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Showing 5 results for ZAHRAKAR

Mohammad, Shakarami, Kianoush, Zahrakar, Farshad, Mohsenzadeh,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2014)

The present study investigated the mediating role of conflict resolution styles in relation between sexual satisfaction and interpersonal cognitive distortions with marital commitment. This study is an exploratory study of the association schemes. The study population comprised all married employees Tehran’ Farabi Hospital in 2014 (517 persons), of whom 221 persons were selected based on sample size formula by random sampling. For data gathering was used from marital commitment, interpersonal cognitive distortions, sexual satisfaction and Rahim conflict resolution styles questionnaires. Data analysis was performed by AMOS software and path analysis.Results showed that the conflict resolution styles (constructive and unconstructive), interpersonal cognitive distortions and sexual satisfaction are significantly correlated with marital commitment and assuming model was confirmed with the independent variables of sexual satisfaction and interpersonal cognitive distortions in relation with marital commitment. Also the effect of all variables on marital commitment is significant. We can in addition helping to couples that solve their conflicts, increasing their marital commitment with corrected couples Interpersonal cognitive distortions and enhancement of levels’ sexual satisfaction and conflict resolution styles education to they.
Abdollah Jamali, Gholam Ali Afrooz, Masood Gholam Ali Lavasani, Kianoosh Zahrakar,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (12-2014)

The purpose of this study is determination effectiveness of training relationship enhancement on romantic insecurity mothers with Down syndrome child. This study Performed style Experimental pretest, posttest and follow test with control group. The study population consists of all the mothers who have Down syndrome child in eslamshahr that their children were studying in exceptional schools that city (school year 2012-2013). From mental retardation children Educational Centers in eslamshahr, all mothers of children with Down syndrome were identified (40 mothers) and were randomly assigned to in both control and experimental groups. Members of both groups (4) people removed who had frequent absences or did not attend in completing the questionnaire. Finally, the sample size reached 16 people For each of the groups and   were assessed by  romantic relationship scale In three steps pretest, posttest and follow test. Experimental group received Relatiosnship enhancement Program for 10 sessions. For data analysis, was used repeated measures design. Data results of the analysis showed relationship enhancement training was effective on the romantic insecurity mothers with down syndrome child and it Has been lead to improved Romantic insecurity mothers with down syndrome also this improvement was maintained Follow up. It is recommended with regard to the effectiveness of relationship enhancement program on romantic insecurity relationship mothers with down syndrome child be used this program for Improve relationships  parents with exceptional children.
Samaneh Khazaei, Shokouh Navabinejad, Valiollah Farzad, Kianoosh Zahrakar,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (vol 10, Num 2 2016)

Objective:This study examined the psychometric properties of CRAS of Nelson & Carol (2006) in Iranian couples.. Method: The research was a descriptive-survey study.The study population was composed of married couples in Birjand city.In this study, 350 couples (700) were selected among Birjand couples using available sampling method,& CRAS of Carole & Nelson(2006),revised marital conflict questionnaire of Sanaei (2008) & marital adjustment questionnaire of Spinner (1976) were used. To analyze the data, the statistical indices of Pearson correlation, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and exploratory factor analysis (using spss 23 software),& confirmatory factor analysis (using AMOS 23software) were used.Results: Exploratory factor analysis showed that the 12-item CRAS in Iranian sample has been saturated from two factors (social Love withdrawal and social sabotage) explaining 56 percent of the scale variance. Confirmatory factor analysis also showed that two-factor model of CRAS has good fitness with data (AGFI =0.93, NFI =0.94, RMSEA =0.06). Cronbach's alpha coefficient was obtained 0.85, convergent validity was obtained 0.4, and divergent validity was obtained -0.42 that all of them were significant at P0.01.Conclusion: In general, the results showed that CRAS of Carole & Nelson (2006) has good validity & reliability & it can be used to measure the CRA of couples.

Dr Samaneh Khazaei, Dr Shokouh Navabinejad, Dr Valiollah Farzad, Dr Kianoosh Zahrakar,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (5-2021)

This study has been aimed to investigate the mediating role of feelings of shame and guilt in the relationship of the attachment styles and covert relational aggression (CRA) in marriage. The present study is a correlational study as a type of structural equation modeling (SEM). The statistical population consisted of 320 married couples collected by convenience sampling in Birjand Collected data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and SEM methods. The results of the research showed that there is a significant relationship between research variables. Testing the conceptual model showed that feelings of shame and guilt had a significant mediating role in the relationship between anxiety attachment style and CRA (love withdrawal and social sabotage). According to the results, anxious attachment style has more effect on feelings of shame and guilt. The results indicated the effective role of secure attachment styles, anxiety and avoidance on love withdrawal. Feelings of shame had a significant positive relationship with both CRA and feelings of guilt had a significant relationship only with social sabotage. The results of the mediator role also showed a significant role of shame and guilt in the relationship between anxiety attachment style and CRA (love withdrawal and social sabotage).

Mr Masoud Afshani, Dr Abdolrahim Kasaee Esfahani, Dr Kianoush Zahrakar,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (Volume18, Issue 1 2024)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of using social networks in the relationship between authoritarian and permissive parenting styles and academic procrastination in first secondary school students. The research was of the correlation type, and the statistical population included all the students of the first secondary level of Ashnoye city in 1401. In this study, 339 people (170 girls and 169 boys) were selected as a statistical sample using the multi-stage cluster random sampling method. In order to collect information, Bamrind's 1967 parenting styles (PSI), Solomon and Rothblum's academic procrastination (PASS) 1984, and Jahan Bani's social networks (2017) were used. The data were analyzed by covariance analysis and structural equation modeling. The results of the current research regarding the mediation of the use of social networks in the relationship between authoritarian parenting style and academic procrastination showed that authoritarian parenting style not only directly but also indirectly and with the mediation of the use of social networks on students' academic procrastination. It has an effect.

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