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Showing 9 results for fathi

Parirokh Dadsetan, Maryam Tehranizadeh, Kazem Rasolzadeh Tabatabaye, Parviz Azadfallah, Ali Fathi- Ashtiany,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (11-2009)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of coping cat protocol on the coping strategies of children, aged 9 to 11 years old, afflicted with internalized disorder. This study was a true experimental research including pretest, posttest and a control group. The population of the study was all the children afflicted with internalized disorder in Tehran, Iran, and the sample of the study consisted of 80 children (40 children in the experimental group and 40 children in the control group) who were randomly selected based on the parents and teacher’s reports and interviews and the subjects received 16 sessions of coping cat program. Child  Behavior check list(CBCL) , Teacher Report Form(TRF) of Achenbach system of Empirically Based Assessment(Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001), clinical  Diagnosis Interview and Frydenberg & Luise’s(1992) coping strategies Questionnaire were  used to evaluate the two groups before and after receiving treatment protocol. The factorial analysis of covariance revealed that there was significant difference between experimental and control groups in terms of adjusted, unadjusted and solicitous coping strategies after posttest stage and gender factor did not moderate the outcomes.
Mehrzad Farahati, Ali Fathi Ashtiani, Alireza Moradi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2010)

  The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the dimensions of Family communication patterns (conversation orientation and conformity orientation) and adolescents' Shyness. The sample the study included 367 students, 232 girls and 135 boys, who were first and second high school students in the first region of Tehran, and they were selected through multistage cluster sampling method. The subjects filled in the revised family communication patterns scale (koerner & Fitzpatrick, 2002) and Cheek and Buss Shyness scale (1981). Regression analysis was used to predict shyness by Dimensions of family communication patterns. Then, four kinds of families were extracted based on high and low scores on dimensions of family communication patterns and the adolescents’ shyness in these families was compared by using One-way ANOVA analysis. The results of regression analysis revealed that family conversation orientation had a negative and significant relationship with shyness and predicted it negatively and family conformity orientation had a positive and significant relationship with adolescents' shyness and predicted it positively. The results of the analysis of variance indicated a significant difference between these groups and showed that the children in consensual and pluralistic Families had less shyness than the children in protective and careless families. The findings of the present research showed that  families with conversation orientation, who had free, comfortable and rich relationships as a need for joyful family life, raised children who are less shy in comparison with the children being raised in the families with conformity orientation
Vida Hashemi, Parviz Azadfallah, Ali Fathi Ashtiani, Abbasali Allahyari,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (3-2011)

Recently, the study of cognitive processes in impulsive individuals has attracted the researchers’ attention. Considering impulsivity as a multidimensional construct, this study was performed to compare cognitive processing speed in 80 female college students who, on the basis of their scores on UPPS Impulsivity Scale (Whiteside & Lynam, 2001), were divided into four groups (n=20 for each) which were dominant in one of the impulsivity components (i.e. Urgency, Lack of Premeditation, Lack of Perseverance, Sensation seeking). Reaction time task was administered on all participants in two positive and negative mood contexts (which was induced by music). Results revealed a significant difference between the functioning of Urgency group and two other groups (Lack of Premeditation & Lack of Perseverance) in negative mood context. There were no significant differences between four groups’ functioning in positive mood context. The role of impulsivity dimensions and mood context on cognitive processing speed was discussed. In general the findings of present research emphasize the multidimensional concept of impulsivity & provide new guides to study lateralized cognitive processes according to personality constructs.
Neda Nazarboland, Parviz Azadfallah, Ali Fathi Ashtiani, Hasan Ashayeri,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (9-2011)

This study investigated the degree of cortical arousal of the forehead during working memory performance in personality dimension of anxiety. Based on Gray’s definition of personality dimension of anxiety, in a pseudo-empirical study a sample of female students (n=793) aged from 18 to 28 years old completed Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and Carver and White’s Approach/Avoidance scale. 15 subjects whose scores were simultaneously in the upper distribution of Neuroticism and lower distribution of Extraversion (N+E-) were selected as high trait anxiety group (Anx+), and low trait anxiety group (Anx-) consisted of 15 subjects with higher scores of Extraversion and lower scores of Neuroticism (N-E+). Then their EEG was taken in baseline mode and while performing working memory task. Total scores in 1-back working memory task were taken as the indicator of working memory performance and EEG alpha oscillation during 1-back task was taken as cortical arousal index. Data were analyzed using T-test for independent samples. Results revealed that high trait anxious subjects showed more arousability in their right and left cortex of forehead during working memory performance, while their performance in working memory tasks was impaired in comparison with low trait anxious group. These Results supported Processing Efficiency Theory, which means although high trait anxious individuals employed higher mental effort during executive functions, their processing efficiency was impaired.
Mahnaz Shahgholian, Parviz Azad –falah‎, Ali ‏ Fathi Ashtiani‏,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (3-2012)

