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Showing 4 results for Loneliness

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Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2015)

The use of virtual social networks has increased among Iranians in the recent years. The aim of this study was to compare some of the reasons of tendency to use these social networking sites (body image satisfaction, emotion regulation and loneliness) among male and female students. Research method of the
current study was a causal-comparative one. The study population included all male and female students of Kharazmi University living in its dormitory (Karaj unit) in the academic year 2014-2015; of this population 97 students (48 boys and 49 girls) were selected through convenience sampling method. In order to collect data, the short form of social and emotional loneliness scale for adults, body image rating scale and emotion regulation subscale of emotional intelligence questionnaire were used. The results of the current study showed that the two groups had no significant difference in body image satisfaction; however, average of emotion regulation, general loneliness, social loneliness and emotional loneliness was significantly higher in the female group. So it seems that the emotion regulation and loneliness have a role in the more use of social networks among girls.

Doctor Tahere Elahi, Afagh Zolfaghari,
Volume 16, Issue 2 (9-2022)

The presentstudy was conducted with the aim of investigating the role of interpersonal communication skills, personalitytraits and family cohesion with the mediating role of loneliness in the psychological problems of the physical disabled during social distancing. This correlational study byconvenience sampling method was done on 133of Physical disabled in Tehran in2020. For collecting data, the Anxiety, Stress, and Depression Scale(DASS-21), theMatson InterpersonalCommunication Skills Scale, the Samani Family Cohesion Scale (2002), the Neo Personality Traits, and the Russell Loneliness Scale were used. Pearson correlation coefficients betweenfamily cohesion and interpersonal communication skills with anxiety, stress and depression and between neuroticism with anxiety,Loneliness with stress, interpersonal communication skills and family cohesion were significant. The results of Multivariate regression analysis in hierarchical method showed that all of variablesinterpersonal communication skills, family cohesion,Personality Traits and loneliness accounted for61% of the variance in the psychological problems of the physically disabled.  The mediating role of loneliness with R3% was significant. interpersonal communication skills and neuroticism with beta coefficient -0.69and0.113 acordingly were significsnt predictors of psychologicsl problems, too. According to these results, Lack of interpersonal communication skills and tendency to experience negative emotions mediated by loneliness has been an important factor in aggravating the psychological problems of physicaldisabled.
Youness Yousefi, Asrin Mohamadi, Sara Tavazoei, Ahmad Amani,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (1-2023)

Down syndrome is a genetic disease that affects parents and impairs the functioning of the family, especially the mother .Mothers of children with Down syndrome face many challenges.
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of group intervention based on acceptance and commitment on family protective factors, emotional and social loneliness and parenting stress in mothers of children with Down syndrome.
Method: The design of the present study was a quasi-experimental type of pretest-posttest and follow-up with a control group.
Results: The results showed that group intervention based on acceptance and commitment increases mothers' scores on family protective factors, reduces feelings of emotional and social loneliness and parenting stress (in the dimensions of parental confusion and dysfunctional parent-child interaction).
Conclusion: According to the research findings, it is suggested to use group intervention based on acceptance and commitment to improve value-based interactions and strategies in mothers of children with Down syndrome.
Samira Atar, Dr Hasan Zareii Mahmoodabadi, Dr Najme Sedrpooshan,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (3-2024)

The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the mindful parenting training package on improving the parent-child relationship, parenting stress, and feelings of loneliness. The research method was practical in terms of purpose and quasi-experimental in terms of data collection method. The statistical population included all parents referring to psychology and counseling clinics in Shiraz, as well as psychologists and specialists in the field of working with children. Among them, 30 people who visited Aram counseling clinic were selected by available sampling method, then they were randomly replaced in two control and experimental groups (15 people each). The data collection tools were Gerard's Parent-Child Relationship Tension Questionnaire, the Abdin Parenting Stress Questionnaire, and Russell et al.'s Loneliness Scale. In order to analyze the data in the quantitative part of the descriptive statistical indicators such as frequency, mean and standard deviation and in order to generalize the findings from inferential statistics, the analysis of covariance test was used. Finally, the conclusion has been reached that the mindful parenting training package has an effect on improving the parent-child relationship, the mindful parenting training package has an effect on reducing parenting stress in mothers, and the mindful parenting training package has an effect on Reducing the feeling of loneliness in mothers has an effect.

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