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Vahid Nejati, Saman Kamari, Shahriar Shahidi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (September 2017, Volume 11, Issue 2 2017)

The aim of present study was to investigate the relationship between positive and negative self-reference traits and positivity components. The study was descriptive and correlational research. The Statistical population included all undergraduate and postgraduate students at Shahid Beheshti University that 187 students (82 boys and 105 girls) were selected by convenience sampling. Research tools consisted of Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, Snyder hope scale, life orientation questionnaire and checklist the self-reference traits. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between happiness and life expectancy with positive and negative traits of self-reference. Optimism was not associated with positive and negative traits of self-reference. Also, positive traits of self-reference were negatively associated with negative traits of self-reference. On the other hand, the results of multiple regression analysis showed that happiness and hope were predictors of positive traits of self-reference.  Also, negative traits of self-reference were predicted by hope. It seems that processing negative and positive information related to the self were influenced by happiness and positive life expectancy. Self-Reference paradigm was an appropriate approach for conducting researches in positive psychology research.

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