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the metacognitive processes regard to the dimensions of anxiety and impulsivity. First, the sample of the study, 600 female students of Tarbiat Modares University, completed the Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Then, based on the subjects’ score in lie scale and their extreme scores in extraversion and neuroticism dimensions, 4 groups (15 subjects in each group) consisting of high anxiety (Anx+), low anxiety (Anx-), high impulsivity (Imp+) and low impulsivity (Imp-) subjects were selected, and completed Stroop and Wisconsin tests. The results indicated that the quality of metacognitive process and the executive functions similar to it were better in Anx- group in comparison to Anx+ group and in Imp- group in comparison to Imp+ group. Generally speaking, the results of this study highlight the effect of anxiety and impulsivity on metacognitive processes.
Fahimeh Ghahvehchi., Ali Fathi-Ashtiani, Parviz Azadfallah,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2012)

study was conducted to examine the relationship between meta cognitive beliefs
and female students’ test anxiety coping styles by considering the role of ambivalent attachment. In a correlative study, 202 female students in the third grade of Yazd’s
middle school were selected by random cluster sampling and then completed the
Spielberger Anxiety questionnaire, Meta cognitive Beliefs
Questionnaire and Collins and Raid attachment questionnaire. Pearson's correlation test and regression
analysis were used to analyze the data. The present study showed that there was a positive relationship between
test anxiety and cognitive beliefs, avoidant coping style, emotional-based coping style and ambivalent attachment. Also there was direct and significant relationship between meta cognitive beliefs and
avoidant coping style, issue-oriented
copying style, emotional-based coping style and ambivalent
attachment. Emotional coping styles were also
positively and significantly oriented with ambivalent attachment. Results of the step by step regression analysis
showed that meta cognitive beliefs explained   27% of the variance the test anxiety by
themselves, while the coping style along with meta cognitive
beliefs explained approximately 32% of the variance of test anxiety and if
ambivalent attachment added to meta cognitive beliefs and
coping style, 34% of the variance of test anxiety can be explained
approximately. Due to the effectiveness of the proper use of coping styles in dealing with the test anxiety, the
necessary trainings in this area can prevent
the students from being challenged by the test anxiety which could have many
negative effects on their performance. Also parents as
those having a role in the formation of their children’s attachment should
undergo necessary training.
Elham Fathi, Masoomeh Esmaeily, Kiumars Farahbakhsh, Manijeh Daneshpour,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (vol 10, Num 2 2016)

Marital satisfaction is an effective factor in physical and Psychological health of community. The purpose of this study was to present an Iranian satisfied marriage Model.  This study was done with qualitative research and grounded theory method. Purposeful sampling was used to collect the data. Sampling continued until theoretical saturation was obtained. Totally 20 participants (10 couples) with high marital satisfaction were interviewed in semi structured and in-depth method and analyzed using the constant comparative method of Strauss and Corbin.  Findings indicated that progress toward maintaining and validating relationship is the core category of the study. The causal condition of the study was congruent spouse selection based upon well knowing of each other. The intervening condition of the study was categorized and explained in four categories of personal, couples, families, and parental levels. The strategies couples used in conflicts between themselves and families were explained. Finally the outcome of the core category was marital satisfaction that is explained more in detail. Marital satisfaction is related to culture and therefore studies should be done in the context of the culture and society
Shima Razian, Ali Fathi-Ashtiani, Hamidreza Hassanabadi, Emad Ashrafi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (volume13, Issue 3 2019)

This study was designed in order to evaluate the reliability and validity of Persian version of Self- concept clarity (SCC).The present study is a descriptive- correlation study. 577 students  who were selected via available sampling method. After forward and backward translations of the Self- concept clarity, the original version was compared with the Persian version .Similarities and differences were reviewed and corrected. After the scale was prepared, the Cronbach's alpha test was used to determine the validity of the test. To determine the validity of construct validity methods, convergent and divergent validity was used. Data were analyzed using Factor analysis and Pearson’s correlation method. The findings of factor analysis indicated that this scale is uni-factor in the Iranian sample. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the factor structure resulted from exploratory factor analysis which was not different from the proposed factors in original questionnaire. Test-retest reliability was 0.85 and internal consistency of the scale was 0.83 by using Cronbach's alpha, Correlation between the two half-tests was 0.67. Also, the correlation with Rogers self- concept scale was -0.62 and correlation with physiological symptoms sub-scale was -0.13.The results show that the persian version of the of self-concept clarity is a reliable and valid scale.

Abolfazl Hatami Varzaneh, Elham Fathi, Hamid Khanipour, Narges Habibi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (volume14, Issue 1(COVID-19 and Mental health) 2020)

With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic disease and the social and economic consequences of this pandemic, volunteering and helping activities especially for needy people and the society in crisis developed. The aim of this study was to explore the role of attachment styles, empathy and self-compassion in predicting attitude toward helping during Covid-19 Outbreak in Iranian society. The present study conducted in April and May 2020 in Iran. The study sample (n=348) selected by convenient sampling method. Instruments of this study were the adult attachment scale, self-compassion scale, basic empathy scale, and helping attitude scale. Findings showed that participation of women; employed ones and the 25-35 year old age group were more than men, unemployed ones and other age group. There was significant difference between volunteer and non-volunteer groups in helping attitude, self-judgment, isolation, mindfulness, over-identification and secure attachment style. Correlation coefficients indicated that self-kindness; common humanity, isolation, mindfulness, cognitive empathy and secure attachment had positive significant correlation with helping attitude. In addition, anxious attachment negatively associated with helping attitude. Regression analysis indicated that cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, secure attachment style and mindfulness predicted helping attitude. It can conclude that volunteers for community services during COVID-19 outbreak had positive attitude toward helping and had more secure attachment styles and higher level of self-compassion in comparison to non-volunteers. It seems having strong empathy, secure attachment style and being mindful, are psychological prerequisites for having positive volunteering and helping attitudes.

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