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Showing 5 results for Phenomenology

Mohammad Sadegh Zamani Zarchi, Masoud Gholamali Lavasani , Javad Javad Ejei , Ali Ali Hosseinzadeh Oskouei, Sahar Samadi Kashan ,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2018)

Divorce is a reality in the lives of many people around the world. This phenomenon is affecting people's lives in many ways and is the origin of complex emotional, cognitive and physical changes in the family, especially children. In this regard, this study was conducted to explore the lived experience of children of divorce about their emotional experiences. In this qualitative study, a phenomenological framework was adopted. The population under study was 17 adolescents aged 12-18 years old; who had experienced the separation of their parents. The participants were selected purposively, and selection continued until data saturation. Data collected by semi-structured and face-to-face individual interviews. The data were analyzed using the Colaizzi`s proposed stages. The thematic analysis resulted in three sub-themes for emotional experiences including anger and hate, fear and feeling of defenseless. According to findings, the adolescents participating in the study faced with a variety of emotions and experiences during the divorce and thereafter. Based on the results, children of divorce have numerous mental and environmental perceptions and experiences which in some cases can affect their well-being and mental health. The results emphasize the need for a deeper explanation of the lived experience of these people by psychologists and social workers and implementing therapeutic interventions based on the content derived from the present study, focusing on improving their emotional states.

Mani Rafiee Ardestani, Hosein Eskandari, Ahmad Borjali, Dr Noorali Farrokhi,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (11-2018)

The loss reaction includes variety of the responses such as the bodily, emotional, existential and cognitive reactions. The strength of these responses can vary from the weak transitory emotional reactions to the lifelong strong ones, which can change the life story of the individuals. In this study, the qualitative data gathering on focus groups, the semi-structured interview about the loss experiences, and the life story interview by Mc Adams approach were applied on 21 participants. The phenomenological analysis of the manuscripts of the interviews used to investigate individual’s responses to the loss. Results showed three major clusters that include context of the loss, nature of the loss and the experimenter’s characteristics. In context of the loss, time and the sociocultural background of the loss experience is major themes. Another kinds of thems consisted of nature of the loss cluster includes its type, the obligatory versus the optional loss, and the predictable versus unpredictable loss. Finally, the participant’s characteristics included the life experiences, personality, and knowledge level of participants. Results shows the interactive effect of objective living world which the loss happens as an incident in it and the sobjective living world of the individual who experiences the loss.
Fatemeh Shahisadrabadi, Zohreh Khosravi, Shokooalsadat Banijamali, Leyla Cheraghmolaee,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (2-2019)

Emotional disturbance is a central attribute of pathology in various disorders, in particular OCD. Anger is one of the main emotions that has been neglected and these few findings have many contradictions and a lot of turmoil. Therefore, the present study was conducted to explore the lived experience of anger in these individuals. This research was qualitative research and was the kind of interperetative phenomenological analysis. Participants were 29 individuals with OCD who were selected by purposeful sampling and snowball sampling. Also Data collection was through semi-structured interviews, narrative interviews and imagery. In order to analyze, the data were used the principles of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The results of the study included 7 themes. Themes included control, disgust, revenge, helplessness, combating anger, disgust, discomfort and uncontrollability. The results indicate that the experience of anger in an OCD has a wide range that can indicate the heterogeneity of this disorder. Since the two main themes related to the experience of disgust, the findings reveal the key role of disgust in the disorder. The relationship between anger and disgust can also be looked at more precisely in this disorder. However, the association of each of the themes with some of the features of this disorder can lead to studies shifting to another according to the quality of emotional experience. That means exceptional and clear emotional experiences in each category can mean different pathologies, resulting in a different therapeutic approach to treatment of the disorder. In addition, the comparison of the meaning of anger and other major emotion with anxiety disorders and OCD can also be effective in identifying and delimiting this disorder.

Parvin Rahmatinejad, Majid Yazdi, Zohreh Khosravi, Fatemeh Shahisadrabadi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (6-2020)

Getting a new disease and unknown Covid 19 In addition to the risks to physical health leads to difficult and different psychological experiences due to the specific nature and characteristics of the disease. In addition to physical symptoms patients have a variety of psychological reactions that can act as a barrier to the healing process and increase their suffering during illness. Therefore the present study aims to discover the lived experience of these people to help reduce the suffering of these patients. The study method was qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The number of participants was 15 and they were selected by purposeful sampling method. A semi-structured interview was used to gather information. Data analysis was also performed by Colaizzi method. To Trustworthiness and validate the findings were used participants' review and monitoring methods, the researcher's self-observation in the data collection and analysis process and the recording of all their mental presuppositions in advance and their non-consideration in the analysis and review process and recoding of interviews by two other researchers. The research findings included 278 initial codes, which were extracted 6 main themes and 24 sub-themes according to the purpose and question of the research. Death anxiety, the experience of stigma, the experience of ambiguity, the positive emotional experiences, the emotions experienced in relation to family members and the emotions caused by quarantine were the main themes. Painful emotional experiences in these patients can lead to delays and difficulties in the recovery process of these people and in addition to the pain of the disease, it can also impose psychological suffering. Awareness of the disease to reduce the experience of ambiguity, psychological strategies to control death anxiety and social stigma, and strategies to manage the behavior and excitement of family members can be considered in the specific psychological interventions of these patients and reduce negative emotions and possibility better deal with the disease and psychological suffering caused by it.
Ms. Elahe Safaeian, Ms. Zohreh Khosravi, Ms. Azam Farah Bijari, Ms. Shaghayegh Zahraei,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Narcissistic personality disorder is always associated with a permanent disorder in interpersonal functioning, however, limited studies have addressed the phenomenological nature of interpersonal relationships in these people. Since vulnerable narcissistic personality disorder still does not have a place in the diagnostic classification of mental disorders after several decades, addressing the nature of interpersonal relationships in these people can help to better understand this disorder and to facilitate the process of diagnosis and treatment. The present study is a qualitative analysis of the narratives of 6 vulnerable narcissistic participants who participated in a semi-structured interview and described their relationships with others as they experience them. The implemented text of the interviews was analyzed according to the principles of interpretive phenomenological analysis and 11 main themes:"lack of sociability/fragile interpersonal relationships/interpersonal passivity/self-censorship due to fear of others' judgment/negative self-concept/approval and attention-seeking/fluctuation between anger towards self and others/defense mechanisms/power-seeking personality/definition of intimacy and interpersonal sensitivity" were extracted. In general, the findings of the current research show that despite the fact that these people need social relationships to satisfy their narcissistic needs,but their defense mechanisms prevent them from social relationships. Therefore, having or not having relationships is always a point of conflict for these people.

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