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Samira Atar, Dr Hasan Zareii Mahmoodabadi, Dr Najme Sedrpooshan,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (Volume17 Issue 4 2024)

The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the mindful parenting training package on improving the parent-child relationship, parenting stress, and feelings of loneliness. The research method was practical in terms of purpose and quasi-experimental in terms of data collection method. The statistical population included all parents referring to psychology and counseling clinics in Shiraz, as well as psychologists and specialists in the field of working with children. Among them, 30 people who visited Aram counseling clinic were selected by available sampling method, then they were randomly replaced in two control and experimental groups (15 people each). The data collection tools were Gerard's Parent-Child Relationship Tension Questionnaire, the Abdin Parenting Stress Questionnaire, and Russell et al.'s Loneliness Scale. In order to analyze the data in the quantitative part of the descriptive statistical indicators such as frequency, mean and standard deviation and in order to generalize the findings from inferential statistics, the analysis of covariance test was used. Finally, the conclusion has been reached that the mindful parenting training package has an effect on improving the parent-child relationship, the mindful parenting training package has an effect on reducing parenting stress in mothers, and the mindful parenting training package has an effect on Reducing the feeling of loneliness in mothers has an effect.

Samira Atar, Dr Hasan Zareii Mahmoodabadi, Dr Najme Sedrpooshan,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (Volume18, Issue 1 2024)

Mindful parenting is a new application of mindfulness that aims to improve parenting by promoting parental attention, increasing awareness of parenting stress, and reducing parental reactivity. The purpose of this study was to identify the components of mindful parenting. The research method was qualitative and the strategy was thematic analysis. The research environment included all parents who referred to psychology and counseling clinics in Shiraz, as well as psychologists and specialists in the field of working with children. Using the available sampling method and semi-structured interviews, a total of 12 people were selected. After collecting the data, analysis and coding were performed. The results showed that the components of mindful parenting include: appropriate behavior towards the child, age and capacity of the child, problem-solving efforts, child-like role model, leveling with the child, deep attention to interaction with the child, self-regulation, preventing judgment of the child, promoting emotional intelligence, empathy with the child, and forgiveness.

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