perceive suffering.

Shokoofeh Bakhshi, Dr Mohammad Ali Sepahvandi, Dr Simin Gholamrezaei,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (5-2021)

Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory skin disease associated with high levels of stress and significant negative impact on patients' quality of life. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction on quality of life and perceived stress in patients with psoriasis. This study was a semi-experimental study with pre-test, post-test and follow-up. The study statistical population included all the patients with psoriasis referred to specialized dermatology clinics in Khorramabad. The patients were first screened using the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Then 24 patients with psoriasis were selected through convenience sampling method and randomly allocated into experimental and control groups. The instrumental of this study was perceived stress scale and Dermatology Life Quality Index.The experimental group received MBSR intervention during eight sessions. Data analysis was done at descriptive and inferential levels using SPSS (23) and with normality tests, MANCOVA and ANCOVA. The results indicated that MBSR was effective in improving quality of life and reducing the perceived stress in patients with psoriasis and the effect of treatment was stable at the follow-up (p<0.001). MBSR can be used as an effective intervention to improve quality of life and reduce the perceived stress in patients with psoriasis.

Ms Tayebe Taziki, Phd Khoda Morad Momeni, Phd Jahangir Karami, Phd Gholamali Afroz,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (5-2021)

The aim of this study was to investigate the predictors of quality of life and psychological well-being of mothers of students with intellectual disabilities mediated by mothers' mindfulness. In this descriptive-correlational study, 298 students (out of 878 students) from primary schools with students with intellectual disability in Golestan province, in the academic year 2019-2020, were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. The instruments used in the study were: The Rutter childrens behavior questionnaire, Matson’s social skills scale, Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, World Health Organization Quality Of Life, and Ryff Psychological Wellbeing Scale. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation test and structural equation modeling. The results showed that here is a significant positive correlation between social skills and mindfulness with quality of life and psychological well-being. There is a significant negative correlation between behavioral problems and quality of life and psychological well-being. The mediating role of mindfulness in relation to social skills and behavioral problems with quality of life and psychological well-being was also confirmed (P <0.01). Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that increasing social skills and reducing students' behavioral problems in school improves the quality of life and psychological well-being of their mothers.

Phd Student Maryam Akbarzadeh, Dr. Parviz Sabahi, Dr. Parvin Rafienia, Dr. Afsaneh Moradi,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (9-2021)

The aim of this research was comparison of the effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy(MBCT) and Transcranial direct-current Stimulation(tDCS) in pain intensity and quality of life and their subcomponents on fibromyalgia patients. The study was semi-experimental pre-post treatment design. 36 fibromyalgia patients were selected and randomly classified into three MBCT, tDCS and sham group. The members of these groups were asked to complete short form of McGill Pain questionnaire and SF-36 Quality of life questionnaire before and after the intervention. Multivariate Covariance analysis showed that in terms of the pain intense variable, while both treatments were effective, but no significant differences between MBCT and tDCS treatment was seen(P<0.05) In terms of quality of life, the MBCT method was significantly more effective than both sham and tDCS groups(P<0.05) this paper showed significant results in effectiveness of MBCT and tDCS on fibromyalgia patients that could help the therapists to treat them and decrease their treatment costs.
Behzad Taghipuor, Seyede Fatemeh Sharifi, Fariba Abdi, Roqayeh Barzegaran,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2022)

The purpose of this study was to determine the role self-compassion and temperament character dimensions and in predicting quality of life women with musculoskeletal pain. This descriptive study is of correlative kind. Population ofthe research includes all the patients suffering from musculoskeletal pains who had referred to medical centers of Ardabil City. Sample of the study was 210 patients suffering from musculoskeletal pains whom were selected by an available manner. For collecting data, questionnaires ofself-compassion Raes & et al (2011), Temperament and character dimension Cloninger et al (1994) andquality of life were used. Obtained data was analyzed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regressions.The results of analyzing the multiple regressions showed that self-compassion (%31),dimensions of temperament (%22) and dimensions of character (%31) explained the common variance of quality of lifeWorld Health Organization (1989).These findings show that self compassion and temperament and characterdimensions  has a considerable role in predicting quality of life of the patients suffering from musculoskeletal pains. These results have important implications in prevention, pathology and clinical deal.

Ms Arefeh Ranjbar, Ms Maryam Janfada,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2022)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of early maladaptive schemas and Stress Coping Strategies of mothers on the quality of life of children 1 to 6 years old during the COVID-19 Epidemic. The method of this study is descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the study included all mothers with children aged 1 to 6 yearsThe sample consisted of 325 mothers who completed the questionnaires online. Data were collected using Early Maladaptive Scheme (YSQ- SF), Coping Inventory for Stressful Situation (Ciss), TNO-AZL Preschool Children Quality of Life Questionnaire (TAPQOL). Data was analyzed using multivariate analysis of multiple regression. Results showed 32% of quality of life of children variance during COVID-19 Epidemic can be explained by early maladaptive schemas and Stress Coping Strategies of mothers.The results of regression analyses revealed that maladaptive schemas of Emotional deprivation, Abandonment, Social Isolation, Defectiveness / Shame, Dependence, Vulnerability to harm or illness, Enmeshment/underdeveloped self and  Unrelenting standards of mothers predicts on the quality of life of children during the COVID-19 Epidemic.Thus , training of appropriate strategies for mothers to reduce the maladaptive schemas and to teach proper coping strategies For increase quality of life of children is essential.

Dr Mojtaba Aghili, Mrs Masoomeh Zarif, Dr Ensiyeh Babaee,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (9-2023)

This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of treatment based on acceptance and commitment on psychological symptoms, quality of life and stress in patients with physical symptoms disorder. The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population consisted of people with physical symptoms who referred to psychological counseling centers in West Tehran in 2001, and 30 people were selected by purposive sampling and placed in two experimental and control groups (15 people in each group). The research tools were questionnaires on psychological symptoms by Najarian and Davoudi (2010), quality of life by War et al. (1993) and perceived stress by Cohen et al. (1983). The research data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance test. The findings showed that the treatment based on acceptance and commitment is effective on psychological symptoms, quality of life and stress in patients with physical symptoms disorder. The results of the research indicate that treatment based on acceptance and commitment by using cognitive skills leads to a reduction in psychological symptoms, perceived stress and an increase in the quality of life of patients with physical symptoms.

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