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Showing 3 results for Safaie

Omid Shokri, Raheme Salehi, Maryam Safaie, Masomeh Abdalkhaleghi,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2014)

This study examined the mediating role of religious coping on the relationship between perceived stress and emotional well-being among cancer patients. On a sample consisting of 155 cancer patients were administrated the Brief Religious Coping Scale (Pargament, Koenig & Perez, 2000), the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein, 1983) and the positive affect and negative affect schedule (Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988). Structural equation modeling was used to assess the mediating role of religious coping on the relationship between perceived stress and emotional well-being among cancer patients. Results indicated that there is a significant positive correlation between perceived self-efficacy with positive religious coping, significant positive correlation between perceived helplessness with negative religious coping, significant positive correlation between perceived self-efficacy with positive affect and a significant positive correlation between perceived helplessness with negative affect. Results also indicated that the relationship between perceived stress and emotional well-being by positive and negative religious coping strategies is mediated. All of the regression weights in the proposed model were statistically significant and model' predictors accounted for 80 and 60% of the variance in positive and negative affect, respectively. These findings show that in cancer patients when encountering to stressful experiences, difference in scores of positive and negative affect among patients, accounted for by difference in degree of positive and negative religious coping strategies.
Shekoofeh Mottaghi, Sedighe Safaie,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (September 2017, Volume 11, Issue 2 2017)

This study was conducted to investigate the psychometric properties of Persian language version of internet abusive use questionnaire (IAUQ). Translation-back translation was used to prepare the Persian version of the IAUQ. The target population of the study included all students in public universities in Yazd Province, Iran. Using convenience sampling, a total of 318 correctly completed questionnaires of IAUQ, Young's questionnaire for internet addiction and demographic properties  were collected. Collected data were analyzed by synchronous reliability, internal consistency, explanatory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and Chronbach's alpha. Findings extracted two factors for the questionnaire. Also, Chronbach's alpha coefficient and convergent reliability were 0/91 and 0/82, respectively.  After content validation, confirmatory factor analysis was used to investigate construct validity of IAUQ. Finding  showed The dual-factor structure corresponds to the proposed factors in original questionnaire. Results showed that the IAUQ  for Iranian society have optimal psychometric properties and could be used  in Iranian sample.

Dr Reza Karimi, Mrs Kazem Sattari, Mis Saeede Noormohamadi, Dr Sedighe Safaie,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Introduction: Collective disasters, especially those involving infectious diseases, often increase the wave of fear and anxiety that causes widespread disturbances in the behavior and psychological well-being of many people. The purpose of this study was to construct, establish and validate a questionnaire on the psychological dimensions of the Corona epidemic in 1399. Methods: The sample consisted of 542 people who were invited to cooperate with the available method and online. For this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared based on the theoretical literature and existing research in the field of the corona epidemic. In this study, the psychosocial dimensions of the corona pandemic consist of 5 sub-scale: generalized anxiety disorder, quarantine, and social distancing, coping skills, and frustration, and suicide. Initially, items were formulated for each dimension, and after formulating the initial questions, face validity, content, and reliability (internal consistency) were measured. Results: The results showed that by removing some items, the questionnaire with 28 items and 5 dimensions has significant validity. (Validity of 0.74 in the whole test and 0.68 to 0.95 in the subscales). Conclusion: The results show that by using this test, the psychological dimensions of the coronavirus epidemic can be identified.

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