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Showing 5 results for Arousal

Hoda Doos Ali Vand, Banafsheh Gharaie, Ali Asghar Asgharnejad Farid, Mir Farhad Ghalebandi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2010)

The goal of the present study was to predict safety behaviors in insomnia by investigating a number of predicting variables including depression, anxiety, worry, pre- sleep arousal (cognitive and somatic arousal), dysfunctional beliefs about sleep and metacognitive beliefs in insomnia. 400 students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences participated in this study and all participants completed Depression Anxiety Stress Scales(DASS), Penn State Worry Questionnaire, Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale, Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep Scale(DBAS), Metacognitions Questionnaire-Insomnia and Sleep Related Behaviors Questionnaire. All variables were significantly correlated with safety behaviors. Stepwise multiple regression analysis suggested that metacognitive beliefs in insomnia, somatic arousal and dysfunctional beliefs about sleep predicted safety behaviors in insomnia. Depression, anxiety, worry and cognitive arousal were excluded from the predicting model. The findings underlined the significant influence that metacognitive beliefs in insomnia, somatic arousal and dysfunctional beliefs about sleep had on individuals’ behaviors. Moreover, the results suggested that metacognitive beliefs in insomnia may need to be considered an important factor in maintaining insomnia.
Neda Nazarboland, Parviz Azadfallah, Ali Fathi Ashtiani, Hasan Ashayeri,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (9-2011)

This study investigated the degree of cortical arousal of the forehead during working memory performance in personality dimension of anxiety. Based on Gray’s definition of personality dimension of anxiety, in a pseudo-empirical study a sample of female students (n=793) aged from 18 to 28 years old completed Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and Carver and White’s Approach/Avoidance scale. 15 subjects whose scores were simultaneously in the upper distribution of Neuroticism and lower distribution of Extraversion (N+E-) were selected as high trait anxiety group (Anx+), and low trait anxiety group (Anx-) consisted of 15 subjects with higher scores of Extraversion and lower scores of Neuroticism (N-E+). Then their EEG was taken in baseline mode and while performing working memory task. Total scores in 1-back working memory task were taken as the indicator of working memory performance and EEG alpha oscillation during 1-back task was taken as cortical arousal index. Data were analyzed using T-test for independent samples. Results revealed that high trait anxious subjects showed more arousability in their right and left cortex of forehead during working memory performance, while their performance in working memory tasks was impaired in comparison with low trait anxious group. These Results supported Processing Efficiency Theory, which means although high trait anxious individuals employed higher mental effort during executive functions, their processing efficiency was impaired.
Seyed Kazem Rasoolzade Tabatabai, Alireza Moradi, Maryam Tajik Esmaeili,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2012)

The present research aimed to study the effect of the pleasant emotional arousal on the memory consolidation. To achieve this goal, of the students of three different universities: Tehran university, Tarbiat Modares Universities and Tehran’s Azad University (south branch), 60 undergraduate students (30 men and 30 women),who were accessible, were selected, and then they were divided accidentally into two groups (experimental and control groups). They learned a list of words and participated in a word recall test immediately after learning. Then, members of the experimental group watched positive emotional excerpts and members of the control group watched a neutral excerpt of a film. In this study, the scores of the delayed free recall and recognition tests which were carried out 30 minutes after learning the list of words, were considered the dependent variable. Independent t-test was used to analyze the revealed data. Mean score in delayed free recall and recognition tests was significantly higher (p<0/01) in experimental group compared to control group. These findings showed that emotional arousal following the learning, would consolidate the memory and this consolidation is achieved regardless of emotional or neutral nature of the stimulus of the learned materials.
Fatemeh, Nazemi, Ahmad, Alipor, Faezeh, Abedi Jafari,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2014)

The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between personality traits and cognitive dissonance with eating disorder symptoms. This study was a correlational research and statistical population of the study included the persons who went to the nutritional clinics of Tehran in 2013. Of this population, 103 persons were selected through simple random sampling. Research tools included big five factor personality inventory, DARQ and eating attitude test. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Results showed that there was a significant relationship between the eating disorder symptoms and personality traits of the neuroticism arousal and cognitive arousal. Also the result of regression analysis indicated that the personality traits of the openness to experience and cognitive arousal could predict the eating disorder symptoms. Clinically, measurement of personality traits can be very helpful in identifying the obese and overweight persons who are at risk of abnormal eating behaviors. Furthermore, the results of this study showed the existence of arousal in causing compulsive behavior in dissonance condition and proposed the reduction of dissonance in treatment programs related to the eating behaviors.
Maryam Taghavi Jelodar, Hamid Poursharifi, Mohammad Ali Nazari, Hasan Shahrokhi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (5-2017)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of computer games with different stimulating on arousal levels in 8 to 12 years old boys using SCL index and SAM test and the method of the study is quasi-experimental design. The population consisted of all boys 8 to 12 years old at region 4 Education in Tabriz (2011-2012). The sample included 15 boys whom were selected through random sampling method. The arousal levels of participants measured via Skin Conductance Level (SCL), as a physiologic index, in 6 steps including: first baseline, first intervention (Playing the computer game with low stimulating), second baseline, third baseline, second intervention (Playing the computer game with high stimulating) and fourth baseline. In order to analyze the data, repeated measure ANOVA was used.The results showed that the levels of SCL in participants remarkably increased during the interventions phases compared with baselines phases. According to the findings of the study, computer game with high stimulating rate is more effective in raising arousal level in participants than low stimulating game.

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